Thursday, October 5, 2017

What's going on - 10/5/2017

Well, it's been ten months since I posted one of these story updates. I figured that it was high time that I do so again.

I've been spending quite a bit of my writing time since the last post working on Heather's story. It has grown into quite the monster. When I started revising it in early December 2016 it was 56,188 words long. I've already posted 101,131 words and I still have at least another 20k to post (probably more). I've also done some other writing, but it's been mostly the Heather show since my last update.

I'm taking a bit of a break from Heather's story at the moment. I'm revising a story that will be illustrated and then posted on It will be back to Heather's story once it's been revised.
My plan for the next few months is to continue to revise stories in October and then participate in NanoWriMo in November. Instead of writing another novel, I'm going to focus on shorter stories for NanoWriMo. First I'll finish the first draft "Kat", after that ???.

It will be back to revising in December. If I manage to get another chapter of Heather posted before November then I'll work on "Kat" first.

Revision Queue

This story is a magical TG story that will be illustrated story and then posted on sometime in the future. It will probably hit around 70k words once its complete.

This is the third story in The Bethany series. It focuses on the downfall of Bethany's sister. 101k words posted and counting. There's Saturday night, all of Sunday and the first part of Monday still to get through.

A young woman who meets up with a mischievous magical woman who grants the girl's wishes, but only the ones she feels like granting. I'd like this to become a series.

"Trailer Park"
This started off as a short story set in The Road Trip world, but became much more involved. I wrote this during last year's NanoWriMo. It stands at 50k words at the moment and not one of them in my computer yet. I like writing in journals, but I hate rewriting them into the computer. This may end up being the first story of a series.

"The Road Trip shorts"
I have a couple of short stories written that are set in The Road Trip world. They are all about victims of Enid's magic wand. They are my take on reader suggestions.

Involves a group of high school girls who are having a sleep over. One of the girls finds a stash of cigarettes, a few of which were made by The Tobacconist.

"new dad"
First draft completed 6/18/2015
Son curses step-dad and soon he, his step-dad, his girlfriend and his mother are all changing physically and mentally.

"Ghost 2"
First draft completed 5/31/2015
This is a poor name, even for a place holder. It reflects the genesis for the idea, but not the story itself. In a nutshell it is a story that starts off as The Birth of Bethany, except that Elizabeth's boyfriend, Paul, encounters the strange being. It goes off in its own direction from there. (Ghost was my working title for The Birth of Bethany)

Posted to this blog on 9/1/2015
Steve Wells gave me some great notes on this story. Once I have the time I'll use them to do a rewrite of this story and then post it somewhere like Fictionmania (or maybe Amazon).
Magical TG with MtF and FtM. Husband and wife start taking on each others characteristics.

Future First Drafts
Here are a couple of stories that I plan to work on. I have many others that are partially finished that I may restart, but I'm only going to list a few that are in the "most likely" category.

A girl gets Kardashianised. I've got around 5k words written on this. I also have a decent outline. THis will be the first story that I work on during NanoWriMo

Jersey Shore sequel
A follow up to the Jersey Shore. It will have more Jersification and some FMG. Ting-Lan, Luann, and the rest of the family will be in it, too.

"The bet"
A young woman who makes a bet with her brother, one she can't lose. Unfortunately for her she does lose. This sets her on a path that will have big consequences for her and her friend's lives. A major influence for this story is the character arc for the female lead in the movie "Deathgasm". This will be a non-magical, corruption story.

A well established man with an intense TG curiosity gets a hold of the Medallion of Zulu. He offers a stripper a large sum of money to assume her life for a few days. Her life is a lot more complicated than he realized.

A woman who meets a rich man with certain sexual desires. He is up front about it and she lets him know that she does not share those desires. They fall in love anyway. She eventually starts giving in. Once she's completely in, he turns his eye on her daughters.

"The Road Trip"
It is my intention to continue writing The Road Trip once I get a few of my other stories posted. I think that I'll write of a synopsis for each of the previous chapters and post them along with Chapter 8. Personally, it will help me reacquaint myself with the characters and it will help the readers get caught up on the story, too.

And many more that I'm not going to list right now.


  1. Oh, I'm so looking forward to reading "Kat"! Then again, I look forward to anything that you write.

    1. Thanks, hopefully I wont make you wait too long.

  2. Have you dropped the sequel to Jersey Shored then?

    1. Thanks for reminding me. I added it to the post.

  3. It's been a while since you pushed out an update. I hope everything is ok.

  4. Is this blog dead?

  5. Hi Varian, do you have an update to this list? Looking forward to these stories.
