Friday, December 19, 2014

Time enough at last

My available time to write took a big blow back at the end of August. I used to find myself with a couple free hours everyday to write, but due to a very good change in my life, I suddenly did not have as much time. I still have time to write, but I have to sacrifice doing something else I like to do now, whereas before I could write and do the other things I liked, So, it has been a struggle at times. I have been writing, but at a much slower pace.

Well, the next three days are completely mine. I have a story that I want to write. I have it pretty much mapped out in my head who the characters are and where I want to go, and I now have the time. I've decided to set the story at Christmas time to "force" myself to try and get it done before the 25th. I think I can do it. I have the idea, and I have the time. Now, I just have to stop doing things like writing on this blog and get to it.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Story Recommendation: SRU: Second Hand Smoke

Seeing as how I just posted a mix of TG and smoking stories to DeviantArt, I thought that I'd recommend a smoking TG story. SRU: Second Hand Smoke was written by Debi back in 1999. I particularly liked that the main character's introduction to smoking included a mental and physical transformation into a woman while having sex with a beautiful female smoker. Debi has three other stories posted on FictionMania, all of them combining smoking and mtf transformation.
