Monday, August 18, 2014

Story: Unforced Errors

Unforced Errors
By Varian Milagro

“This is Yolanda Tackleberry reporting for the Tennis Channel and, along with hundreds of adoring fans, I am waiting for Christine Mahoney to emerge from Vagisil stadium where she has just won the American open single women’s title for the second year in a row and securing a non-calendar year Grand Slam. Standing with me is Christine’s coach Angela Harris,” Yolanda said into her wireless microphone, trying to shout over the noise of the crowd. The young, pretty, blonde reporter thrust her microphone into the face of a middle aged woman standing next to her. “Angela, you must be proud today.”

“Yes, I couldn’t be more proud of Christine. She has dedicated her life to tennis and it is wonderful to see her hard work and dedication paying off,” Angela replied.

“Besides Christine, did you not coach today’s top three finishers in women’s singles at one time, better known as the ‘Holy Trinity’?”

“Yes, but that was many years ago when they were teens. Once they turned professional Jeanette Jones and Nichole Thompson found new coaches. Coaching a professional tennis champion is a full time job and I simply could not coach all three. By the way they find that nickname offensive.”

“Isn’t it true that the nickname originated because in addition to their strict religious beliefs and their dedication to anti-smoking, abstinence and anti-drug organizations, they are constantly ranked one through three?”

“Yes, but the girls find the term sacrilegious,” Angela retorted.

Yolanda said something into her microphone, but she was drowned out by the roar that erupted from the crowd. Yolanda turned around to see three women emerging from the stadium. They made their way along the path which was cordoned off by ropes and enforced by large men in security uniforms. All three were in their early twenties and dressed in conservative street clothes. They waved to the crowd and signed autographs as they slowly advanced towards Yolanda and Angela. The first woman to make it to Yolanda stood five-seven, had a slim figure and had her strawberry blonde hair pulled into a ponytail which hung to the middle of her back.

“Jeanette, how does it feel to place second today, were you disappointed to lose to Christine in the finals?” Yolanda asked.

“I am happy with my play and Christine played outstanding. I praise the Lord that he has given me the opportunity to compete,” Jeanette replied.

“Do you have a special strategy for the Paris Open next month? If you face Christine again, do you think you can beat her?”

“It is not in my hands. All I can do is work hard, and pray that God’s will be done.”

“Thank you, Jeanette,” Yolanda said before turning to a busty brunette with shoulder length auburn hair. “Nichole, let me congratulate you on third place. You played a great tournament. Any regrets?”

“None. While I lost in the semi-finals to Christine, I was able to push it into a tie breaker, more than anyone else has been able to do against Christine for over a year now.”

“It is common knowledge that you, Christine and Jeanette are great friends and even bought houses on the same street, how will you feel if you win the next tournament? Christine will be competing for the single year Great Slam; if you defeat her you’ll stop her from her dream.”

“I root for Jeanette and Christine in every tournament. When we compete against each other we play as hard as we can and cheer the other’s success. If I win it will be with the knowledge that Christine will be as proud of me as I am of her today.”

“Thank you, Nichole,” Yolanda replied. “It looks like Christine is being monopolized by her fans. Let’s see if she’ll let me interrupt for a couple moments.” Yolanda walked along the walkway between the enthusiastic fans waving their autograph books. “Christine, Yolanda Tackleberry with the Tennis Channel, can I ask a few questions?”

“Just a moment, Yolanda,” Christine replied as she turned to a fan who was holding out a racquet for her hero to sign.

The fan looked like a younger version of the star. Her dishwater blonde hair hung to her shoulder blades and matched not only Christine’s color, but also length and style. Her conservative attire matched her idol’s and they both wore large silver crucifixes around their necks. The girl looked like she could pass for Christine’s younger sister.

“You have excellent taste in racquets; this is the same model I use,” Christine said to her fan as she autographed the racquet with a black, felt-tip pen. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Karen Martin, Miss Mahoney,” Karen replied, her voice shaking. “I’ve followed you for years and I’m playing as an amateur right now, but now that I’m 18 my coach thinks I might be ready to make the move to the professional tour soon.”

“Call me Christine and that is excellent to hear. Why don’t you show me your swing?” Christine lifted the rope separating the two and let the younger woman slip under. “You have an excellent stroke. I look forward to competing against you some day,” Christine said after she watched Karen swing her racquet a few times. “Remember, it is the Lord who gives us our strength and it is up to us to use the talents he has given us for his glory.”

Karen slipped back under the rope and Christine turned to Yolanda and gave her the interview she desired. Afterwards she caught up with her two friends and they were driven to their hotel room by a limousine service.

Once the trio made it to the hotel they headed straight to their rooms. While they did not suffer paparazzi like stars of some other sports they were still pursued right after a major tournament. After a couple days the photo vultures searched for other prey.

“Christine, can I talk to you for a moment?” Nichole asked once Jeanette had entered her room and the two were alone in the hall.

“Of course, what do you need?”

“Have you given any thought to the exhibition match we talked about earlier?”

“I don’t know, my manager doesn’t like me to playing outside of the circuit,” Christine replied. “She’s afraid it will hurt my endorsement deals.”

“No one will know,” Nichole assured her friend. “No photography is allowed.”

“How can they guarantee that? There is a camera on nearly every electronic device these days.”

“They do security checks that put the TSA to shame.”

“Okay, I’ll do it for you,” Christine said.

“Great, I’ll pick you up next Friday.”

“Sounds good, I’m going to rest up a bit and then I’ll see you in Jeanette’s room in an hour for our bible study.”

“Yeah, see you then.” Nichole watched Christine enter her hotel room before turning and heading to her own room. She felt more than a little guilty. While she hadn’t lied to her friend she hadn’t really told the whole truth. While it was true that no photography allowed at the exhibition match, it was pretty much the only thing that wasn’t allowed; as long as it was consenting it was allowed in this place. While the tennis matches were the center piece of the club they were only a part of the festivities. The whole thing was part tennis tournament, part rave, and part sex party. Nichole still could not believe that she was a member. It was too late to back out now and she had to deliver Christine or suffer the consequences and the consequences were not necessarily what most people would call consenting.

The following Friday Nichole was driving Christine to the club.

“Where is this place?” Christine asked after they had driven for nearly an hour. “It’s not in this neighborhood I hope.”

“It is actually, but the place where we’re headed has been recently renovated,” Nichole replied as she drove her Escalade through the mostly abandoned part of the city. Buildings were missing a majority of their windows, grass looked like it had not been cut for years, and gutted cars lined the streets.

“How did you hear about this thing?”

“You remember Leslie Reed? She told me about it.”

“You’ve heard from Leslie? What happened to her? One day she’s winning a Grand Slam and the next drops of the face of the Earth.”

“She’s doing the circuit with the club. The club is the one who is holding your exhibition match. They hold their own special tournaments and Leslie is the reigning champion.”

“She gave up her professional tennis career to join this club?”

“No, you can be a member of the club and be on the pro circuit as well. I’m proof of that. You’ll have to ask Leslie why she quit.”

“She’ll be there tonight?”

“Yeah, I told her you were coming and she’s excited to see you.”

A few minutes later Nichole pulled into the parking lot of a large warehouse. Besides all the windows being intact the thing that really stood out about this warehouse was the parking lot or more precisely the cars parked in it. It looked like the show floor for every high-end dealership imaginable. There were decked out hummers, seven series BMWs, Rolls Royces, Lamborghinis and Ferraris to name a few.

They found a parking spot and as they exited the vehicle they each grabbed their sports bag from the back seat. Nichole also grabbed a garment bag.

“Is this a tennis court or a night club?” Christine asked as they walked towards the warehouse entrance. Techno music blared from within the building.

“It’s both and more,” Nichole responded.

“If I’d have known that there would be loud music I would have brought ear protection.”

They opened the door to a see a security detail with metal detectors and hand scanners. They made both girls give up their cell phones in exchange for tickets with a number. The security guard assured Christine that her cell phone would be returned to her.

“Listen, this place takes some getting used to,” Nichole said once they were through security and ready to enter the club proper. “Just give it a chance, okay?”

Christine senses were assaulted as she entered the building. Besides the loud music the only light in the club was generated by flashing neon and white strobe lights. Several men were shirtless as were a couple women. The men’s pants were so tight it might be possible to tell which of them were circumcised and the women’s clothing was tighter. Then there was the smell. Clearly the proprietor had not read the law about no smoking in bars. A thick haze was visible throughout the club.

In the middle of the club was a full sized tennis court. Furniture typical in a night club ringed the court. Besides tables and chairs there were couches, love seats and overstuffed recliners. In the back of the club she could see a dance floor which was currently packed with half naked dancers. The tables were filled with women and men drinking to excess. The couches and love seats were filled with couples pawing at each other. She could see men with women, men with men and women with women. It looked like a few of the couples might actually be having intercourse.

“Take me home!” Christine demanded.

“I can’t do that,” Nichole replied with a look of guilt. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you more about the club in advance, but you wouldn’t have come and I needed you to be here.”

“Fine, I’ll call a cab.”

“Please stay for me,” Nichole begged. “I know it is a lot to take in, but it’s really fun. Just stay until your match is over and then we can leave. Plus Leslie will be crushed if you leave before she gets a chance to see you.”

“When do I play?”

“You’ll be first, but I hope you’ll stay and watch me play,” Nichole said as she began to lead Christine into the club. “There’s someone I want you to meet and then I can show you to your dressing room.”

Christine followed Nichole as they wound their way through the maze of tables. Christine caught herself staring at men and women alike. She had never seen so much flesh in her life. The men were muscular, and handsome. The women were dressed like strippers and whores, but had all of the attention of the gorgeous men. Christine was used to being the focus of attention. When she entered or exited a stadium hundreds and sometimes thousands of people lined up to take her photo or be one of the lucky ones who received an autograph. Her she was a non-entity. Not one of the men looked her way. They were scoping out the bimbos with the surgically inflated chests and dresses with neck lines that dipped to the navel.

“Christine, this is Moses Lassard,” Nichole said as she motioned to a large African American man. “Moses is one of the tournament’s founders.” She turned to Moses. “See, I told you I could deliver her.”

“You did good, Baby,” Moses said as he stood. He took Nichole into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss while his hand grabbed her posterior possessively. “Why don’t you go get ready? I want to talk to Christine for a couple minutes.”

“Okay, Moses,” she replied. She turned to her friend. “I’ll see you later, Christine.”

“Why don’t you grab a seat, Christine,” Moses said as he sat and patted a spot on the couch next to him. “How do you like the club so far?”

“I am more than a little shocked that Nichole would invite me to such a place.”

“You’ll have to blame me, Christine. I asked Nichole to bring you and I usually get what I want. Cristal?” Moses asked as he poured a glass of champagne and then handed it to Christine.

“I don’t drink,” Christine replied even as she accepted the champagne flute. The way Moses handed her the glass had Christine feeling that to refuse would be a mistake. Without her friend present for support she felt very vulnerable.

“Try it anyway,” Moses insisted. “One glass won’t hurt anyone and once you taste this stuff you’ll be reconsidering sobriety.”

“Wow! That tastes amazing,” Christine stated once she had sipped the golden liquid. A second sip quickly followed.

“Look, I like to get right to the point. I’d like you to do me a favor.”

“What can I do for you?” Christine asked.

“Your opponent in tonight’s match is shit. You could probably beat her without losing a single point. I want you to lose a couple games to her.”

“You want me to take a dive?” Christine asked with a scowl. She held her empty glass out to Moses for a refill.

“No, I don’t want you to lose the match. I want you to win, but make it a contest.”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because I made a large bet that you would lose at least two games tonight. Plus I’ll make it worth your while,” Moses replied as he placed his hand on Christine’s leg and began to massage the inside of her thigh.

Christine’s first impulse was to slap his hand away, but his forceful touch generated a warmth within Christine. A warmth that caused a stirring within. She stared into his eyes and felt herself begin to disappear. She wanted to please this man.

“Okay,” she breathed.

“Good girl. Now you need to make it look good. People are going to have a hard time believing that the great tennis champ could lose a point to this nobody so you’ll have to sell it.”

“Okay, I’ll do my best.” Christine wanted to continue that she would lose the game if it meant that he would keep massaging her thigh. The warmth that had spread through her body had begun to focus between her legs and the tips of her breasts. She didn’t want it to stop. She began to realize that it may have something to do with drinking two glasses of alcohol so quickly, but she did not care at the moment.

“I know you will. Now you should go to the dressing room and get ready. Once you’re changed you can come back here and sit with me until your match starts.” Moses turned his head. “Tiffani!” Moses yelled toward the back of the club. “Show Christine to the dressing room,” he said once Tiffani had appeared.

“Follow me, Honey,” Tiffani said in a bored voice.

Christine stood and followed the bimbo to her dressing room.

Once in the dressing room Christine tried to clear her head. Now that she was away from Moses and his magnetic touch she felt herself begin to return to normal. Shame filled her as she recalled her thoughts on the couch just a few minutes ago. While she was currently unattached she’d had boyfriends in the past. Boyfriends who’d had tried to weaken her resolve to remain a virgin until marriage. They had spoken sweetly and made romantic gestures. They’d tried to seduce her through presents and physical contact, but her resolve had remained.

On the couch she had wanted nothing more than to spread her legs and let Moses have his way with her, to give herself to him completely and let him use her in whatever manner that pleased him just as long as the promise of his touch did not disappoint. His muscular body, confident bearing, mesmerizing gaze and experienced touch told her that he would exceed her greatest expectation.

Christine looked around the dressing room and spied the shower. She quickly stripped and hoped that a blast of cold water would bring her back to her senses. She was afraid that her virginity would not last the evening if she did not get herself back together in a hurry.

Thirty minutes later Christine was dressed in her tennis outfit and holding her racquets across her lap as a sort of guard against Moses’ hand. He did not try to touch her again and she found herself almost disappointed. She declined an offer of more champagne claiming that she wanted to keep her wits about her for the match. Christine felt a thrill in her chest when Moses praised her wisdom.

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first night of our newest tournament,” a voice said over a PA system. “Tonight’s competitors will be making their way to the center court in just a little bit. Due to the number of competitors round one will be held over two nights. Before our tournament starts we have a special treat. Current Grand Slam winner and recent American Open champion Christine Mahoney will be playing a set against our own Barbara Copeland.  If you have not already made your wagers you will want to do that now. Christine and Barbara will be starting in just a few minutes.”

As Christine stood to make her way to the tennis court in the middle of the club Moses also rose to his feet.

“I’d like to give you a kiss for good luck,” he said as she moved past him.

“Umm, okay,” she said sheepishly.

Moses slipped an arm around her waist and drew her body to his. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. When a moan escaped Christine’s lips he put his other hand behind her head and pulled her face into his. He pressed his tongue against her lips and she resisted only a moment before she let him into her mouth. She’d never had any part of a man inside her body before. She did not know what to do, but Moses did. The sensation of his tongue as it danced within her mouth made her yearn for him to enter her in other ways. When he broke the kiss a few minutes later she was left gasping. Her head was spinning and it took a moment for her to remember where she was.

“Good luck, Baby,” he said as he squeezed her butt cheek. “Remember to make it look good.”

She nodded silently. She’d forgotten how to speak. She finally turned and walked towards the tennis court. As she neared the chain link fence that would protect the audience from their serves and volleys she noticed that her competitor had already entered and was currently warming up.

It seemed to Christine that while her competitor was technically dressed in a tennis outfit she looked like she was about to take the stage at a strip club or perform sexual relations on someone who had a thing for tennis players. Her hair was a teased out mess. Between the height of her hair and the platform stilettos on the tramp’s feet she had probably added nine inches to her height. Her makeup looked like it had been applied with a trowel and her hoop earrings brushed against her the sides of her shoulders. And then there was her halter top and her skirt. Christine had seen dinner napkins made with more material. Looking at Barbara’s gargantuan breasts she suspected that the woman must have back muscles of an Olympic athlete just to remain upright.

“Hi, I’m Christine. It’s nice to meet you,” she said as she held her hand out. She hoped that Barbara was careful when they shook hands. The two inch talons on her fingers looked like they could easily open a vein.

“New to the club?” Barbara asked as she took in Christine’s outfit.

It appeared to Christine that Barbara had as much disdain for her outfit as Christine did for Barbara’s.

“I was invited by a friend, this is the first and last time I come here.”

“I’ve heard that before,” Barbara said. “This place has a way of growing on you.”

Christine made her way to her side of the court and began stretching. After several minutes people joined them on the court. There were two men who looked stereotypically gay who were apparently their ball boys. They wore tight leather shorts, pink tennis shoes and a couple pounds of body glitter. Joining them was a woman dressed in tight, black, PVC cat-suit. The only part of her attire that wasn’t black were the silver, needle-thin heels of her four inch stilettos. Her hair was midnight black as was her thick eyeliner.

“I’m Monique and I’m the chair umpire tonight. There won’t be any line umpires and if either of you question one of my calls I’ll use this on you,” she said as she held up her black riding crop. “If you two are ready we’ll get started.”

Monique ascended the chair with grace. Once she’d settled she produced a foot long cigarette holder and promptly inserted a white cigarette that looked nearly half as long. She placed the holder in her mouth and leaned down and let one of the ball boys light it for her.

“Christine, you have first serve,” Monique said as she released a giant plume of smoke into the space between the two competitors.

Christine moved into position and served up a quick ace. She gave Barbara a frown. The woman had not even moved as the ball flew past her and it hadn’t even been one of Christine’s better serves. Losing a couple games and making it look good was going to take some work.

She did make it look good though. She won of course, but she let Barbara take three games. Letting Barbara win the games had not been as hard as she had suspected it might be. Barbara was surprisingly agile in her platform stripper heels. Christine had tried walking in a pair of three inch sandals with a wedge heel once and she’d felt off balance the whole time. Barbara might as well have been playing in tennis shoes. Then there were the boobs. Christine wore a tight sports bra to keep her B cups restrained while playing so that she wasn’t distracted by their shifting movements under her shirt. They needed to add a couple letters to the alphabet for the cup size of the bra that contained Barbara’s mammoth mammaries and not only did she not let them distract her, but she also somehow managed to swing her racquet around them and with power. Christine had honestly lost a few points as she’d found herself occasionally hypnotized by their pendulous movements. She wondered what it felt like to carry boobs like that; she wondered if Moses would like that look on her.

As Christine exited the court she walked past several women who were waiting to compete in the tournament. Without knowing that the ladies were waiting for a tennis match, Christine would have assumed that they were waiting to be admitted to a night club, Not only were the girls wearing restricting dresses and loose, flashy jewelry and high heeled shoes, almost all of them were smoking.

Three ladies waiting to be called for their tennis match
Christine found Nichole in near the end of the group wearing a black club dress with a neckline that almost exposed her navel and a hemline that barely covered the tops of her fishnet stockings. On her feet she sported black, stiletto pumps. 

“Great job out there, Christine,” Nichole said as she hugged Christine.

“Good luck in your match,” Christine replied. She caught a strong cigarette smell on her friend, but assumed it was from the ambient smoke. Nichole was just as anti-smoking as she was. “Look, I think I’m just going to catch a cab home.”

“You should go see Moses. Leslie is with him and she really wants to see you.”

Christine left Nichole and made her way past the tables and spectators to find Moses’ table. Several people congratulated her along the way and a few even invited her to join them at their tables. When she located the area where she had last seen Moses she found that he was not present, but sitting on the couch was a woman she recognized instantly. She’d changed much since she’d seen her last her. In addition to being dressed in skimpy club wear, much like all the other women present, her boobs were much larger now. Gone were the modest peaches her friend had sported last year and in their place impressive honey dews strained for release from her body hugging top.

“Leslie!” Christine squealed.

Leslie was Christine’s idol. When she’d been a teen and nothing more than a promising amateur Leslie was winning her first of many major tennis tournaments. When she’d joined the pro tour a few years later they had become friends and it was a dream come true for Christine. And then last year Leslie quit the pro tour and she hadn’t heard from her since.

“Christine, you are a sight for sore eyes,” Leslie replied as she hugged Christine. “Have a seat; we have so much to talk about.”

“I’ve missed you on the tour,” Christine said as she accepted a glass of champagne. “What have you been up to these days?”

“I’m still playing, but I play in tournaments like these now.” Leslie pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it. “How rude of me, would you like one?” she asked through her exhale.

“I don’t smoke, you know that.”

“Last time I saw you, neither did I.”

“Thank you for the offer, but no I don’t want a cigarette. Have you seen Moses? I thought he would be here with you.”

“He had to leave, now tell me what has been happening since I last saw you.”

The two ladies sat back on the couch and began catching up. They worked their way through the bottle of Cristal and were mostly through the next when they realized the Nichole’s match was about to begin.

Christine marveled as Nichole and her opponent darted about the course in their club wear. The match was close for the most part with Nichole winning in the end. As Nichole exited the court a large gentleman embraced her and kissed her passionately. He led her towards a series of doors at the back of the club.

“I should get going,” Christine told Leslie a couple minutes later. “It’s been amazing catching up, but I have a lot to do tomorrow and it’s getting late.”

“Let me give you a ride home at least.”

“Okay, but I should tell Nichole that I’m leaving.” Christine wobbled a bit as she stood. The alcohol had affected her more than she had realized.

“You’d better hurry, that was her sponsor with her and he likes to show his girls his appreciation for their success in very passionate manner.”

Christine made her way to the back of the club and found the door through which Nichole had entered. She gave a knock, but there was no answer. She opened the door and found her friend bent over a couch with the remains of her dress about her waist. The man who’d kissed her earlier was pounding his cock into her pussy with enthusiastic thrusts. Smoke poured from Nichole’s mouth along with a lusty moan. In addition to smoking Christine noticed that Nichole was also sporting a tattoo. As Christine closed the door before the couple noticed her presence she had to admit that the tattoo looked pretty hot on her friend.

Nichole being thanked by her sponsor

“Instead of driving all the way to your house tonight, would you like to stay at my place?” Leslie asked. “It’s not far from here and I can drive you home or wherever else in the morning.”

“Well, I do have extra clothes in my sports bag,” Christine replied. “Sure, why not.”

They arrived at Leslie’s condo fifteen minutes later. Once inside Leslie showed Christine to the living room and told her friend to make herself comfortable while she opened a bottle of wine. The room was richly furnished and showed that Leslie had nice taste in décor. In addition to a couch there was a love seat and two overstuffed chairs. Christine sat on the couch assuming that her friend would sit on the loveseat across from her when she returned with the wine. Not only did Leslie sit on the couch with her when she showed up a few minutes later, but she sat right next to her. Leslie poured the wine and then handed Christine a glass.

“To a wonderful evening and an even better night,” Leslie said as she held up her glass for a toast. She drank deeply and then set her glass on the coffee table and slid even closer to Christine. “I am so happy you are here, Christine. You have always been special to me.” Leslie placed her hand on Christine’s thigh.

“What are you doing Leslie?” Christine asked and then drank half the glass of wine. She did not try to move Leslie’s hand. She found that the warmth she’d experienced earlier with Moses had returned with Leslie’s touch.

“I’ve wanted you for a long time and tonight I want to show you just how much.”

“That would be a sin,” Christine replied.

“Where does it say that?”

“In the Bible it says that a man who lies with a man should be put to death,” Christine replied.

“We aren’t men,” Leslie replied. She removed her hand and lit a cigarette. “Besides that is in the Old Testament. It says a lot of things in the Old Testament. Ever have pork? Worn cloths that have a tear in them? Wear cotton and leather at the same time? Played tennis on a Sunday? The old testament is filled with a bunch of rules for people who lived thousands of years ago.”

“I guess,” Christine replied as she finished her wine and let Leslie pour her another glass.

“Is my cigarette bothering you?”

“I don’t really like the smell, but it’s your place.”

“I can help you with the smell. Close your eyes and open your mouth. When I give the word, breathe in slowly through your mouth.” Leslie drew deeply on her cigarette as Christine closed her eyes. “Okay, breathe in slowly.” Leslie placed her hand back on Christine’s thigh as she moved her mouth close to Christine’s and then blew a thin stream of smoke into her mouth. “Now hold your breath for a couple seconds and then open your eyes and breathe out.”

Christine held her breath as instructed and then opened her eyes and watched as smoke escaped from her lips.

“I can’t believe you made me smoke,” Christine said with a laugh. “You’re such a bad girl now. You smoke and drink. You quit the tour and have gotten a boob job. Now you try to seduce me and trick me into smoking.”

“How is the cigarette smell now?”

“It’s better actually,” Christine said as she sniffed the air. “Maybe you should give me another treatment.” She put her hand on Leslie’s and held it against her leg.

Leslie moved in even closer to Christine this time and Christine kept her eyes open. Leslie drew on the cigarette for several seconds and performed a snap inhale with her head less than a foot from Christine’s. She let her lips brush against Christine’s while she unloaded a lungful of smoke into her waiting mouth. When she finished she gave Christine a tender kiss on the lips.

“I don’t mind the smell anymore,” Christine said as she blew smoke from her mouth. “But, I want to try this part again.” Christine leaned into Leslie and kissed her. While the kiss started gentle it quickly escalated. After a few moments Leslie slipped her tongue into Christine’s mouth.

“Let’s continue this in the bedroom,” Leslie said as she pulled away several minutes later.

Leslie stood and held her hand out for Christine. After a moment’s hesitation Christine accepted the hand and allowed her friend to help her stand. Leslie held onto Christine’s hand as she led her down the hall to her bedroom. Leslie walked up to her king size bed before releasing Christine’s hand. She sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her with her hand.

“Sit next to me,” Leslie said.

“I don’t know why I kissed you,” Christine replied as she sat. “I’m not into women, really. It must be the alcohol.”

“Alcohol lowers inhibitions; it doesn’t make you desire women,” Leslie stated. “Tell me that you did not enjoy the kiss. Tell me that you don’t want my tongue on your erect nipples and we’ll stop right here.”

“I’m scared,” Christine said simply.

“We’ll go slow and stop anytime you want,” Leslie replied as she gently stroked Christine’s cheek.


Leslie moved her hand from Christine’s cheek to the back of her head and pulled her friend into another kiss. Once their tongues began their dance Leslie grabbed one of Christine’s hands and moved it to her breasts. Leslie’s nipples responded quickly to Christine’s touch and she let out a moan.

Christine knew that she shouldn’t be doing this; she shouldn’t be kissing another woman or fondling her breasts. She should get up and sleep downstairs, by herself. She had practice with her coach the next day and she needed her rest. Yet she could not deny how Leslie’s body made her feel. She didn’t want Leslie to stop, she wanted more. She wanted to feel her tongue on her nipples.

Leslie broke the kiss and they both stood and began to disrobe. Their helped each other undress and were soon naked. They embraced and their lips joined while their hands explored each other’s bodies. Leslie maneuvered Christine towards the bed and then pushed her friend onto her back and quickly climbed on top of her. While on all fours she straddled Christine’s body, her breasts dangling in Christine’s face. She swayed her body back and forth, her nipples brushing against Christine’s lips. Christine stuck out her tongue and let it graze against the tips of Leslie’s breasts as they slid past her mouth.

After a minute she could not stand the teasing so she wrapped her arms around Leslie and pulled her body towards her own, crushing her breasts against her face. Christine’s lips found one of Leslie’s erect nipples and began to suckle. While Christine attacked her breasts Leslie slipped her thigh between Christine’s legs and ground her leg against Christine’s sex. As Christine’s nipped at Leslie’s breast her involuntary movements rubbed her leg against Christine’s clit. Christine quickly realized that every jolt of pleasure she delivered to Leslie was quickly returned to herself. With this knowledge she attacked Leslie’s tits with great vigor and was soon screaming in symbiotic orgasm.

Christine woke up alone and disoriented. Her head was pounding and she did not recognize her surroundings. As she threw back the covers and discovered her nakedness the previous night’s activities began to filter into her foggy brain. She’d not only had sex, but she’d had sex with a woman. Her first instinct was to blame the alcohol. She was sure that Leslie would accept this excuse. She was also sure that her friend would keep their tryst a secret. She could gather her clothes, make her excuse and never see Leslie again. She could tell Nichole to never mention the club again. She could pretend yesterday did not exist and go back to her life. Except she didn’t want to.

She remembered Leslie’s words that alcohol did not give you new desires, it pulled down barriers that had been erected between you and your desires. The truth is she’d had a blast last night. The champagne tasted wonderful and she liked the buzz it gave her. She’d liked it when Moses had kissed her and grabbed her ass. Just thinking of her time with Leslie made her wet. She knew it was a sin and that she should feel guilty, but it had felt so right at the time. She didn’t want less of this she wanted more, much more.

She found a robe in the bathroom and made her way to the kitchen where she could hear Leslie moving about. When she entered the room Leslie was digging in the refrigerator and had her back to Christine. Moving silently she approached Leslie and slid up against her. She brought her mouth to Leslie’s ear as she ran her hands under Leslie’s shirt and groped her breasts.

“Morning lover,” Christine cooed.

“Good morning to you,” Leslie replied as she turned and they kissed. “I was just going to make some breakfast.”

“I’m hungry, but not for anything in the refrigerator,” Christine replied as rubbed her hand against Leslie’s pussy.

“You’re insatiable.” Leslie ground her hips against Christine’s hand. “But we should eat first. I don’t know about you, but I have a hell of a hangover and some protein and a little hair of the dog is in order. Afterwards we can fuck.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to make me wait,” Christine said as she nibbled at Leslie’s ear and renewed her attack on Leslie’s snatch.

“I love your touch, but trust me we will be better off today if we have a little food first.”

“Yes, Mom,” Christine teased.

Christine behaved herself while they made coffee and breakfast together.

“Can you tell me more about the club’s tennis tournament?” Christine asked once they’d finished eating their meal.

“Sure, what do you want to know?” Leslie asked as she lit a cigarette.

“Can anyone join?”

“Only women and they have to be sponsored,” Leslie replied. “Why, are you interested?”

“Yes. How do I get a sponsor and would I be able to join this tournament.”

“Normally it would be too late to join, but I am sure that they would make an exception for you. Moses would sponsor you in a heartbeat.”

“I was hoping it would be him.”

“Does someone have a thing for Moses?”

“He’s really handsome.”

“Well, if you are going to play tonight we’ll need to get you the appropriate clothes,” Leslie replied. “How about we do a little shopping after a shower?”

“Sounds good, but first I’m hoping you can help me.”


“Your cigarette smells pretty bad,” Christine said with a saucy smile.

“Let me help you with that, Baby,” Leslie said. She drew deeply on her cigarette before kissing her new lover.

The ladies did not make it out of the kitchen before they were once again naked. They brought each other to orgasm as they explored each other’s bodies with hands and tongues. Once they’d cuddled together on the kitchen floor for some time they made their way to the shower where they resumed their love making. The sun was high in the sky before they finally were dressed and on their way downtown to find Christine some club wear for the night’s tennis tournament.

Finding tight, sexy, club outfits was a breeze and Christine had purchased several outfits in little time. In addition to dresses she shopped for a variety of high heels. The regulation height for this tournament was a minimum of three and a half inches and the heel could be no wider than one inch at the point. Once they’d added a new collection of lingerie they headed to the jewelry store to add earrings, necklaces, bracelets and anklets something of which Christine had little up to this point. It was as they were buying the jewelry that Leslie realized that her new girlfriend only had a single piercing in each ear. Christine offered little resistance when Leslie suggested that they stop by a tattoo/piercing parlor after lunch.

“What can I get for you ladies?” a heavily tattooed lady asked once they entered the piercing shop.

“My friend her needs a couple new holes in her body,” Leslie replied.

“Follow me into the back and I can get you setup,” the lady said as she slipped behind a curtain in the back wall of the small shop.

“What do you think about a tattoo?” Leslie asked as she looked around the walls of the store. They were covered with hundreds of colorful designs, ranging from tiny flowers to giant dragons.

“Let’s get matching ones, Baby,” Christine cooed as she nibbled Leslie’s neck.

“I’ve got the perfect idea.”

While Christine ears were being punctured her phone began to ring. She ignored it. Once the technician switched ears it started ringing again.

“You want me to get that for you?” Leslie asked.

“No, it’s okay. It’s just my coach. I was supposed to meet her for practice today.”

The phone continued to ring and once her ears were finished she pulled her phone from her purse and switched it off. As she sat in the chair for her very first tattoo she told herself that she should call Angela back and apologize for missing practice, but she did not know how she would explain why she’d missed practice. Christine was having a hard time understanding it herself. Less than 24 hours ago she would have laughed at someone had they asked if she’d ever get a tattoo and yet her she was getting her body inked with her female lover.

After the tattoo parlor Leslie drove them to a salon. She wanted Christine to get a full makeover while she was willing. She had her signed up for new hairstyle, acrylic nails, and a full makeup makeover.

“I called Moses and he’s going to sponsor you,” Leslie said once they’d left the salon. “We’ll need to show up a little early so you can sign the paperwork. Once we arrive at my place we can change and then drive straight to the club.”

“Sounds great,” Christine said distractedly as she admired her ears in her compact’s mirror.

She brushed back her hair, trying not to spoil her new hairdo, to get a better look at her ears. She now sported five piercings in each ear. In addition to a pair of three inch hoops she had studs in a rainbow of colors running up the cartridge of each ear. She fingered one of the hoops with her inch long acrylic nails.

She looked at the inside of her right hand. She now sported the letters L, V, and R at the base of her first three fingers. Leslie had the letters O, E and S on hers. When they held hands it spelt ‘LOVERS’.

She’d always had a poor opinion in the past of women who adorned themselves with jewelry, spent gobs of money coloring their hair and getting fake fingernails, but she found that she kind of liked the look on herself. She especially liked that it pleased Leslie. She would have gone further if Leslie had asked.

A few hours later they arrived at the warehouse that housed the club. As Christine exited Leslie’s car she began to wonder what made her think that she was going to be able to play tennis in her current state. First there were the four inch stilettos on her feet; she’d only worn heels this tall twice before and she had not been all that graceful. How she was going to chase down a volley she did not know. Not that the body hugging dress would allow her to actually run. Between the tight skirt and the heels the best she could do was mince about. It was a blessing really. Her boobs were likely to spill out of her strapless dress if she tried anything more than a fast walk. Still, the other women were going to be wearing similar outfits.

Once in the club they found Moses and he had all the forms ready for Christine’s signature. She was surprised at all the formality. She figured that she could just add her name to a list and be done with it. She’d had to sign fewer papers when she’d bought her house.

“I don’t really feel like reading all of this,” Christine said as she sipped her champagne. “Can you just give me the highlights?”

“No problem, Honey,” Moses replied with a wide grin. “Basically it’s like this. You’re signing up for a minimum of seven tournaments over the next year. You can do more if you want, but you have to do at least seven. You can skip as many as you want, but if you skip three or more in a row your sponsor can make you play in a tournament of their choosing. That tournament counts towards the seven and the sponsor can only force you to play two particular tournaments in a year.”

“That’s it?” Christine asked as she poured Leslie and herself more champagne.

“Hang tight, Sweet Cheeks, there’s a couple more items. If you lose your sponsor gets to ask you for a special something, but you can refuse if you want. If you refuse you have to suffer a consequence. If you win though, you get rewarded real well.”

“What’s the consequence?”

“It’s up to the sponsor. I don’t make weird requests so I’ve never given a consequence. Plus you can lose with me. I just require that you tell me up front. If you don’t think you can win, let me know ahead of time and I’ll lay off the bets. If you tell me that you’re going to win and you don’t, well then you’ve got to make it up to me.”

“I don’t plan on losing.”

“That’s my girl,” Moses replied.

Christine was relieved when they called out the lineup for the night’s matches. She and Leslie were not competing against each other. She would have hated knocking her new lover out in the first round. Her opponent was not nearly as relieved when she discovered that she was playing against the current Grand Slam winner.

“Good luck,” Christine said as she greeted her evening’s opponent. The woman looked to be in her mid twenties and was dressed much as Christine. They both looked like they were attempting to pick up men at a night club, not about to play tennis.

A few minutes later the gay ball boys arrived with the dominatrix referee. Once the ref had lit her smoke she signaled to the payers that they could begin. Christine’s lack of practice walking in her new shoes made her hesitant initially and her opponent used this to her advantage. She sacrificed power in lieu of placement and forced Christine from one side of the court to the next. This worked well initially and Christine found herself down two games to none. Christine was a born competitor however and she quickly switched strategies. Realizing that mobility was now a handicap she stopped trying to chase down every shot and focused on delivering every shot she could reach with as much power and precision as possible.

Christine won the following game, but lost the one after that. When it was her serve she could ace her way to a win, but when it was her opponents serve she needed to run down volleys and the heels hampered her. When the score reached four games to two in her opponent’s favor she decided on a new strategy.

It was Christine’s serve and she decided to play a stall tactic. She bounced the ball, acted like she was about to serve, but bounced the ball instead. She did this a number of times, all the while keeping her eye on her opponent. Eventually, tired of the stall, her opponent looked to the judge for help. As soon as she was distracted Christine slammed a bullet serve into her opponent’s forehead. The shot knocked her opponent on her ass, but she was unhurt for the most part. After that all Christine had to do was send a return towards her opponent’s face and it caused her to flinch and miss the point. Christine won the match six to four.

As Christine exited the court she hugged and kissed Leslie who was entering the court for her first match.

“Knock ‘em dead, Baby,” Christine said as she slapped Leslie’s ass.

Christine joined Nichole at a nearby table to watch Leslie play tennis.

“I’m so happy you decided to join the tournament,” Nichole said as she handed Christine a glass of champagne. “You look so fucking hot.”

“Thank you, you look good enough to eat.”

“I might take you up on that later,” Nichole returned with lust in her eyes. She pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it. “I hope this doesn’t bother you.”

“No, it’s not bothering me,” Christine replied. “But if it does start to stink I know how you can help me with that.”

“Good evening ladies,” Moses said when he approached their table ten minutes later. “I’m hoping that I can steal Christine from you Nichole. We have some business to address in back.”

“I was hoping to watch Leslie’s match,” Christine said as Moses held his hand out to her.

“It’s you choice, you can watch Leslie win the match or you can come with me and let me show you my appreciation for your win tonight,” Moses said as he stroked her cheek.

Christine took Moses’ hand and let him lead her to the back of the club. Back to the set of doors where she’d found Nichole being thanked by her sponsor the previous evening. Christine knew that Moses intended to fuck her; well at least she hoped he was going to fuck her. She felt guilty though. Not at wanting to fuck him. Not at taking a second lover in as many days. Not at the thought of giving up her virginity. She felt guilty because she didn’t feel guilty at those things. She felt that she should at least struggle, make him seduce her, but she was incredibly horny and she wanted Moses in the worst way.

Moses ushered her through one of the many doors in the back of the room and she found herself in a richly appointed room with a large couch and even larger bed.

“You made me a lot of money these last two nights…”, Moses began, but was interrupted when Christine grabbed him and forced her tongue down his throat.

“I want you so bad,” she moaned into his mouth while her hand rubbed his cock through his slacks.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm,” Moses said as he pulled Christine away. “But let’s get one thing straight. I lead; you follow.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Good girl, you and I are going to get along great” Moses said in a low voice. “Lose the panties, but keep everything else on.”

Christine reached under her dress and pulled off her soggy panties; the smell of her desire filled the room.

“Now bend over the couch,” Moses said. His erection grew in anticipation as Christine quickly complied.

“Now turn your head to the side and look into the mirror. I want you to watch me take you from behind.”

She gazed into the mirror and watch as Moses slowly made his way behind her. From her angle she had a great side view of her body. She could see Moses as he unzipped his slacks and pulled out his large, erect cock. Her first feeling was panic at the thought of that massive tool entering her virgin pussy. Her next was abject lust from the same thought. She could feel her juices run down her leg while he lined up the head of his cock against her opening. He started by rubbing his tip along her outer lips and over her clit. At first Christine moaned and thrashed at the sensation of his manhood against her soft feminine lips, but as he continued to tease her she eventually grew impatient.

“Stop teasing my and fucking stick your cock in me already,” Christine snapped. She jerked when Moses slapped her ass a half second later.

“What did I tell you about who’s in charge,” Moses said as he caressed her reddening butt cheek. “I’m going to fuck you and when I’m done you’ll be begging for more and if you continue to do well for me on the court you’ll get more.”

“I’m sorry,” Christine said meekly. “I’ll be good.”


“Pretty please.”

“Please what?”

“Please fuck my pussy, Moses,” Christine said. Her desire to be filled consumed her.

“First, tell me what kind of a girl begs a man to fuck her, a man she barely knows?

“A slut.”

“That’s right, now ask again.”

“Moses, will you please fuck this slut’s pussy with your gorgeous cock?”

“Of course, Darling,” Moses replied as he pushed the head of his cock into Christine’s tight pussy.

“Oh fuck that’s good!” Christine screamed as she felt herself stretch to accommodate Moses.

Moses started slowly. While he wanted to put Christine in her place he had no desire to hurt her. For Moses Christine was more than just a fuck. Sure her super tight snatch felt amazing on his throbbing manhood, but he wanted more out of her than just another cock sheath. With her talent and his head for business they could rule the tourney circuit. Fucking her was glorious icing on the cake. Hurting her would be counterproductive. He wanted her to be able to walk tomorrow when she competed in the next round of the tourney. So he was gentle. Later if she failed him he’d show her just how ungentle he could be.

For her part Christine gripped the couch tightly and used the mirror to watch the thick, black tool slide in and out of her pussy. She was in heaven. Her whole body was on fire. Wave and wave on pleasure radiated from deep inside her sex through the rest of her body. It grew and grew until she could stand it no more and she shrieked in orgasmic ecstasy. Moses continued to work his way in and out of her as the writhed beneath him. She’d barely recovered from her first orgasm when she felt the next one begin to build. After two more orgasms Christine was begging Moses to finish in her. There was only so much pleasure she could take in one session. She had her fifth orgasm when Moses erupted inside her and filled her with his hot seed.

“God, I think I need a cigarette after that,” Christine joked as they sat on the couch together.

“Want one?” Moses offered her his pack.

“No, I don’t smoke, but I hear that they’re pretty good after sex.”

“They’re fucking great,” Moses said as he exhaled a plume towards the ceiling. “You were pretty fucking amazing too.”

“Yeah, well thanks, Tiger,” Christine cooed. “I feel bad though, I had five orgasms and you had only one.”

“Well, I’m not complaining,” Moses replied.

“Will you let me at least make it five to two?” Christine asked as she began to stroke Moses back to erection. She moved her head to his lap and looked up at him for permission.

“Knock yourself out, Baby. It’ll be a sad day when I refuse a blow job from a sexy thing like you.”

While this was the first cock she’d touched, let along licked and sucked, she gave a blow job like a seasoned professional. She wasn’t able to deep throat Moses; it would take a woman with a double jointed jaw to accomplish that feat. She was able to make him moan and before her jaw tired she had her first taste of cum. A taste she liked immediately. Christine knew that this would be the first cock of many for her. She loved what she had with Leslie, but she knew now that she could not live without cock in her life.

She found Nichole and Leslie talking together when she returned to the table a few minutes later. Leslie invited Christine to her place again, but Christine asked that they head to her place. On the way out the door Leslie grabbed a couple bottles of champagne.

“I have a confession to make,” Christine said as they drive to her house. “I was with Moses tonight.”

“Listen, fuck who you want to fuck, it won’t bother me. I’m really into you and I think we have something special, but I don’t expect you to be exclusive to me and I hope you feel the same way for me.”

“Okay, fuck who we want, but make love to each other?”


Christine woke to the sound of pounding at her front door early the next morning. It took her a few moments to remember where she was. It took a few more to untangle her body from Leslie who was still sleeping soundly. Christine found her robe and then made her way to her bedroom window. She saw her friend, neighbor and fellow tennis mate, Jeanette Jones at her front door.

“I’ll be down in just a second,” Christine called to Jeanette from the bedroom window.

As she made her way to the bathroom to clean up she tried to clear her head. The room seemed to be rotating slightly as she walked through her bedroom. She looked at the clock and realized that she’d probably only had three hours of sleep. Once she and Leslie had reached her house last night they had begun to party in earnest. After quickly consuming the champagne they turned to each other and spent the rest of the night exploring every inch of each other’s bodies.

Once in the bathroom Christine took in the damage; to say that she looked like shit would be insulting excrement. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, hoping that she wouldn’t smell like sex when she greeted Jeanette at the door in a couple minutes. She grabbed a pair of oversized sunglasses to hide her bloodshot eyes and headed to the front door.

“Morning Jeanette,” Christine said as cheerily as she could muster when she opened the front door.

“Sorry to bug you Christine, but I tried calling yesterday and today and I haven’t been able to reach you. When your coach called me and said that you’d skipped practice and wouldn’t return her calls, well I got a little worried.”

“I lost my phone.”

“Are you going to church today?” Nichole asked.

“Shit! I mean crap. It’s Sunday isn’t it. Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“Do you want to ride together?”

“Why don’t you go ahead; I’ll meet you there,” Christine replied. “I might run a little behind.”

Christine made her way back upstairs and found Leslie sitting up in bed smoking.

“Who was that?” Leslie asked.

“Just Jeanette reminding me about church. Do you want to join me at church?””

“God no,” Leslie replied. “I have plans today and won’t be free until the tourney tonight. Besides that I don’t do church anymore.”

“Why not?” Christine asked.

“I can’t stand the hypocrisy.”

“Why don’t you join me in the shower and you can tell me exactly what you have against the church,” Christine said.

An hour later Christine pulled into the church parking lot with a couple minutes to spare before the service started. She greeted a couple fellow church goers as she made her way into the building and then found Jeanette and Nichole seated near the front. As they sat together during the service Christine found that she could barely pay attention to the sermon. Her thoughts drifted back to her conversation with Leslie. Her new lover was passionate in her distaste not only for organized religion, but God in general. While the pastor droned on about God’s love she wondered why so many in the word had to suffer. When he mentioned talking to God she wondered why God never seemed to talk back. Christine began to wonder if it was all bullshit like Leslie seemed to think.

“So what do you two have planned today?” Jeanette asked as the three made their way out of the church an hour later.

“Christine and I are going to do a little shopping, do you want to come?” Nichole asked.

“I have practice today. I’m surprised that you two don’t. The Paris Open is right around the corner.”

“Why don’t you come out with us, Jeanette? Nichole and I are competing in a private tournament. We’d love it if you’d come root for us.”

“Sounds tempting, but maybe next time.”

“So what are we shopping for?” Christine asked Nichole once Jeanette departed.

“Clothes and shoes. Can we ever have enough?”

“I probably should go to practice.”

“Fuck practice,” Nichole returned. “God, you’re the Grand Slam champion you deserve a couple days off.”

“Sure, but Angela will be pissed.”

“You pay her to be your coach, right?


“Well that means you’re her boss. If you want to pay her to stand around a tennis court with her thumb up her ass that’s your choice.”

Christine laughed at the image. “You do have a point. She’s been ordering me about for years and I’ve been paying her the whole time. Let’s make her stew a bit.”

“So, you’ve got to tell me about you and Leslie,” Nichole said as the entered her Escalade. “You left with her on Friday night and didn’t go home and then she stayed at your place last night.”

Christine launched into a detailed account of her activities of the past couple days. When she finished Nichole shared her sexual adventures since joining the club. It turned out that Nichole was a switch hitter as well. Christine imagined Nichole’s face buried in her snatch while she lapped at Leslie’s. She intended to make it happen as soon as possible.

“There is a stop I’d like to make while we’re out,” Christine said as they neared the first clothing store. “I was thinking of getting another piercing and I want your opinion.”

The ladies had a great time shopping together and filled the back of Nichole’s Escalade with countless shopping bags. The day flew by and before they knew it they needed to head home to dress for the night’s tournament.

That night they met up with Leslie before their respective matches. After a passionate hello kiss Christine showed off her new bellybutton piercing. The three ladies agreed that they’d party at Christine’s place once they were done with their respective matches and had been properly thanked by their sponsors. Christine was happy that none of them were playing against each other that night. It would be possible for all three of them to advance to the semi-finals.

Christine’s competitor that night was tougher than her first, but Christine was now more accustomed to playing in heels and as a result did not miss as many volleys. She did not need to resort to assault to win the night’s match. Moses did not disappoint her that night either. He actually fucked her face to face this time. She felt honored.

Leslie, Christine and Nichole raided the club’s liquor stash before heading to Christine’s house. They partied all night long. It was drinking, fucking, dancing, fucking and then back to drinking again. The sun had been up for several hours before the three finally collapsed together on Christine’s bed. 

Christine woke to pounding once again. This time it was dark outside and the pounding was incessant. Christine did not bother brushing her teeth or hiding her eyes. She grabbed a robe, but did not even bother securing it around her body before answering the door.

“What the fuck do you want?” Christine demanded as she whipped open the door.

“Where have you been? Are you all right?” Angela asked.

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Look I’m sorry I blew off practice the last couple days. I’ve been busy.”

“I don’t know where to start, Christine. This is so unlike you. Is everything all right?”

“I was just blowing off some steam. Tomorrow is normally an off day so let’s meet the day after and we can run some drills, okay?”

“All right,” Angela said hesitantly.

“Thanks for coming over. I’ll see you on Wednesday,” Christine said as she closed the door on her coach.

As Christine made her way back to the bedroom she spied the clock and realized just how late it was. She roused the others and they threw on their clothes from the previous evening and ran for the door. Christine grabbed her oversized sunglasses on the way out, hoping they would disguise the fact that she was still wearing yesterday’s smeared makeup.

“Drive faster for fuck’s sake,” Leslie screamed at Nichole as she raced her Escalade down the road.

“You got any wipes in here?” Christine asked from the back seat. “I’ve still got Moses’ dried cum on my dress.”

“I don’t think so,” Nichole said. “Christine, can you get me a cigarette? They’re in my purse.”

“Give me one too,” Leslie added.

Nichole heard a lighter click from the back seat followed by Christine handing her a lit Virginia Slims. The lighter clicked again followed by Christine handing a lit cigarette to Leslie. When the lighter clicked a third time Nichole looked into the review mirror in time to see Christine exhaling her initial puff. She turned her attention back to the road and prayed that they’d make it in time for the first match.

When they arrived at the club they were too late for the first semi-final match, which meant that at least one of them had forfeited. As it turned out Leslie and Nichole were in the first match and their sponsors were none too happy. Christine stayed with her friends while they smoked and awaited the announcement of their punishment.

“Going to join us again?” Leslie said as she held a cigarette out to Christine.

“No, I don’t want to smoke. I was just hoping the one in the car would hide my pussy breath,” Christine replied.

Christine’s match started before Nichole and Leslie discovered their fate. Since the other two had both technically lost their match Christine’s match became the final.

Christine struggled the entire match. She’d drank all night and well into the morning and she now feared that she was still drunk. It probably didn’t help that she’d had a little hair of the dog before the left her place and then again once they reached the club. Wearing sunglasses in the poorly lit club didn’t help either, but it was either that or displaying her raccoon eyes for all to see, so the shades stayed on.

Her first serve was straight into the net and the next was out by a couple feet. It was the first time that she’d double faulted a serve in nearly a year. Her coordination was completely off. She traded games with her opponent until they were tied five games to five. It was on the eleventh game of the match that she was finally able to break serve. On the twelfth and final game of the match Christine had sobered up enough to recover her serve and won the game and match by delivering four straight aces.

As Christine made her way off the court it occurred to her that if she wanted to continue to win tennis matches she might have to ease up on the partying, but then again she’d had more fun the previous evening than she’d had in her entire life. Winning the American Open had been nice, but sucking Cristal out of her girlfriend’s pussy had been heavenly.

She found Leslie and Nichole at their regular table. They did not look happy.

“We got into big trouble for missing our match,” Nichole said as she handed Christine a glass of champagne.

“What did they do to you?” Christine asked.

“We have to do a series of photo shoots for them, topless photos,” Leslie replied. “And that’s not all. We both have to get our nipples pierced before the shoot and Nichole has to get a boob job.”

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry Nichole. I feel like this is my fault. I should have set an alarm or something.”

“It’s not your fault Christine, plus it’s not that big of a deal,” Nichole replied. “I’d been thinking of getting them done anyway, so now I have a great excuse.”

“I think that we should finish our drinks and then head back to Christine’s place,” Leslie stated. “I want to continue the party from last night.”

They woke much earlier on Tuesday then the previous day. Christine had set her alarm this time. Nichole had a date with a plastic surgeon and it would go very bad for her if they were late.

A few hours later they arrived at the surgeon’s office. Nichole was fairly excited. She was a C cup currently and wanted to go to a double D like Leslie. Christine found that she was actually a little jealous. She’d never had an issue with the size of her breasts before, in fact their smaller size were actually an asset when playing tennis. Yet, seeing all the attention the women with large breasts received at the club made her more than a little envious. Now that Nichole would be getting boobs as big as Leslie’s Christine was afraid that she’d be the odd one out.

“Do you think that they’d let me get mine done too?” Christine asked as they waited to be called into the back for Nichole’s appointment.

“I know they will,” Leslie said. “If they give us any shit, call Moses and he will straighten them right the fuck out.”

When they told the doctor of Christine’s desire he said that he could do them both at the same time. He took a couple photos of both Christine’s and Nichole’s breasts, asked them how large they wanted to go, and then ushered them into his operating room. The nurses had setup two operating tables, one for each of them. Once they lay down on the tables they were given general anesthesia. Christine began to giggle as she counted back from 100. In just a couple hours she’d have a sexy pair of D cups hanging on her chest. She lost consciousness fantasizing about Moses’ large, black hands groping them while he fucked her from behind.

The surgery lasted several hours. Performing the surgeries in tandem slowed the doctor down some. Nichole and Christine were allowed to leave to that day to finish recuperating at their homes.

As Leslie drove them home it occurred to Christine that she’d made a terrible mistake. She’d failed to consider the lingering pain of the surgery. Both ladies had opted for their implants to be placed beneath the pectoral muscles since it led to a more natural looking breast. Unfortunately it also meant a much longer healing time since the muscle had to be cut to insert the implant. There was no way that Christine would be able to practice the next day or even the day after that. She’d be lucky if she had her old swing back before the Paris Open. If she kept up on the cardio and lay off the booze for the next couple weeks she’d probably fair okay though.

Once they arrived at Christine’s place Leslie started playing ‘Doctor Mom’ and ushered Nichole and Christine into bed with strict instructions against any hank-panky. They were to rest and if they were good girls she might let them lay out in the sun on the following day. They were both good girls and kept their hands to themselves. The doctor had given them some fairly strong pain killers so it was off to la-la land for both women once their heads hit the pillow.

In the morning Leslie fed the patients breakfast in bed after which it was straight to Nichole’s backyard for sunbathing beside her pool where it was mimosas and pain pills until lunch. After a light meal it was back to the pool until dinner. It went like that for the remainder of the week; all three ladies soaking up sun, alcohol and pain pills.

On Friday it was back to the doctor’s office for a follow up exam and a couple ‘after’ photos. Both Christine and Nichole were given a clean bill of health and could resume their normal activities, pain permitting. After a bit of nagging the girls were able to coax an extra large prescription of pain pills from the doctor. On the way home Christine and Nichole called their coaches and made excuses for missing practices and informed them that they were cancelling all practices until the Paris Open.

Christine before and after

Their first stop was at the pharmacy to get their prescription filled. Their initial round of pills should have lasted until the following week, but not only had they been exceeding the recommended dosage they’d been sharing with Leslie as well. The new prescription would carry them for a couple weeks even abusing it as they were.

The next stop was at the tattoo parlor where Leslie and Nichole were to have their nipples pierced. Christine decided to have hers done at the same time. Seeing as how all three were hopped up on pain pills the piercings didn’t hurt too much. Nichole figured that since pain wasn’t as much of an issue she opted to have her septum pierced as well. Christine and Leslie stuck to the barbells through the nipples.

Nichole with her new nipple piercings

On Saturday it was to the photo shoot. While Christine was not part of the shoot she accompanied her girlfriends to the studio for moral support. She was glad she did for that is where she met Zed and he changed her life. Zed was the photographer’s ex-con nephew and Christine didn’t take to him at first; he looked like a lowlife and she knew she could do better. Unfortunately, he was acting as his aunt’s gopher during the shoot, so he hung around in the wings with Christine all day.

Christine did not talk to him the first day; she barely even looked at him. She didn’t look at his black, spiky hair with the shaved sides. She ignored the multiple facial piercings and the ever present cigarette hanging from his pierced, tight lips. She refused to acknowledge the stubble on his strong, square jaw. Nor did she take in the way his wife beater stretched across his broad chest and displayed the sleeve tattoos on his muscular arms or the obvious bulge in the crotch of his torn, faded blue jeans. Although she did masturbate to his image that night once the other girls fell asleep.

The next day while Nichole and Leslie showed off their pierced boobs for the camera Christine tried to come up with something to say to Zed. She dismissed ‘Nice weather isn’t it?’ and ‘So, I hear you just got out of prison’. Nothing came to her for a while.

“Can I bum a cigarette?” she finally asked.

Without a word or even glancing her way Zed pulled his pack of Marlboro reds from his pocket and shook one out and handed it to Christine. His eyes were glued on the two pair of double Ds on display in front of him.

“Got a light?” Christine asked a minute later.

Zed fished his lighter from his pocket and flicked it to life. As he extended it towards Christine she grabbed his wrist while she used the flame to light her cigarette. Zed looked at her when she failed to release his hand.

“Thanks,” she said as she exhaled into his face.

Zed grunted and turned back to the tits on display. Christine thought about pulling off her top, but she was outnumbered two to four at the moment. While her tits were closer she figured that Zed would go for quantity over proximity. She decided to put all of her cards on the table.

“Wanna fuck?” she asked.

“Sure,” he replied as he stood up and walked into the backroom without even waiting for Christine.

Christine drew deep on her cigarette before dropping it on the concrete floor and crushing it out with her red, high-heeled pump. She rose and followed Zed into the back, hoping he was a better lover than a conversationalist.

His cock wasn’t as big as Moses’, he wasn’t attentive like Leslie and he didn’t use his tongue on her so she couldn’t compare him against Nichole in that department, but he was aggressive. As soon as she was through the back door he grabbed her and savagely kissed her. He tore at her clothes and forcibly ripped her panties from her body. He pushed her against the wall, slammed his cock into her and began thrusting like a rabbit on meth. Christine hung onto him and marveled at the RPMs of his hips.

“You’re a pretty good lay,” he said once he’d finished inside her and they were both resting on a beat up couch. It turned out that the backroom was not only the storeroom for the studio it was also Zed’s current home.

He pulled out two Marlboros and offered one to Christine.

“I don’t smoke actually,” Christine replied. “I asked for one earlier to get you to talk to me.”

“Fuck that shit,” Zed snarled. “If you’re going to be my girl you’re going to at least join me in an after fuck smoke.”

“Who the fuck said anything about being your girl?” Christine retorted, more than a little shocked at his boldness.

“I did,” he said as he grabbed her chin and looked into her eyes with a feral intensity. “You’re my girl now, got it?”

“Okay,” Christine replied as she accepted a cigarette and light from her new man.

As they sat and smoked, Christine surveyed the damage to her clothes. She quickly realized that her top had been torn beyond repair. Her panties too were now useless rags. Luckily, not only was her skirt mostly undamaged it was also long enough that she could do without the panties. But unless she wanted to walk around in just a lace-demi bra she needed to do something about the blouse.

“Here,” Zed said handing her a shiny, black garment.

“Thanks,” she said as she looked at the PVC top. She shrugged and slipped it over her head.

“That’s the only thing I have left of my mom’s,” Zed said as he pulled her close to him. “I’ve never let anyone else wear it.”

“Thanks, Babe,” Christine replied and then kissed Zed.

She tried to replicate the aggression he’d shown her earlier. While she knew that she probably didn’t even come close Zed seemed to appreciate it. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and nearly crushed her with his embrace.

After the photo shoot she and the other girls went shopping. Christine liked how the PVC looked on her and she wanted to expand her wardrobe.

The next day Christine showed up to the shoot wearing the top Zed had loaned her. In addition to this she added a black PVC bra, thong and mini skirt. On her feet she wore red, PVC, thigh-high boots with a stiletto heel. Peeking from the tops of the boots were red fishnet stockings. She hoped the ensemble would keep Zed’s attention on her instead of Leslie and Nichole’s tits.

It turned out that he no longer had eyes for her friends. He greeted her with a bone crushing kiss and then ushered her into the backroom where they spent the entire day fucking, recovering, sucking, recovering and then back to fucking. By the end of the day Christine was spent. She was physically exhausted from so much fucking, her jaw was sore from giving so many blowjobs, her throat was raw from so many post-coital smokes, and her belly was full of Zed’s cum.  She was also really disappointed when she found out that it was the last day of the shoot.

“Baby, am I going to see you again?” she asked as she pooped a couple prescription pain pills for her sore throat.

“Hey, you got any more of these?” Zed asked as grabbed the pill bottle from Christine. “This is some premium shit.”

“No, that’s the last of it,” Christine said with a frown. “I could probably get some more though. The doctor seemed to like me if you know what I mean.”

“That would be fucking awesome, Babe. You know how much I can sell these for on the street?”

“Oh. Look, if you need money I can give you some. I’ve got a bit of it.”

“I’m not having my girl pay my way!” Zed snapped. “I just need the scripts, all right? Think you can handle that?”

“Sure, Baby. I’ll do anything for you.”

Christine recovering
The next morning Christine called Angela to double check the arrangements for their trip to Paris. Angela tried to talk Christine into scheduling a few practice sessions before their trip, but Christine declined. She didn’t see what one or two practices would accomplish and she wanted to get in some more sunning with her girlfriends. Her tan was coming along nicely and she wanted to be a bit darker before the tournament.

After hanging up with her coach, Christine called her plastic surgeon and asked him for a new prescription. She complained about lingering pain. The doctor reminded her that he’d just given her a prescription that should last for another couple of weeks. Christine claimed she’d lost the pills. He didn’t buy it. She said that she’d fuck him and he told her to come right over.

After fucking her doctor for the prescription Christine headed home to get changed for her night out with Leslie and Nichole. They’d heard about a new night club in the city and wanted to check it out.

The next day was dedicated to the girl’s tans. The only thing that interrupted their non-stop sunning during the day was the delivery of Christine’s custom built bed. Now that she was sleeping with multiple partners at the same time she wanted a bed with some serious real estate.

That night she delivered the scripts to Zed. He thanked her with some mind blowing sex and she thanked him back by blowing him.

“I need your help on Friday night,” Zed said as Christine dressed to leave.

“I’m flying to France on Friday morning,” Christine replied.

“What the fuck you going to France for?”

“I’m playing in the Paris Open, Baby.”

“What the fuck is a Paris Open?”

“Are you fucking kidding me? It’s a major tennis tournament and I’m the current champion,” Christine said. “You know, you could come with me.”

“Nah, I fucking hate tennis,” Zed replied. “Listen, I need you to catch a later flight. I want you to drive me somewhere.”

“Okay, Baby.”

Nichole decided to take the later flight with Christine. Flying out Friday evening would mean that they would have to go straight from the airport to the tennis stadium for their first match, but it would also mean that they wouldn’t have to fly with Jeanette or their coaches. They’d decided that they were going to see how many different people they could get to join them in the mile high club during the 12 hour flight and they didn’t want any wet blankets spoiling their fun.

On Friday night Christine met Zed at the photo studio. She freaked a bit when she saw the pistol tucked into his jeans.

“Why in the fucking hell are you carrying a gun?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” Zed said as he gave her an affectionate kiss. “In the meantime start driving.”

Zed had her drive to a parking lot on a seamier side of the town. He jumped out of her car and quickly boosted a brown mid-sized sedan. He instructed Christine to follow in her car to a shopping center on the other side of town. They left Christine’s Lexus in the parking lot and used the stolen car to drive to a liquor store a few blocks down the road.

“You stay here with the engine running. Don’t leave until I get back, not even if you hear sirens. When I get in the car, pull out naturally and drive the speed limit. Got it?”

“You don’t have to do this Zed. I’m fucking loaded. I’ll take care of you.”

“Don’t start with that shit again. I do things my way and if you want to be with me you’ll do what I say.”

Christine wondered what in the hell she was doing. She’d just become an accomplice to auto theft and she was about to add armed robbery to the list. Sure, she’d fucked her doctor for some illegal prescriptions a couple days prior, but that was mostly victimless and besides it had been fun. This was on a whole different level and could lead to real jail time.

She found herself shaking while she waited for Zed’s return. She noticed that he’d left his cigarettes behind so she lit one, hoping that it would calm her nerves. A minute later she spotted Zed running out of the store, holding a brown bag. A large man wielding a baseball bat exited the store a moment later and was gaining on Zed. Christine opened the passenger door for Zed and pulled away from the curd as soon as he jumped into the vehicle. The shop keeper caught up a second later and bashed in the back window with his baseball bat. Christine hit the gas and they left the brute in their dust.

“Down this street,” Zed said while pointing to his right. “Remember, go the speed limit.”

“Holy fuck! That was amazing, Baby!” Christine squealed. “How much you get?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m not counting until we’ve gotten back to my place.”

Zed navigated them back to shopping center. They exited the car and then causally walked to Christine’s Lexus. As the exited the parking lot they could hear sirens in the distance, but they grew fainter as they drove away.

Christine threw herself at Zed as soon as they entered his room. The adrenaline rush of the robbery had made her incredibly horny.

“Pour the money on couch, Baby. I want you to fuck me while I roll in it,” Christine moaned.

Zed complied.

Christine barely made it to the airport in time for her flight. She met Nichole at the gate and as they boarded the plan they scoped out their fellow passengers to see who was a likely fuck partner for the long flight.

As soon as they landed and exited the plane they spotted a chauffeur holding a sign with their names. As they followed him to the baggage claim and then through customs, Christine found that she was on edge and even a little shaky. She felt like she needed something, but she did not know what. She’d drank on the flight so she knew it wasn’t alcohol deprivation. As soon as they entered the limo and Nichole lit up she realized what it was.

“Can I get a smoke from you?” Christine asked.

“Sure, but you should start thinking about buying your own,” Nichole replied as she handed over a Virginia Slims 120.

“I’m not going to be a smoker; I just like to smoke occasionally.”

“I’ve heard that before,” Nichole chuckled. “I’d better start carrying an extra pack now that you’re bumming off me all the time.”

The limo pulled up to the stadium an hour later. Christine had a mere twenty minutes before she needed to be on the court for her first match. Nichole was a bit luckier. She had a couple hours until hers. Christine raced into the dressing room and quickly changed into her tennis outfit. It was then that she realized that she hadn’t packed her racquets. She’d brought lube, a vibrator, an assortment of dildos and a week’s worth of PVC outfits, but not a single racquet.

The first person she asked for a spare racquet was still laughing when she was asking the second person. That person thought that Christine was setting her up for a practical joke. She eventually found someone who agreed to loan her a racquet less than a minute before the start of her match.

Her first round opponent was an unranked wild card so she figured that she should be able to finish her off quickly and get to the hotel for some sleep. She’d been up for 28 hours now and in the mean time she’d helped steal a car and then drive a getaway car, fucked five different people, smoked half a pack of cigarettes, popped a handful of pain pills and drank a bottle or two of alcohol. Once she wiped the floor with this nobody she’d head straight to the hotel and sleep for a couple days.

The match did not start well for Christine. Pain lanced through her chest when she attempted her first serve. She’d figured that 11 days was long enough for her chest muscles to fully heal from her boob job, but she’d obviously been mistaken. She realized now that she probably should have tried a couple serves back in the states, but it was too late now. She was still cupping her aching chest with her left hand while she served underhand with her right. Her opponent returned the shot directly at her head and then made an obscene gesture at her.

Her opponent launched into a verbal assault when Christine once again served underhand; at least that was what Christine assumed it was based on the woman’s expression. She didn’t speak whatever language her opponent was shouting and she really didn’t care. When Christine continued to serve underhand her opponent eventually stopped bitching and started using the easy serves to her advantage. She had Christine running all over the court and Christine was panting heavily before she’d even finished the first game.

When Christine puked halfway through the first set she was just as surprised as everyone else. It had been so long since she’d eaten a meal she was surprised that there was anything left in her stomach to vomit besides booze and cum. They took a short break while maintenance cleaned the court.

“What the hell is going on Christine?” Angela asked once Christine sat on the player’s bench.

“Hell if I know,” Christine replied. “Maybe I’ve got the flu or something.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. You’re down four nil against a local player who didn’t even qualify.”

“I just told you that I’m fucking sick. Why don’t you get off my back, Bitch?”

“Christine you haven’t practiced since the last tournament and now you show up reeking of alcohol. What have you been doing?”

“Mind your own fucking business,” Christine snapped. “You know, I don’t need this shit; you’re fired you worthless cunt.”

Christine dragged herself back onto the court and lost the next two games. She could just hear the commentators with their shock over the number one seed losing the first set to an unranked player. She didn’t care though. All she could think of at the moment was going to bed. The sooner this thing was over the better as far as she was concerned.

She won a couple games in the second set, but then she ran out of steam. She’d been huffing and puffing as she tried to chase down shots, but now her legs had turned to rubber. She decided to give up; it wasn’t worth the effort. Since she was the reigning champion at the next tournament she had an automatic entry. It didn’t matter how she finished today. She decided that she’d just blame illness when the press and her fans questioned her and vomiting during the match would help sell the story. If they pushed too hard she knew a doctor that would vouch for her. She stopped chasing the volleys and her opponent won the next several games to take the match.

Everyone seemed to take her excuse of illness at face value, but not Jeanette. Christine was in the dressing room, watching Nichole lose her round one match on closed circuit TV, when Jeanette entered to ready for her match.

“What’s happened to you two?” Jeanette asked with obvious concern.

“Nichole and I are sick. I think it was something we ate on the flight from the states.”

“Don’t lie to me, Christine,” Jeanette replied. “I live next to both of you. I seen you two partying all night, sunbathing all day. I’ve seen you both smoking and drinking. Please tell me what’s happening. I love you both and it hurts me to see you fall off the path.”

“You don’t need to feel bad for us Jeanette, you should join us.”

“Why would I do that? I’ve seen what it’s done for your tennis careers. Why would I throw my life away like that?”

“You know better than most how much tennis meant to Nichole and me. Well, we’ve found something that is so much better. You have no clue about what you are missing. You have to come with us to the club and experience it for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.”

“But that’s stuff is a sin,” Jeanette said.

“Everybody sins Jeanette. If you aren’t hurting anyone what is wrong with enjoying life? Look, come with us one night to the club when we get back to the states. If you don’t like it you don’t have to return.”

“I’ll think about it,” Jeanette replied.

Christine waited for Nichole to finish losing her match before facing the fans and reporters. She figured that there was strength in numbers.

“I think that I’m going to fly back tomorrow,” Christine said in the limo after they’d spent an hour signing autographs for their fans and answering endless questions from the reporters.

“Don’t go back right away, we need to party for awhile in Paris,” Nichole replied as they rode to the hotel.

“I talked to Jeanette and I think she’s going to come out with us when we get back to the states.”

“We should take her out to a Paris night club tonight,” Nichole replied. “She’ll have tomorrow off while they finish the first round.”

“And then if she loses she’ll blame her loss on the night out and she’ll never party with us again,” Christine replied. “Better play is to let her win or lose on her own. We’ll take her out when she gets back to the states and then we’ll have several weeks to seduce her with the party life style. I’m sure that she’ll take to it just like we did.”

“You are fucking evil, girlfriend.”

“I can’t wait to get her face buried in my snatch.”

Christine and Nichole flew back the following night. To pass the time they decided to have a contest to see who could suck more cock on the trip back. A blowjob in the toilet was worth one point, a blowjob in the cabin was worth five points and sucking off one of the flight crew in the cockpit was worth ten points. By time the plane landed the girls had gotten so drunk while competing that neither could remember just how many cocks they’d sucked or just where so they called it a draw.

Christine called Zed the moment she arrived home.

“Hey Baby, I’m home early. Can I see you?” Christine asked.

“Not tonight I’m going out with some guys to play pool. You can come over tomorrow night, but bring more script.”

“Can we go for a drive again?”

“You want to hit another joint?”

“Yeah, but this time I want to go in with you.”

“Then who the hell is going to drive you dumb bitch?”

“My friend Nichole will drive.”

“Have you been telling other people about this? I ought to kick your ass.”

“No, I haven’t told her yet, I wanted to talk to you first. She can keep her mouth shut. Can she dive for us?”

“Bring her over tomorrow and I’ll check her out, but don’t say shit to her before you get here. And don’t forget the fucking scripts.”

The next day Nichole and Christine stopped by the doctor’s office for some more prescriptions, but he wouldn’t give them anymore unless someone had a procedure performed. Christine contemplated calling Zed, but he would probably just tell her that she was being a stupid bitch again. After conversing with Nichole for a couple minutes they decided they would take turns getting procedures done. Nichole would get her lips plumped today for a handful of prescriptions. When it came time to get another batch Christine would get some work done. She was thinking of getting an upgrade on the tits.

Once they arrived at Zed’s he made Christine wait in the other room while he interviewed Nichole. About twenty minutes later Nichole called Christine into the backroom. Christine kissed Nichole passionately followed by licking Zed’s cum off her chin. Zed let them know that he was okay with Nichole driving, but he wanted to make a couple stops first.

Their first stop that night was at the tattoo parlor where Zed had Christine’s name tattooed on his chest. Nichole had a flowery tramp stamp added to her lower back. Christine decided that she wanted to get a tattoo for every place they robbed. Christine picked out a small rose for her shoulder. She told Zed that she’d get another small tattoo for every place they held up together.

Their next stop was to buy a gun. Christine picked out a nine millimeter Beretta, but was more than a little annoyed when Zed wouldn’t let her load it.

“Have you ever even held a gun?” he snapped when she kept whining.


“Until I show you how to shoot I ain’t giving you no ammo. You’ll probably kill one of us.”

“What’s the fucking point of carrying a gun if it isn’t even fucking loaded?” Christine asked.

“She’s got a fucking point, Zed,” Nichole added.

“Don’t you start in too, listen carry an empty gun or don’t carry one at all, your choice.”

“Can I at least say ‘This is a stick up’?”

“Yeah, knock yourself out, Baby.”

Once they boosted a car Nichole drove them to their target. This time it was a convenience store, one that had a bad habit of keeping lots of cash on hand. Once they arrived Christine donned her oversized sunglasses and a pink, satin ball cap and then followed Zed into the store. Once inside he swept the store for likely heroes while Christine hung out near the register. When he gave her the signal she whipped out her gun and stuck in the cashier’s face while Zed pointed his gun at the two customers by the chip stand.

“This is a stick up!” Christine screamed. She felt herself get wet. “Put all the money into a bag and don’t be a fucking hero or I’ll blow your head right the fuck off.”

The cashier quickly stuffed money into a brown paper bag. Zed kept his gun on the customers while he backed his way to where Christine was standing. He grabbed the bag from the cashier and started towards the door. Christine didn’t move. She kept her gun pointed at the cashier. A smile broke out on her face.

“Let’s go,” Zed ordered.

“Give me a pack of Virginia Slim 120s,” Christine told the cashier.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Come the fuck on!” Zed yelled.

The cashier grabbed several packs and dumped them on the counter in front of Christine. He looked like he was about to piss his pants.

“Thanks,” Christine said as she grabbed two packs and then followed Zed out to the car.

No one came running out after them this time.

“What in the hell were you thinking?” Zed demanded once Nichole started driving away from the store.

Christine was busy unwrapping one of the packs. “Nichole said I should start getting my own smokes and I didn’t feel like buying them.” She pulled a cigarette from her pack and held it up to her lips. “Got a light, Handsome?”

“You are one crazy bitch,” Zed chuckled as he lit her cigarette. “And I fucking love it!”

“Once we ditch this shit box of a car let’s hit the tattoo parlor again,” Christine said. “I owe you another tat.”

After the tattoo parlor they hit a liquor store and bought a trunk load of booze. Christine called Leslie and Zed called a couple of his friends and the six of them partied for the rest of the night at Nichole’s.

In the morning Christine told Leslie about her new hobby. She did not take it well. They got into a big argument which ended with Leslie telling Christine that she was okay with victimless crime, but robbing people crossed a line and she would not be a part of Christine’s life as long as she continued on that path. While Christine was saddened by the breakup she also had two lovers who helped her through the heartache with multiple orgasms.

Christine and Nichole fell into a routine over the next week which consisted of sleeping to noon followed by sunbathing for a couple hours. Afterwards it was clothes shopping with last night’s loot and then they hit a night club where they danced and drank until Zed called to say he was ready to rob that night’s store. Christine continued to demand packs of Virginia Slims from the cashier in addition to a bag of cash.

A trip to the tattoo parlor followed each robbery and then it was the after party at Nichole’s. They slept at Christine’s place since Nichole’s house was thoroughly trashed after each party and they didn’t want to deal with the mess. Nichole had contracted with a handy-man, maid and delivery service that would arrive first thing each morning and repair, clean and restock her house before the next party started.

Jeanette finally arrived back in the states a week later having won the Paris Open women’s single title. After quite a bit of coaxing she agreed to accompany Christine and Nichole at the next tourney the club was holding.

Christine was surprised when she found out that the next tournament was not being held in the warehouse. Nichole informed her that while most were held there they played them all over the place and some in rather exotic locations. While Nichole had only played at the warehouse she’d heard of tournaments being played at the beach, on a barge, in a barn, in the middle of a mall and even one in an abandoned church. This tournament was being held at a privately owned, Olympic-sized, indoor swimming pool.

A standard tennis net stretched across the middle of the pool and scores of paddle boards were strewn on each side of the net. The rules for the match were a little different as well. Each player stood at the end of one side of the pool. They had to hit the ball so that it cleared the next and strike one of the paddle boards. If the ball fell into the water it was a lost point for the player who’d hit it. If the ball cleared the water it was up to the other player to return it, no matter where it landed.

Couches and tables had been arranged around the pool for spectators. A full bar had also been installed for the pleasure of both spectator and participant alike.

Christine and Jeanette found a couch which had a good view of the pool and settled in to watch Nichole who had drawn the very first match of the tournament. Christine ordered a bottle of Cristal and talked Jeanette into trying a glass. A second glass quickly followed the first. Before the second game of the match had even started Jeanette decided that she wanted to play in the tournament as well.

“See, I told you that it wasn’t so bad,” Christine told Jeanette once they started on their second bottle of champagne.

“It’s different than I imagined it, but I like it,” Jeanette replied. “It would be nice if this was a non-smoking facility though.”

“Is the smoke bothering you?”

“A little,” Jeanette admitted.

Christine pulled a cigarette from her purse. “I can help you with that,” she said as she lit it.

“How is lighting a cigarette right next to me going to make it less smoky in here?”

“Trust me, now close your eyes and breathe in deep when I tell you.”

After losing her match four games to six Nichole had to find out what her Sponsor had in store for her. He decided to give her pass for losing since she had delivered the current Paris Open winner. When Nichole joined Jeanette and Christine twenty minutes later it took some effort to get their attention. They were stretched out on the couch passionately kissing each other.

“Christine is a pretty good kisser isn’t she,” Nichole said eventually.

Jeanette’s face was bright red when she pulled away from Christine. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Nichole said as she sat on the couch next to Jeanette. “I know that she’s a great kisser from firsthand experience.” She leaned in and kissed Jeanette on the mouth. When her friend returned the kiss she slipped her tongue into Jeanette’s mouth.

They continued to kiss while Christine readied for her match. She performed even worse than Nichole. The ball bounced wildly when it hit a paddle board and she no longer had the stamina or the compunction to chase down the shots. Watching her opponent dart about on the other side of the pool made Christine feel like she was moving in slow motion.

Christine lost the match and Moses was not as understanding as Nichole’s sponsor.

“I told you that you did not have to win, but you had to tell me if you were going to lose. I lost a bundle on you tonight.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“I’m going to fuck you in the ass while you suck off three guys. If I cum before you get all three of them to cum we start over.”

“And here I thought you were going to punish me.”

“You are something else, Christine,” Moses said as he unzipped his pants.

Jeanette declined Christine’s offer to spend the night. While Christine was a little disappointed she knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before Jeanette was sharing her bed nightly much like Nichole. Even though they washed out of the tournament in the first round they showed up and cheered on Jeanette each of the following three nights. Jeanette won the final easily. That night Nichole and Christine talked her into an after party at Nichole’s place. They also invited Zed and his friends. Christine had Zed slip Jeanette some Ecstasy and within an hour Christine had her face buried between Jeanette’s legs. When Jeanette not only reciprocated, but also woke Christine up by eating her out she knew that Jeanette would be a regular in her bed from then on.

While Jeanette joined Christine and Nichole for sunbathing, shopping sprees and all night partying she did not join them on their stick ups. While she did not have a problem with it per se and she had no problem helping them spend the loot the next day it did not sound like that much fun to her. Jeanette would stay at the night club and dance and fuck while the other two pulled their job.

They played in a few more tournaments for the club. Jeanette won the first two, but all the sunbathing and partying started taking its toll on her as well. Much like Nichole and Christine she did not seem to mind much. She was enjoying herself too much.

A month later Jeanette and Christine were waiting for Nichole to finish her punishment for washing out in the first round of the club’s latest tournament. They’d washed out the day before so they had already performed the requisite sex acts to appease their sponsors.

“Fuck,” Christine groaned as she furiously dug in her purse. An intricate design of flowers, birds and vines covered her right arm from the shoulder to elbow.

“What is it?” Jeanette asked.

“I’m out of goddamn cigarettes again.”

Jeanette laughed. “The notorious ‘Virginia Slims’ bandit is out of smokes, how ironic,” she said as she pulled two Virginia Slims cigarettes from her purse. “You should always carry an extra pack.” She handed one to Christine and put the other in her mouth.

“I do,” Christine said as she accepted a light. “I guess it’s time to start carrying three packs every day.”

“That’s what I fucking do.”,” Jeanette said as she lit her own cigarette.

Jeanette waits for Nichole

“Have you ever thought of getting your boobs done?” Christine asked a couple minutes later.

“From time to time, why?

Christine told her about her plastic surgeon and Zed’s side business.

“So, can you help a sister out?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

Ten months later

“This is Yolanda Tackleberry and I am standing outside Vagisil stadium where day one of the American Open tennis tournament has come to a close. We have just received word that Christine Mahoney, Nichole Thompson and Jeanette Jones, better known as the ‘Bad Girls of Tennis’, will be exiting the stadium shortly. All three were knocked out in the first round. Losing in the first round is no longer that surprising with these three, if they had not finished in the top three in last year’s tournament they would not have even qualified in this tournament. No, what is really surprising…” Yolanda’s words were drowned out. A roar erupted from the crowd.

Yolanda turned to see three women emerging from the stadium. Even though Yolanda had seen them many times in the last year it was still a shock whenever she saw Christine, Nichole or Jeanette these days. There was nothing left of the sweet, innocent young women that Yolanda had interview on this same spot just one year prior. She did not know how to describe them these days, the word ‘sluts’ seemed too tame.

All three ladies were dressed in PVC vinyl, all three wore thigh-high boots with impossibly tall heels and all three were, of course, smoking. Nichole and Jeanette walked straight to Yolanda while Christine stopped to sign autographs.

“Nichole, can I have a word?” Yolanda asked.

“The names Nikki and funk off, Cunt,” snapped Nichole. She was still dressed in her fetish tennis outfit. There had been a bit of controversy when she’d taken the court wearing a tennis outfit made out of white PVC whose top barely contained her G cup breasts. Her body was heavily pierced; large nipple rings were visible through her top. Her eyebrow, nose, tongue, lip and septum were pierced. A chain ran from her septum to each of her ears.

“Not an unexpected response. Maybe Jeanette will have a word for us that we won’t have to bleep. Jeanette can we have a word?”

“Call me Jeanie and I’ll give you an interview. Oh, and before you get to Christine you might want to call her Chrissy. You’re much more likely to get her to talk if you use her new name,” replied Jeanette.

Jeanette’s waist length hair had been cut and dyed. It now hung to the nape of her neck and was a bright, copper red. Giant hoop earrings that brushed her shoulders hung from her ears. Her lips were painted to match her hair and they stained the butt of the cigarette that constantly hung from her mouth. She’d caused quite a stir when she insisted upon smoking during her entire match. The match did not last long since she lost every game. Besides her leopard print thigh-high boots and matching PVC bra and thong she wore nothing else.

“Thank you for taking time to talk with us. What are your thoughts today? Last year you finished second and today you did not win a set. When you finished second last year you said it was part of God’s will. Do you still feel that way?”

“I’m an atheist now, so I’ll kindly ask you not to speak about fake beings around me.”

“You were fairly religious before, what happened?”

“I pulled my head out of my ass.”

“Do you plan on continuing with tennis?” Yolanda asked.

“You know, you’re pretty cute, why don’t you come home with me and I’ll tell you in the morning.”

“I am a married woman, Jeanie.”

“He can come too, the more the merrier,” Jeanette replied and then slapped Yolanda’s ass. She joined Nichole in the limousine that waited for them.

Jeanie propositions Yolanda

“It looks like Christine is being monopolized by her fans. Let’s see if she’ll let me interrupt for a couple moments,” Yolanda said as she walked towards Christine where she was busy signing the breast of a fan.

“Chrissie, Yolanda Tackleberry with the Tennis Channel, can I ask a few questions?”

“Just a moment, Yolanda,” Christine replied as she turned and lit a fan’s cigarette. “Where would you like me to sign?” she asked the young woman who quickly exposed a breast.

Christine’s blonde hair was now midnight-black and had a permanent, wet, stringy look to it, like she’d just finished showering, but hadn’t brushed it yet. Her makeup was plastered on her face; her fat collagen filled lips were painted bright red. Her PVC biking top strained to contain her massive, silicon globes. Both arms and much of her back were now covered with tattoos. Her skirt was so tiny it was obvious to everyone that she wore not panties.

“What you wanna know?” Christine asked as she lit the next fan’s Virginia Slims cigarette.

“How do you feel after today’s match? You set a record by being the first returning champion to fail to score a single point in their first match.”

“Fuck if I care.”

“You certainly had the fans on your side though especially when you began throwing packs of cigarettes into the stands at the beginning of your match.”

“I like to give back, you know.”

As they talked Christine continued to make her way along the line of her fans, only pausing to light cigarettes and sign body parts. She stopped short when she came to a fan that not only lacked a cigarette for Christine to light, but was also wearing a crucifix.

“What’s your name?” Christine asked.

“Karen Martin, Miss Mahoney.” Karen’s dishwater blonde hair hung to her shoulder blades.

“Call me Chrissy and why don’t you join me on this side of the rope,” Christine replied as she held up the rope for Karen to squeeze under. “Are you a fan of mine?”

“Yes, of course Chrissy.”

“Then where the fuck is your cigarette and what the fuck is this doing around your neck?” Christine pointed at the cross that hung from a chain around Karen’s neck.

“I tried smoking, but it made me sick,” Karen replied. “I’m sorry about the cross, but my mom makes me wear it. I’ll take it off.”

“Let me,” Christine replied as she ripped the cross from Karen’s neck and then threw it on the ground. “Smash it with your foot.”

“Okay,” Karen said with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Now, about the smoking, I can help you with that. How would you like your first lesson in my limo? We can start the second lesson once we get to my hotel room.”

“That sounds great, Chrissy,” Karen replied.

Christine opened the door to the limo. Inside Nichole and Jeanette were on their hands and knees kissing each other with lit cigarettes in their hands. Behind each of them was a guy plowing their cock into their sopping pussies.

“Ever participated in an orgy, Karen?” Christine asked as she ushered her newest convert into the limo. “Don’t worry; I’m sure that you’ll take to it like a fish to water.”

The End

Author's note: After posting Bethany's Mom Smokes for Her Man in late March of 2014, I started working on another story for FictionMania. While writing it I saw a post on the Smoking Fetish Kingdom forum offering $350 to write a story about a female professional tennis player who goes from a near saint to a very trashy slut. I asked the poster if I could start the story after I finished the story I was working on at the time and he said yes. It took me two and a half weeks to write his story. The commissioner asked for a couple changes and then gave me a $200 bonus once he received it. I really love all the amazing comments that I have received on my other stories and they have done wonders for my confidence in writing, but being given an unsolicited $200 really speaks volumes. The FictionMania story has not been posted as of this writing and may become illustrated and go up on Femur's TGComics. I posted a version of Unforced Errors without the photos to the Smoking Fetish Kingdom on 7/2/2014. This is the story as I originally sent it to the commissioner on 6/28/2014. Nearly all of the photos were provided by the commissioner.

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