Monday, August 18, 2014

Story: The Birth of Bethany

The Birth of Bethany
By Varian Milagro

“Thank you for agreeing to watch Billy tonight,” Nathan Wilson said. “We had a different sitter lined up, but she had to cancel at the last minute.” Nathan drew deep on his cigarette and exhaled smoke across the family room of his large upscale home.

“It’s really no problem Mr. Wilson,” Elizabeth Drake replied. She tried to hide her disgust for his filthy habit, along with her disdain for subjecting his three year old son to the toxic fumes.

Elizabeth was an ardent non-smoker as was her entire family. If it weren’t for the money she would not step foot inside the Wilson’s house, but they paid very well and she had to make rent. Nineteen year old Elizabeth shared a house near the local University with a couple other co-eds. She was working on her first year of a sociology degree and while her parents paid for school they would not help with rent, not when she ‘had a perfectly good room at home’. Elizabeth found that babysitting worked very well with college; it allowed her to pick her own schedule and it quite often allowed her to study on the job.

“We should be back by 10pm,” said Nathan as smoke poured from his mouth. “There are emergency numbers on the refrigerator along with our cell numbers. Please do not hesitate to call if you need anything.”

“Thank you Mr. Wilson. I’m sure there won’t be any problems, but if there is I’ll let you know right away.” She wondered if Mr. Wilson knew how ridiculous he looked when he smoked. Besides the smell, there was the health hazard that cigarettes inflicted not only upon the smoker, but all those around them. Elizabeth considered Mr. Wilson a handsome and successful man and looked dashing in his expensive suit, but when he smoked it was as if he was saying ‘I don’t care about myself or those around me’. She found that ridiculous.

“Billy’s bedtime is at seven-thirty,” Mary Wilson said as she entered the family room. Her wavy auburn hair fell to the top of her breasts which were on full display. The tiny, red, strapless cocktail dress, which barely covered her panties, was so tight it caused Elizabeth to wonder how the woman breathed. Mary wore a pair of strappy, silver heels which appeared to be over four inches tall. Her makeup was sultry and dramatic and her silver jewelry was abundant and expensive. And, of course, she had a cigarette in her hand.

“I’ll make sure he is to bed on time, Mrs. Wilson,” Elizabeth replied.

Taking in Mrs. Wilson’s outfit Elizabeth felt a bit of pity for the woman. One thing her mother had pounded into her since she was little was the importance of a woman’s modesty. Elizabeth disagreed with her mother on many subjects. One being how much skin a woman should show in public. It was her mother’s opinion that hands and head were the only body parts a proper lady displayed in public, but Elizabeth thought that a little skin was okay, mainly arms, shins and feet. One thing they did agree upon was that women who dressed as Mrs. Wilson must have very low opinions of themselves to debase themselves in public with such revealing attire.

“Feel free to enter any room downstairs, but, other than Billy’s room, please do not enter any of the rooms upstairs.” Mary said before taking a deep drag off her long white cigarette. When she removed the cigarette a large ball of smoke followed, only to be sucked back inside her mouth. The exhale that followed a few moments later was a thick, torrent of smoke.

“Absolutely Mrs. Wilson, after Billy goes to bed I’ll be studying until you get home,” Elizabeth replied.

Once the Wilson’s left the house, Elizabeth opened a couple windows and used a magazine to fan the air, trying to reduce the smoky clouds left by Billy’s parents. After a few minutes she sat down next to Billy and played with him until his bedtime. Besides the money Billy was the only other thing she liked about babysitting for the Wilson’s; Billy was a delightful, well behaved child.

A couple hours later, after putting Billy to bed and reading him a story in his upstairs bedroom, Elizabeth was walking down the hall toward the stairs when she caught a strong whiff of cigarette smoke. Smelling smoke was nothing new in the Wilson’s house, but this smoke smelled fresh, like someone was smoking a cigarette just down the hall. This concerned her since Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had left hours ago and to her knowledge there was no one else in the house. She decided to investigate, and soon her nose brought her to the door where the stench was strongest. She recalled Mrs. Wilson’s request to stay out of the upstairs rooms, but fears of a potential house fire caused Elizabeth to ignore Mrs. Wilson’s directive.

She opened the door and the smoke smell grew significantly. She flipped on the room’s light and the room looked to be a study or library of some sort. There was a roll top desk next to one wall. Floor to ceiling bookcases, all of which were crammed with leather bound books, lined two of the walls. Elizabeth looked around the room and for a source of the smell. As she neared a door on the opposite side of the room smoke began to billow from beneath it, cigarette smoke by the smell of it.

“Hello is someone in there?” she called.

When no answer came and the smoke continued to gush her first instinct was to find a phone to call 911, but something caused her to pause; there seemed to be something purposeful in the way the smoke moved. It flowed along the floor for nearly a foot, split and then rose straight up in twin columns only to rejoin into a single column a couple feet off the ground. Once the leading edge reached Elizabeth’s height it stopped rising and began to coalesce. Elizabeth was transfixed as smoke took shape. At first it was a hazy column, but then appendages began to form, one on each side; they looked like arms. Initially she could clearly see the opposite wall through the smoke figure, but as smoke continued to build within the creature the wall was obscured. Eventually the figure became substantial and appeared to have actual mass. Soon a head began to form and the body of the figure began to develop curves, very feminine curves. A few moments later it formed a very pretty face and smoky hair grew from the head and fell to its developing breasts.

When it opened its eyes and smiled at Elizabeth she finally found the impetus to flee. The creature followed and as she reached the door it grabbed her hand. It did not grab with force, but gently. It was this gentleness that caused Elizabeth to pause and turn. The smoke girl released her hand backed up a few steps and beckoned Elizabeth to follow. Although tempted to follow she left the room and closed the door on her way out. She walked down the hall to Billy’s room and stood guard as she watched the door to the room with the smoke girl. She waited for twenty minutes before going downstairs to retrieve her books. She decided she would study outside Billy’s room until his parents returned.

As Elizabeth began to study she became aware that she now totally reeked of cigarette smoke. The smell of it clung to her. It was in her hair, her clothes. It clung to her skin; it was even in her mouth. It disgusted her and she couldn’t wait to get home to shower the stench off her body. That is until she caught a whiff of her hand, the hand that the smoke girl had touched. While it smelled of cigarette smoke like the rest of her body, its scent was mixed with something else, something feminine. It reminded her of Mrs. Wilson. While she studied she would occasionally catch herself sniffing her hand. She tried to keep her mind on her studies, but a strong desire to revisit the room, to see the girl, to follow her, pestered her brain.

After an hour standing guard outside Billy’s door Elizabeth decided it was safe to finish studying downstairs and hour after that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson arrived home. Mrs. Wilson promptly headed upstairs while Mr. Wilson asked how Billy had behaved. As he was pulling money out of his wallet to pay Elizabeth for her services Mrs. Wilson returned.

“Elizabeth, are you available to watch Billy tomorrow night?” She asked with a smile on her face. She walked over to Mr. Wilson and whispered into his ear.

“Umm…I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Elizabeth replied. “I’m kind of busy, plus I won’t have a ride.”

“I know it’s the last minute, but you would be doing us a huge favor,” Nathan said. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll throw in an extra fifty bucks, what do you say?”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to do it, sorry,” Elizabeth said.

On her way home Elizabeth pondered why she hadn’t told the Wilson’s of her encounter with the creature in their house. She thought that it boiled down to fear; fear that they wouldn’t believe her and fear they would be mad that she had entered the room when they had asked not to do so. While she drove Elizabeth caught herself inhaling the scent on her hand again; its smell wasn’t pleasant, but she found something inviting about it. It also caused her to remember the way the girl had motioned for her to follow; there was a certain promise in it, something illicit. While she knew deep down that she should stay away, that she should never enter the Wilson’s house again and especially not that room, as soon as she returned home she called Mrs. Wilson on the phone.

“Hello, Mrs. Wilson,” Elizabeth said. “I’ll do it. I’ll babysit for you tomorrow night.”

“Great, Nathan will pick you up at five thirty,” Mary replied.

She told herself that she only doing it for the money; the extra fifty dollars would get her real close to the amount she owed on rent. She told herself that she would stay out of the room. She would watch Billy and after he went to bed she would study downstairs. She told herself this enough times that she started to believe it.

That night as Elizabeth lay in her bed she tucked hand under her nose, breathed in the smoke girl’s scent, and pondered what the girl had wanted to show her.

The next morning after a quick shower Elizabeth she joined her housemates, Victoria and Becky, for breakfast before heading off to college. Victoria, a petite nineteen year old who wore her straight brunette hair to her shoulder blades, was the alpha female of the group. She collected rent and made up most of the house rules. Technically the house rules were determined by a majority, but since Becky did whatever Victoria told her to do Elizabeth always lost the vote when she went against Victoria. While Becky was the tallest of the three she was also the meekest, something Victoria used to her advantage. Like Elizabeth, Becky wore her blonde hair long and straight. They were all pretty and fairly conservative in dress. They had met through church and their families had instilled a deep sense of modestly in the three girls. None of the women wore any makeup, except for Elizabeth who wore a little eyeliner and when she was being especially rebellious: lip-gloss. Except for the single pair of studs in Elizabeth’s ears none wore jewelry.

An hour later found Elizabeth on the University campus walking toward the library where she was meeting her boyfriend, Paul. They had been seeing each other for a couple months now and liked each other quite a bit. While they enjoyed kissing and holding hands Elizabeth was not prepared to go any further. She had taken a purity pledge through her church several years earlier and she took it very seriously. While they had French kissed a couple times Elizabeth didn’t like to do it too often. She wanted to keep it as something special, something to look forward to.

When she reached their meeting spot near the entrance to the library she was a little disappointed that he had not arrived yet. She was a little early, but he normally arrived before her. She looked for a place to sit while she waited. She noticed a bench about 30 feet from the library’s entrance. She walked over to the bench and sat down facing the library so she would be able to see Paul arrive. Soon a group of people started talking behind her which was followed by the distinct smell of cigarette smoke. The bench she had picked was right next to one of the Universities designated smoking areas. She tried to stay, but the nauseating smoke was drifting right to her. She gave up her seat and headed back to the library’s entrance.

Once Paul arrived they greeted each other with a quick hug and kiss. “I’m sorry I’m late Elizabeth. I had trouble finding a parking spot,” he replied. Paul was fit, lean, stood a couple inches taller than Elizabeth and had short auburn hair.

“You’re forgiven,” she said with a smile. They walked hand in hand to the first of their classes for the day.

That night Mr. Wilson arrived promptly at five thirty. Armed with her school books Elizabeth entered the car which of course stank of cigarette smoke. Mr. Wilson lit a cigarette shortly after he started the drive to his house. Elizabeth lowered her window to escape the fumes.

The evening started much as the previous had, Mr. Wilson chain smoking while waiting for his wife to finish getting ready, Mrs. Wilson leaving nothing to the imagination with her attire, Elizabeth clearing the air as soon as the Wilson’s departed, followed by playing with Billy until his bedtime, and then a bedtime story. As she left his room she looked down the hall toward the room with the smoke girl. She was sorely tempted to take a peek inside, just to see if she was still there, instead she headed downstairs to her books.

After a half hour of study Elizabeth’s thoughts turned to the girl upstairs. She knew it was folly to enter the room again; there was something very supernatural about the creature. Yet, at the same time she yearned to see her again, to touch her, to smell her. She found herself unable to study; she retained nothing of what she read, her thoughts being too focused upstairs. She eventually abandoned her books and headed to the room.

Elizabeth felt her hand shake in nervous anticipation as she turned the door knob. The acrid smell of cigarette smoke almost over powered her as soon as she opened the door. There was no sign of the girl initially, but as soon as she fully entered the room smoke began to issue forth from under the opposite door.

The girl materialized faster this time, or perhaps Elizabeth knew what to expect and the amount of time just seemed shorter. Once whole, the girl smiled at Elizabeth again. She made no move toward Elizabeth though. She put a hand on her cocked hip and with one finger motioned for Elizabeth to come to her. She wore a rather saucy, mischievous smile. Elizabeth felt her pulse quicken and her heart pound in her chest as she walked slowly to the smoke girl. The girl’s smile broadened and looked almost predatory.

Elizabeth stopped a couple feet away from the girl and stared at her. The girl raised one hand and caressed Elizabeth’s cheek. The girl’s hand felt amazing on her skin; it was solid, but wondrously soft and lightly tickled. Elizabeth leaned her head into the girl’s caress. The girl reached her other hand around the back of Elizabeth’s head and pulled their faces together until their lips met. The girl kissed Elizabeth with a passion she had never before experienced. Desire flooded her body and she returned the kiss. When the girl’s tongue began pressing between her lips, Elizabeth parted them and welcomed the smoke girl’s tongue into her mouth. The girl tasted of smoke and Elizabeth found the acrid taste quite unpleasant, but Elizabeth was willing to tolerate it. It was a small price to pay for the glorious feelings the girl’s kisses were creating within her body. Plus after a few minutes she found that she didn’t mind the taste that much.

Elizabeth felt the girl’s hands leave her head and travel down her back; her own arms were wrapped tightly around the girl’s back. The girl’s delightful hands began to explore Elizabeth’s body; her back, her bottom, her waist, and then her breasts. When the girl reached Elizabeth’s nipples and gave one a light pinch, Elizabeth gasped and drew in a lungful of smoke. Smoke poured from her mouth as she coughed violently. She jerked out of the smoke girl’s grasp and backed away. Her face was flushed and her nipples tented her shirt. The girl made no move toward Elizabeth, but gave her a pleading look. Elizabeth stood conflicted for several moments before she slowly backed toward the door.

Elizabeth hesitated at the door. The smoke girl now had a look of sadness about her. Elizabeth first impulse was to comfort her, but taste of smoke in her mouth and the tingling that still lingered in her breasts frightened her. She turned off the light, closed the door and headed down stairs.

When Elizabeth returned to her books she found that she had no desire to study. She brought one hand up to her nose and inhaled deeply; she basked in the girl’s aroma. After several minutes she tried to read her book, but the wondrous feeling of the girl’s gentle caress of her cheek, the thrill of their kisses and the sensation of the girl’s hands on her breasts dominated her thoughts. She felt a strong desire to return to the room; to let the girl kiss her again. The thought frightened her. Just upstairs was a room that housed a supernatural entity made of smoke, a very female entity and instead of wishing to flee she wanted to make out with it. She wondered if this meant she was becoming gay. She wrestled with her desires for the rest of the evening. She was so lost in thought she didn’t even hear the Wilsons when they arrived home.

“Hello Elizabeth, I hope Billy was well behaved tonight,” Nathan said from behind Elizabeth.

Started, Elizabeth whipped around. “Oh hello, yeah he was just fine,” she replied.

“Thank you for watching him again tonight,” he said as he took a deep drag of his cigarette followed by a large exhale.

“You’re welcome, it was a pleasure,” she replied. “Anytime you need a sitter, please let me know.” She noticed that the smell of Mr. Wilson’s cigarette didn’t seem to bother her as much as it had earlier in the evening.

“Hello Elizabeth,” called Mary as she descended the stairs. She walked up to Nathan and whispered into his ear; they smiled at each other.

“I can take you home if you’re ready,” Nathan said.

Elizabeth found the journey home much more pleasant then the ride to the Wilson’s house. Mr. Wilson’s cigarette smoking no longer seemed to bother her. On the way to their house she’d practically had her head out the car’s window trying to breathe fresh air; on the ride home she left the window rolled up. Elizabeth watched Mr. Wilson smoke; he seemed to relish it. She had often wondered what could possibly possess someone to willing inhale poisonous smoke into their body. The contented look on his face as he drew deep on the cigarette and the relaxed smile on his face as he released the smoke from his lungs made her realize that it must be an enjoyable experience.

About fifteen minutes later Mr. Wilson reached for his pack of cigarettes. He shook the pack until one poked its way out of the pack. He brought the pack to his mouth, but stopped before it reached his mouth. He looked over at Elizabeth and held the cigarette pack out to her.

“Would you like one?” He asked.

“Uhh…” Elizabeth began. Mr. Wilson’s offer not only startled her, but she felt her cheeks redden in embarrassment. “I don’t smoke Mr. Wilson, you know that.”

“Things change,” he replied.

“No thank you.”

“Suit yourself,” he said as he lit his cigarette.

That night as Elizabeth lay in bed she rested one hand under nose and savored the smoke girl’s scent while her other hand found its way to her breast. She imagined it was the girl’s hand caressing her. When she pinched her nipple with the tips of her fingernails she imagined it was the girl’s teeth. She lowered her hand to her sex and pleasured herself while dreaming of what else the girl may someday do to her body.

Elizabeth skipped a shower in the morning and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to school. Elizabeth arrived before Paul again. After waiting a minute she eyed the bench she had sat upon the day before. She noticed a large crowd of smokers near the bench. Elizabeth decided she would rather sit than stand and headed to the bench. Similar to yesterday the cigarette smoke drifted straight to the bench. Unlike yesterday Elizabeth did not flee, rather she breathed deeply and felt herself become very relaxed.

“Hey Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth turned to the speaker and recognized her instantly; it was Tracy and they shared a couple classes. Tracy had shoulder length auburn hair and while they shared a similar build Tracy was a bit more adventurous when it came to clothes and makeup. Tracy didn’t display her assets to Mrs. Wilson’s degree, but she didn’t try to hide them either.

“Hi Tracy, how are you?”

Tracy took a deep drag off her cigarette and then tossed it into an ashtray stand. As she walked over to the bench she released a large exhale which flowed directly into Elizabeth’s face. Elizabeth didn’t flinch.

“I’m sorry about that; I didn’t mean to blow smoke in your face.”

“It’s okay,” Elizabeth replied. She found she rather enjoyed the experience.

“Are you ready for the Economics quiz?” Tracy asked.

Tracy panicked. “Oh no, I totally forgot about it.” She had spent so much time fighting her desire to return to the smoke girl that she had not studied for the quiz.

“You can study in Statistics; I’ll take notes for both of us while you prepare for the Economics quiz.”

“That’s so nice of you Tracy.”

“See you in an hour in Statistics,” Tracy said as she departed.

“Bye,” Elizabeth replied. She looked over to the library and saw Paul standing at the entrance. She had gotten caught up talking to Tracy she had forgotten to keep an eye out for Paul. She rushed over to him.

“Hey sweetie,” she said as she hugged and kissed Paul.

Paul pulled away. “You smell like an ashtray,” he said with a disgusted look on his face.

“I was sitting on a bench by a group of smokers.”

“Smells like you’ve been smoking yourself,” he said.

“Well, I watched Billy Wilson again last night and you know how the Wilson’s are. Plus when Mr. Wilson drove me home he smoked the whole way. Then this morning I got up late so I had to skip showering,” she replied. “Now stop hurting my feelings and give me a real kiss.”

“You want to go to dinner on Friday night?” Paul asked after kissing Elizabeth for a few moments.

“Yes, you know I do,” she replied. She pulled Paul into a hug and gave him very passionate kiss.

Elizabeth showered reluctantly once she arrived home from school. While she did not want to lose the smoke girl’s scent on her body she was worried about developing other odors.

Thursday morning Elizabeth woke early. She arrived on campus a full thirty minutes before her normal meeting time with Paul. She made her way directly to the bench. As she approached it she felt a pang of disappointment that the smoking area was empty. She told herself that she had arrived at school early to have some extra time to talk to Tracy. She knew deep down that Tracy’s absence was not the real source of her disappointment though, and this troubled her greatly. Her reactions to the smell of cigarette smoke had changed dramatically over the last 36 hours. Cigarette smoke in general no longer smelled unpleasant; it now smelled normal, almost natural. The smell of Tracy’s exhale though had been pleasant. It was as if it carried with it a promise of something to come, similar to how the smell of cookies held the promise of their taste.

After a couple minutes some smokers arrived and after a few more minutes Tracy arrived. Elizabeth jumped up when she saw her friend and walked over to the smoking area.

“Morning Tracy,” Elizabeth said. “Thanks for the help with the quiz yesterday; you’re a life saver.”

Tracy finished lighting her cigarette and inhaled deeply. “No problem, I’m glad I could help,” she said as smoke poured out of her mouth.

“Are you ready for tomorrow’s Statistics test?” Elizabeth was standing downwind from Tracy which suited her just fine.

“God no,” Tracy replied. “That test is going to be a beast.”

“Do you want to study together?” Elizabeth asked.

“Sure that would be great. Do you want to study at your place?”

“If we do it at my house you can’t smoke. My roommates are very anti-smoking.”

“We can do it at my house, but everyone there smokes so it may be unpleasant for you.”

“That’s okay, I don’t mind,” Elizabeth said. “Well, I have to go meet Paul. I’ll see you in class.”

When Elizabeth arrived at Tracy’s house that afternoon she was greeted by Tracy’s mother and quickly led to Tracy’s room. Tracy was in the middle of a cigarette and jumped up to great Elizabeth.

“I’m looking forward to studying together,” Tracy said. “I’ve always studied alone, but sometimes thought it might not be the best way. It’s really smoky in my room; I can open a window.”

“No, that’s okay. It’s kind of windy outside and it would probably blow our notes all over.”

The two girls dove into studying for the next hour during which time Tracy smoked several cigarettes. For the most part Tracy tried to keep her cigarette away from her non-smoking friend and would exhale away from Elizabeth or toward the ceiling, but occasionally, when lost in concentration, she’d exhale directly at Elizabeth. When she would see one of Tracy’s plumes headed her way Elizabeth would quickly empty her lungs and then breathe as deep as she could when the exhale was at its thickest. This only happened a couple times, not nearly enough for her.

During a break from studying they headed downstairs for a snack and their conversation turned to boys.

“How long have you and Paul been going out?”

“A couple months now,” Elizabeth replied. “He’s a really great. We’ve mostly hung out at school or gone to the occasional movie, but Friday were going on a real date at an actual restaurant. I’m real excited.”

“That sounds great,” Tracy said. “How serious are you two?”

“I like him a lot, but we are taking it slow.” Elizabeth told Tracy about her purity pledge and how Paul respected her vow.

“That’s so sweet,” Tracy replied. “Every guy I go out with turns into Mr. Grabby hands by the second date and become real assholes once we finally do it.”

“Are you dating anyone right now?”

“No, but I have my eyes on one guy in particular,” Tracy replied. “You know Brent in Economics?”


“Tall, blonde, blue eyes and sits in the second row near the wall.”

“Oh him, he’s super cute. You go girl!” They both started giggling.

After their break and back to their studies Elizabeth looked for opportunities to catch another of Tracy’s exhales. It took a while, but after about 30 minutes Tracy sent a juicy one her way. Elizabeth emptied her lungs and as the plume hit her, she closed her eyes, inhaled and basked as the smoke poured around her. When she opened her eyes Tracy was looking directly at her.

“Do you want a cigarette?” Tracy asked.

“I don’t smoke,” Elizabeth replied.

“You could have fooled me,” Tracy said. “I’ve been around a lot of people who’ve tried to quit smoking and you look someone who is seriously Jonesing for a cigarette.”

“I’ll be honest with you, I’ve kind of started enjoying the smell of cigarettes, but I don’t want to be a smoker,” Elizabeth replied.

“Probably a wise decision, but if you change your mind you got to know that I wouldn’t judge you or anything.”

Tracy invited Elizabeth to stay for dinner and she accepted. They ate pizza with her family while watching a movie. Afterwards they headed back upstairs and Tracy lit up as soon as they entered her room.

“Do you think I could try a puff?” Elizabeth asked hesitantly.

“Of course, but are you sure you want to?”

“Yeah, I want to try it,” Elizabeth replied.

Tracy handed the lit cigarette to Elizabeth who brought the cigarette to her mouth and sucked on the filter tentatively. She blew the smoke out of her mouth without inhaling. While the taste was not as good as the smell, it wasn’t too bad. She handed the cigarette back to Tracy.

“Thanks,” Elizabeth said.

“So, what do you think?” Tracy asked.

“I don’t know…it wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t all that great either,” Elizabeth replied.

“Well, if you’re going to really try it you’ll need to inhale,” Tracy said as she handed the cigarette back to Elizabeth.

She brought the cigarette back to her mouth and sucked on it a little longer this time. Once she removed it from her lips she held the smoke in her mouth for a moment and then breathed in. The urge to cough was not as strong as it had been when she’d inhaled a bit of the smoke girl and she was able to suppress it. She exhaled and watched the thin, smoky stream glide across the room.

“That was a little nicer actually, but I still like the smell better,” Elizabeth replied as she handed the cigarette back to Tracy. While she had told Tracy the truth about her smoking experience, she found that she was disappointed as well. She had wanted it to be reminiscent of the smoke girl’s kiss, but it was nothing like it. She had hoped that being exposed to smoke would diminish her desire return to the Wilson’s smoke girl, but it actually made her want it more.

“Fair enough,” Tracy replied. “If you ever want to try it again just let me know.”

Once Elizabeth arrived at home that evening she called Mrs. Wilson on the phone. She had been hoping that they would have asked her to babysit again. With the amount they paid she would have enough for her share of rent after one more night watching Billy. She told herself that her growing desires for the smoke girl had nothing to do with it.

“Hello,” Mary answered.

“Hi, Mrs. Wilson, I was umm…I wanted to thank you for letting me babysit Billy,” Elizabeth said. “He’s a really great kid.”

“Thank you Elizabeth,” Mary replied. “I do agree that he is special, not that I’m partial or anything.”

“Umm, I was wondering if you needed anymore babysitting. I’m totally available.”

“Well, we didn’t really have any set plans, but I could probably talk Nathan into taking me out dancing tomorrow night,” Mary replied.

“Ohh…tomorrow…” said Elizabeth as she remembered her date with Paul.

“If tomorrow is a problem we could wait until next weekend.”

“No!’ Elizabeth cried. “Friday is fine,” she said more calmly. “What time should I be there?”

“Nathan will be in your area tomorrow, he can pick you up at five thirty.”

“Sure, that will be perfect,” Elizabeth replied.

She hung up, called Paul and asked him if they could move their date to Saturday. He said yes, but disappointment was evident in his voice.

Elizabeth headed to school early again on Friday so she could hang out with Tracy before meeting Paul. She had always avoided making friends with smokers in the past and her growing friendship with Tracy made her regret it. She was glad she had stopped discriminating; Tracy was a really nice person. Elizabeth was so caught up in their chatting with Tracy that forgot to keep a look out for Paul again. Eventually he sought her out and found her with the smokers.

“Hey Elizabeth, what’s going on?” he asked when he found her.

“I’m sorry, Paul, I was talking with Tracy and I lost track of time,” she replied. They hugged and kissed and headed to class holding hands.

“Are you a smoker now?” Paul asked on the way to class.

“No, Tracy smokes and I was just talking to her.”

“Doesn’t all that cigarette smoke bother you?” he asked. “You used to say it made you want to puke if you caught just a whiff of it.”

“It doesn’t bother me that much anymore,” she replied.

“Well, I wish it did; you smell like cigarette smoke all the time now and it’s kind of gross.”

“Sorry, I’ll try to stay upwind of Tracy from now on.”

At home that evening Elizabeth sat by the window and watched for Mr. Wilson to arrive. She let out a squeal when she saw his car pull into the driveway. She grabbed her bags and raced out the door before Mr. Wilson made it halfway up the front walk. He smoked a couple cigarettes on the drive to his house, but he did not offer Elizabeth a cigarette this time. When they arrived at the house he did not exit the car; instead he told Elizabeth that he would wait in the car for his wife. She found Mrs. Wilson just inside the front door; she seemed very excited to see Elizabeth.

“Thank you for volunteering to watch Billy tonight,” Mary said. “If this evening goes as I hope, we could be seeing a lot of you in the near future.”

“I hope everything goes according to plan then.”

“So do I dear, so do I,” Mrs. Wilson said.

The next two hours were the longest in Elizabeth’s memory, the room was just upstairs, but she was stuck downstairs playing with the kid. Eventually his bedtime arrived and after a quick story she made her way to the smoke girl. As she walked down the hall she was gripped with panic. What if she was no longer there? What would she do then? She opened the door and the smoke girl quickly materialized; the girl smiled once she saw Elizabeth.

“Hello,” Elizabeth said as she closed the door. She walked to the girl and took hold of her hands, and a wondrous tingling washed through her body. “I missed you.”

The smoke girl pulled on Elizabeth’s hands and drew her closer. The girl leaned in close and they began kissing. An electric sensation shot from her lips to her nipples which caused Elizabeth to moan. Elizabeth welcomed the girl’s tongue into her mouth as their hands found each other’s breasts. Elizabeth inhaled a lungful of the smoke girl and this time she did not cough. She savored the feeling in her lungs for several second before releasing a huge cloud of smoke toward the ceiling. Elizabeth swayed from the resulting head rush, but the smoke girl grabbed her arms and steadied her. She was a little disappointed that the girl had stopped caressing her breasts.

“Is it bad that I breathed you into my lungs?” Elizabeth asked.

The smoke girl shook her head.

“Can you understand me?” she asked.

The smoke girl nodded.

“Do you have a name?” Elizabeth asked.

The smoke girl shrugged.

“Umm…can if I give you a name?”

The smoke girl smiled and nodded.

“How about Melanie?" Elizabeth asked. “I’ve always liked that name.”

Melanie nodded her approval.

“Do you like it when I breathe you into my body?”

Melanie nodded enthusiastically.

“I like it too,” Elizabeth replied. “But I had better take it easy or I’ll make myself faint. Maybe we could kiss some more though.”

Melanie smiled and leaned in and began French kissing Elizabeth again. Elizabeth’s hand found Melanie’s breasts again and she was amazed to feel the smoke girl’s hardened nipples beneath her palms. Elizabeth seized the opportunity and began tweaking them. Melanie’s hands slid from Elizabeth’s back down along her waist and then along her thighs. Melanie massaged Elizabeth’s leg through her jeans for a few moments before moving her hands inward and soon the girl was rubbing Elizabeth’s throbbing sex. Elizabeth began to feel a warm dampness in her panties. She emptied her lungs through her nose and while still French kissing Melanie she breathed in as deeply as she could. She held her breath before releasing an endless exhale through her pursed lips. Once again she became light headed and once again Melanie steadied her. It took her much longer to recover this time and she feared that she may not stay conscious if she inhaled the girl a third time. She was still kissing Melanie while the smoke girl rubbed her pussy when she heard a voice from downstairs.

“She’s probably in the bathroom. I’m going to check on Billy.”

Elizabeth recognized Mrs. Wilson’s voice. She pulled away from the girl and turned toward the door. She stopped turned back toward the girl. “I’ll see you soon.” Elizabeth gave the girl a quick kiss and headed out of the room.

She tiptoed down the hall, hoping she could make it past Billy’s room before Mrs. Wilson finished checking up on him. She’d just made it past his door when Mrs. Wilson exited his room.

“Oh, there you are,” Mary said.

“I was just going to the bathroom,” Elizabeth replied. “I should have used the downstairs, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Mary said with a big smile. “Nathan is waiting downstairs and will take you home now.”

Elizabeth walked downstairs, grabbed her books and followed Mr. Wilson to the car. Once inside the vehicle Nathan started the engine, but did not start driving. Instead, he pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pocket. He shook the pack until a cigarette popped up. He grabbed the cigarette with his lips. When he started shaking the pack again Elizabeth’s heart started to race. She knew what was coming and she knew what she was going to do and she felt herself shake in anticipation.

“Would you like one?” Nathan asked as he extended the pack to her.

Elizabeth’s hands shook as she pulled the cigarette from the pack. He clicked the lighter to life and held it out to her. Elizabeth leaned forward until the tip of her cigarette touched the flame. She sucked lightly as the tip glowed. She removed the cigarette from her mouth, held it between her index and middle finger and then inhaled before pursing her lips and exhaling a thin stream.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said as Mr. Wilson lit his own cigarette.

“You’re welcome,” he said with smoke pouring from his mouth. He put the car in gear and backed out of the driveway.

Elizabeth brought the cigarette back to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the cork filter and drew the smoke into her mouth. When she removed the cigarette she held the smoke in her mouth for a couple moments before inhaling. She held her breath for a moment and then watched the smoke pour from her mouth as she exhaled a cloud of smoke. Smoking this cigarette was a bit better than her first experience with Tracy.

After a minute she brought the cigarette back to her mouth and drew on it again, inhaling a little deeper this time and holding the smoke a little longer. As the smoke poured from her lips she felt a little disappointed. Smoking the cigarette was nice; she could see now why people did it. Smoking with Mr. Wilson was even nicer; it made her feel more adult. But it paled in comparison to her experience with Melanie; inhaling the smoke girl was so intimate, so sensual. When she had accepted the cigarette from Mr. Wilson she had hoped it would rival that experience, but it just made her miss the girl.

They rode in silence while Elizabeth finished smoking her first entire cigarette. Elizabeth now knew that she enjoyed smoking, but she also knew it was still a health hazard and didn’t think it would be a regular thing. She might share one with Tracy if they studied together again, but she wasn’t going to become a full time smoker.

When they arrived at Elizabeth’s house Mr. Wilson held the pack of cigarettes out to her. “Here, take these,” Nathan said. “You’ll probably want one later.”

“No thank you, Mr. Wilson,” Elizabeth replied. “I enjoyed the cigarette, but I’m not going to be a smoker.”

That night as Elizabeth lay in bed she thought back to her night with Melanie. She knew she should be concerned, even frightened, of the smoke girl. She was clearly not of this world, but she could not deny the way the girl made her feel. The thought of smoking had utterly repulsed her just a few days ago and tonight she smoked an entire cigarette and actually enjoyed it. She had always thought of herself as strictly heterosexual, but tonight she had not only kissed the girl of smoke, but had caressed her breasts while the girl had rubbed her pussy. Elizabeth moved her left hand to her nose and relished the girl’s scent while her right hand massaged her breasts. Soon her right hand made its way between her legs and she imagined it was the smoke girl's finger moving in and out of her as she brought herself to orgasm.

Elizabeth awoke excited in the morning. Tonight was her dinner date with Paul. Her excitement died quickly once she looked through her closet for an appropriate outfit for the evening. All her clothes looked so frumpy to her this morning. She wanted tonight to be special and all her clothes looked plain and boring to her. She thought of her new friend. Tracy had a great style and clearly knew how to dress to impress. She called Tracy before heading to the shower.

Tracy arrived a couple hours later with a garment bag and a couple suitcases. The garment bag contained several dresses and the suitcases held more clothes, shoes and makeup. They spent the next couple hours talking and giggling as Elizabeth tried on every imaginable combination of clothes and shoes. When they had narrowed the selection down to three outfits Tracy excused herself to go outside to smoke.

“You can smoke in here,” Elizabeth said.

“I thought your roommates didn’t allow smoking in the house,” Tracy replied.

“I pay my share of the rent and it’s my room, so I say it’s okay to smoke in here,” Elizabeth said. “We should probably open a window though so it doesn’t get too smoky.”

Tracy stood by the open window and lit her cigarette and double pumped. “God that’s nice,” she said with smoke escaping her mouth as she talked. “I’d wanted one for a while, but we were having so much fun I didn’t want interrupt it to go outside.”

Elizabeth suddenly had a strong desire to smoke as she watched her friend enjoy the cigarette. She hadn’t even thought of smoking all day, but now the urge to join her friend was hard to resist.

“Can I try a puff?” Elizabeth asked.

“Sure,” Tracy replied as she handed the cigarette to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sucked hard on the cigarette before inhaling and handing the cigarette back to Tracy. After a few seconds she pursed her lips and released a long plume of smoke. “Thanks.”

“Wow, your smoking sure had advanced since Thursday,” Tracy said. “Two days ago it looked like the first time you ever smoked and today you look like you’ve been smoking for a long time.”

“I had a cigarette yesterday with Mr. Wilson,” Elizabeth admitted.

“Just one?” Tracy asked. “I guess you’re a natural then.”

“Well, I still don’t want to be a smoker, but it’s kind of nice to do it once in a while.”

“Yeah, be careful with that,” Tracy replied. “That’s how I started, but then I got hooked. I’ve been thinking of quitting actually.”

“Well, before you quit smoking, let me have another drag.”

After finally deciding on Elizabeth’s outfit for the evening, they painted each other’s nails. While their nails dried they shared another cigarette. They were so engrossed in conversation that they failed to hear Elizabeth’s roommates arrive home. Elizabeth was in mid drag when her door burst open.

“Elizabeth, why does the house smell like cigarettes?” Victoria demanded as she opened the bedroom door. “Are you smoking?”

“Oh Em Gee!” Becky said from behind Victoria.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” Elizabeth said quickly. She looked down at the cigarette between her two fingers and then exhaled smoke toward the window. “Okay, it is what it looks like.”

“When did you start smoking and why are you doing it in the house?”

“I didn’t start smoking, I was just trying it,” Elizabeth replied. “I see no reason why I can’t smoke in my own room.”

“We may have to seriously rethink the living arrangements around here,” Victoria stated. “Also, the utilities were a bit more last month so I will need you to kick in another fifty and I need it by Tuesday.”

“Tuesday?” Elizabeth exclaimed. “I need more time.”

“I don’t think so.” Victoria replied. “Come up with fifty by Tuesday or find another place to live.” She pulled the door closed as she left the room.”

“Well, she’s a real bitch.” Tracy said.

“That is so unfair,” Elizabeth said as she handed the cigarette to Tracy. “I guess I’ll ask my mom for a loan.”

“I would lend it to you, but I’m broke,” Tracy said before taking a drag on her cigarette.

The girls studied and talked for the rest of the afternoon. Tracy smoked a few more times, but Elizabeth did not join her. Her run in with Victoria and Tracy’s warning about getting hooked had spoiled her appetite for smoking. Watching Tracy smoke still filled her with the desire to join in, but she found that the urge was manageable. The pleasure she received from Tracy’s second hand smoke was enough.

After Tracy left, Elizabeth donned the evening’s outfit and appraised herself in the bedroom’s mirror. Her long blonde hair was pinned back and fell down her back. On her ears she wore a pair of long, dangly earrings which nearly brushed the thin straps of her baby-blue, sleeveless dress. While its neckline was not low enough to show cleavage the hem of the dress fell to mid thigh and displayed her long shapely legs to great effect. She wore a pair of low-heeled, strappy wedges on her feet. Tracy had originally suggested a pump with a much higher heel, but Elizabeth’s lack of practice walking in high heels was quite evident, so she settled for a more modest heel.

She gazed at her face. She wore more makeup tonight than she had ever worn before, but Tracy knew her stuff and it accentuated her features and coloring well. Elizabeth felt more beautiful than she had ever felt before, and yet she was also nervous. This was a big change for her and she feared Paul’s reaction.

When Paul arrived and stood stock still with his mouth agape Elizabeth feared that she had over done it and he did not approve. Paul quickly regained his composure and began to gush.

“Wow, you look amazing Elizabeth,” he said. “I mean you look great all the time,!”

“Thank you,” she replied, feeling herself blush.

They had great time during dinner. Paul played the gentleman all evening and his doting made Elizabeth feel special. After their meal Elizabeth asked Paul to drive her home. Paul was visibly disappointed; he evidently did not want the date to end so quickly.

“Paul, I had a great time tonight,” Elizabeth said when they pulled up to her house. “Do you want to come in?”

“Yes,” he replied. “Are you sure it’s okay? I thought there was ‘no guy’ house rule.”

“Let me worry about the house rules,” Elizabeth replied. “Are you coming?”

Once in her room Elizabeth turned on some music and then they sat on her bed and began to kiss. Elizabeth pushed Paul onto his back, climbed on top of him and they began to French kiss. After a few minutes she grabbed his hands and pulled them up to her boobs.

“What about your purity pledge,” Paul asked as he squeezed her breasts.

“Let me worry about my pledge, Tiger.” Elizabeth ran her hands down his torso. “This is for breaking our date on Friday.” They resumed kissing as she massaged his growing manhood through his slacks.

Elizabeth slid off his body and lay next to him while she unzipped his pants and fished his cock out of his underwear. It was the first time she had ever touched a penis and it felt amazing in her hands. Paul pulled her close to his body, thrust his tongue into her mouth, and massaged her breasts while she slid her hand up and down his rigid erection. He came quickly with a roar.

Afterwards they cuddled together on top of the bed’s blankets while listening to music. They didn’t talk much; they simply enjoyed holding each other, and eventually they fell asleep. They awoke to the sound of pounding on Elizabeth’s bedroom door.

“Elizabeth, why is Paul’s car parked in the driveway?” Victoria yelled from the other side of the closed door. “We agreed no guys in the house after dark. I’m going to the store and he’d better be gone by the time I get back.” The sound of the front door slamming soon followed.

“I’m sorry I got you into trouble,” Paul said as he began to pull his pants up.

“She’ll be gone for a half hour at least,” Elizabeth replied as she slid her hand into his underwear. “How would you like an orgasm for the road?”

In the morning she dressed in her Sunday clothes and slipped out while her roommates were in their rooms getting ready for church. Since she did not feel like dealing with her roommates this morning she caught a bus to church instead of riding together in Victoria’s car as was their normal custom.

Elizabeth sat with her family during the service. The six of them took up a pew to themselves. She sat near the wall next to her mother, Beverly. Beverly wore a plain house dress that covered her entirely, only her feet, head and hands were visible. Her dark blonde hair was wrapped in a tight bun. She was the embodiment of austere. Elizabeth’s mom had been raised in an ultra, conservative, devoutly-religious household and intended to raise her family in the same manner.

Her father, Benjamin sat at the other end of the pew. He was tall imposing man and currently dressed in a suit and tie. He was a man of few words and even tempered, but he was also the enforcer when it came to her mom’s rules.

In between her parents sat her three siblings. Jimmy, who was turning 16 next month, sat next to her father and looked like a younger version of him. Next to Jimmy sat 14 year old Donna whose face was obscured by a swath of her light-blonde hair. Donna suffered from almost terminal shyness, even around her own family. Heather, who had turned 18 last month was devoutly religious and was her mother’s daughter. She not only obeyed her mother’s rules she reveled in them.

After the sermon she waited while her family chatted with various members of the congregation. Normally she talked with Victoria and Becky, but she was still in no mood to deal with them. She did notice her sister, Heather, talking animatedly with Becky at one point. She joined her family at her parent’s house for their regular Sunday brunch. She decided to wait until after they ate to bring up the subject of money. She helped her mother clear the table after they finished eating.

“Mom, do you think I can borrow fifty dollars?” Elizabeth asked while rinsing plates in the kitchen sink.

“Why do you need the money?” her mother asked.

“I need it to help pay utilities,” Elizabeth replied.

“When you asked to move out your father and I made a couple things perfectly clear,” Beverly stated. “First was that you would pay for all housing costs yourself and second that you would still behave as if you were living under this roof. In exchange for this we would pay all of your schooling costs.”

“I know, I just need a loan for about a week,” Elizabeth replied. “After a couple more babysitting jobs I’ll pay you back.”

“Elizabeth, I want you to answer me truthfully, have you been smoking?”

“Who said I was smoking?” Elizabeth asked.

“Never mind who,” her mother replied. “Have you?”

“A tried it, but I’m not going to do it anymore.”

“You had better not,” said Beverly. “If I receive anymore reports that you have been smoking or breaking any other rules you will be paying for college yourself.”

On her bus ride home Elizabeth pondered how her mother had found out about her smoking. She had seen Heather and Becky talking, but she could not believe that Becky would say anything. She would certainly believe it about Victoria though. She wondered if Victoria had called her mom. Once Elizabeth returned home she called Mrs. Wilson.

“Hello,” Mary answered.

“This is Elizabeth. Do you happen to need a babysitter tonight or tomorrow?” Elizabeth asked. “I need to make fifty dollars by Tuesday so I could really use the job.”

“I don’t have need of a babysitter, but I can help you out with the money,” Mary replied. “Why don’t you come over this afternoon and we can discuss it.”

Elizabeth changed into jeans and a blouse before catching the bus to the Wilson’s home.

“Come in dear,” Mary said with a smile when she opened the door. “I’m so glad you could make it. Would you like some coffee or tea?”

“Tea, thank you,” Elizabeth replied as she took in Mrs. Wilson’s attire. She wore thigh high black leather boots with a tall, stiletto heel. The top of the boots disappeared mid thigh under a skin tight black dress; it gave her a very domineering look. Elizabeth felt terribly underdressed in her jeans, sneakers and plain blouse.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable in the living room and I will be out in just a few minutes.”

Elizabeth walked to the living room, sat on the elegant couch and waited for Mrs. Wilson. A few minutes later she arrived carrying a silver tray laden with a china tea set.

“It’ll be just the two of us this afternoon,” Mary said as she poured the tea. “Nathan is running errands and Billy is with his grandparents.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said as Mrs. Wilson handed her a cup.

Mrs. Wilson took a sip of tea, set the cup down on its matching saucer and grabbed her pack of cigarettes. “Would you like one?” she asked.

“No, thank you anyway,” Elizabeth said.

“Feel free to have one if you change your mind later,” Mary said as she removed a cigarette and then placed the pack between the two of them. Mary lit her long, all-white cigarette, inhaled deeply and blew out a large cloud of smoke away from Elizabeth. She held the cigarette between two extended fingers, palm out next to her head. “I’ll come right to the point. I know about your adventures upstairs. I know what you have been doing while we have been away. I imagine you probably want to go upstairs right now and I intend to let you, but first I thought you might want an explanation.

“Go on,” Elizabeth replied. She felt like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Even though she was embarrassed and even a little frightened she couldn’t help but marvel at the way Mrs. Wilson smoked, at the way she handled the cigarette; she made it all look so elegant and feminine.

“Nathan and I are sexually adventurous and it can be such a pain finding willing partners,” Mary said. “With the help of some people I know I created the creature upstairs, she is made from my essence, from my smoke, and she is becoming a part of you.”

“Becoming part of me, what do you mean?” Elizabeth found that she was afraid of the answer.

“During the creation of that lovely creature I imbued her with certain characteristics. Every time you ingest her smoke these characteristics start to become your own.”

“What characteristics?” Elizabeth asked. She wondered what she had done to herself. She wondered why she hadn’t stayed away from that room.

“I am going to set you free Elizabeth,” Mary said before exhaling across the room. “You are such a beautiful woman, but you are so repressed. I gave your smoke girl confidence, sexual freedom, a healthy dose of vanity and a whole lot of naughtiness; you will revel in your beauty and its affect upon others. By the time you have consumed the creature you will be able to get anyone you desire into bed and you’ll want them all; men, women and all those in-between.”

“I won’t go in there again,” Elizabeth said. “I’m not going to become some whore.” She found that she yearned for a cigarette. The smell of Mary’s smoke along with the sight of Mary’s red lips wrapped around the white filter of her cigarette had a strange effect on her.

“Oh, you won’t be a whore dear,” Mary replied. “You’re going to be sexually free. We are all sexual creatures and we torture ourselves by denying what we instinctively desire. To put it simply, soon you won’t deny yourself any longer. You’ll find that you’re going to have an uncanny ability to get others to do what you want. Eventually you’ll even gain the ability to fully convert others just as you will have been converted.”

“I won’t be part of this,” Elizabeth said as she stood. “I am never coming back here; I am not going to become your sex puppet.”

“It’s already too late my dear,” Mary said sweetly. She stood, drew deeply on her cigarette and exhaled directly into Elizabeth’s face.

Elizabeth froze. Mary’s exhaled smoke captivated her. She stared helplessly as Mary reached out a hand and gently caressed her cheek.

“I could let you go,” Mary said. “You’d be begging to return within a couple days, but I’m not in a patient mood today.” Mary drew on her cigarette again, inhaled deeply and then leaned her face toward Elizabeth’s and kissed her.

Within moments Elizabeth began to return the kiss; she found that it was very akin to kissing Melanie. She felt Mary’s tongue pushing at her lips and she as soon as she let the tongue in it was quickly followed by smoke. Elizabeth drew deeply on the smoke pouring from Mary’s mouth, and she felt a familiar tingling in her nipples. She grabbed the back of Mary’s head while her tongue played with Mary’s. After a minute Mary pulled her head back a little.

“Still want to leave?” Mary asked.

“Yes, but we both know that I won’t.” As her desire to flee evaporated she found that it was replaced with a new desire. She pulled Mary’s head to her own and resumed French kissing her.

Several minutes later Mary pulled away again. “Would you like to see your friend now?”

“Yes,” Elizabeth breathed. Elizabeth’s heart was pounding, her face was flushed, and her panties were damp. She gazed longingly at Mary’s lips and as much as she desired to suck on her tongue again, to have Mary feed her more of the lovely smoke it was nothing in comparison to how much she wanted to be with Melanie. “Her name is Melanie by the way,” Elizabeth said as she followed Mary upstairs.

“That’s a very pretty name,” Mary replied as opened the door and ushered Elizabeth into the room. The smoke girl’s face lit up as soon as they entered the room. She noticed that the smoke girl seemed fainter than before.

“I missed you so much Melanie,” Elizabeth said as she rushed to the girl. “Did you miss me?”

Melanie nodded vigorously and spread her arms in anticipation of Elizabeth’s embrace. They hugged each other for a few moments before they started kissing. Once their lips met their hands began to roam each other’s bodies. Elizabeth accepted Melanie’s tongue in her mouth and inhaled the girl into her lungs. She held her breath as long as she could before reluctantly exhaling back into Melanie’s mouth. Her head spun and her legs faltered but Melanie held her tight and their tongues continued to dance. Once her balance returned she breathed in as much as Melanie as she could. Even now that she knew what this act was going to do to her she could not resist, not when Melanie’s lips were glued to hers and her hands explored her body. She was still recovering from the second round when Mary pulled at her shoulder.

“Your body can only take so much at one time,” she said gently. "You’ll get to see her again soon, I promise.”

“Okay,” Elizabeth said to Mary. She took Melanie’s hand in her own. “I’ll see you soon.” She gave Melanie another quick kiss. Elizabeth held onto Melanie’s hand as she slowly walked to the door. Once distance broke their grasp they trailed their fingers along each other’s hands until only their finger tips touched. Elizabeth paused for a moment, not wanting to break contact with Melanie, before continuing her journey. She continued to gaze at the girl until Mary closed the door.

Elizabeth stared at the closed door. “I’m not going to be able to stay away from her,” she said as her eyes welled up with tears. She turned to Mary. “I’m going to become a slut like you and I’m not going to be able to stop myself. Why did you do this to me?”

“You did this to yourself,” Mary bristled. “I told you to stay out of the upstairs rooms.”

“You wanted me to go into that room,” Elizabeth retorted.

“True, but totally irrelevant; had you done as I asked we wouldn’t be here right now,” Mary said. “I gave fair warning; you made your own choice.”

“Fair warning? I hope that helps you sleep better at night,” Elizabeth said angrily.

“My sleep is fine and soon yours will be too,” Mary said.

Elizabeth threw a wild punch, but Mary caught her arm. She caught the second arm and pulled Elizabeth into a hug. Elizabeth only struggled for a few moments before she felt her resistance fade. She melted into Mary’s embrace and they were soon kissing again. Mary broke the kiss after a few minutes.

“How are you feeling now?” Mary asked.

“Conflicted,” Elizabeth replied. “I want to hit you and kiss you at the same time. I want to smoke, but I don’t want to be a smoker. I want to go home and burn all my plain, boring clothes, but I’m afraid of looking like a slut. I want to tear off your clothes, but I also want to keep my purity pledge.”

“Well, the last two aren’t exactly mutually exclusive,” Mary replied with a wicked smile. “Don’t those purity pledges refer to normal, vanilla, boy-girl sex? Since I don’t have a penis to stick in your vagina your purity pledge should be safe with me.”

“Oh…okay,” Elizabeth said in a small voice.

Mary grabbed Elizabeth by the hand and led her into the master bedroom. “I’ve been waiting for this moment all week,” Mary said.

“I’m afraid,” Elizabeth replied. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Don’t be, you will love this I guarantee it,” Mary said. “Now let’s get you undressed.”

They kissed as Elizabeth unbuttoned her blouse and Mary unzipped her jeans. Once Elizabeth was down to her underwear Mary broke away and grabbed a cigarette from a pack on the vanity. She lit it, inhaled deeply, and exhaled toward ceiling. Elizabeth held one arm across her chest and covered the front of her panties with the other. Her heart was pounding and her cheeks felt hot from embarrassment. She felt exposed and vulnerable.

Mary made her way over to Elizabeth and pulled the girl’s hands away from her body. “Don’t cover yourself,” Mary said. “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” she said as she gazed at Elizabeth’s youthful body with obvious lust. “God you’re gorgeous. Now stand straight and shoulders back. You are a beautiful woman, stand with pride.”

Elizabeth stood tall and pulled back her shoulders, thrusting out her chest in the process. She kept her hands at her sides. Mary drew deep on her cigarette, leaned in and fed Elizabeth her smoke. Elizabeth threw her hands around Mary and pulled her tight. Mary reached around Elizabeth and unclipped her bra. She pulled away from Elizabeth’s face and kissed her way to Elizabeth’s breasts. Elizabeth moaned as she sucked at her nipples. Mary eventually pulled away.

“Sit on the edge of the bed,” Mary said. Once Elizabeth sat Mary handed her the cigarette before removing the girl’s panties. “Lie back and smoke for me.”

Elizabeth lay on the bed and delighted in the taste of Mary’s lipstick as she wrapped her lips around the cigarette’s filter and sucked. Mary moved her head between Elizabeth’s thighs and began to suck as well. Elizabeth inhaled deeply as she spread her legs wide for Mary. As she slowly released the smoke she noticed Mary eyes fixed on her exhale. Mary’s tongue worked furiously at Elizabeth’s clit while the girl continued to smoke for her first lover. Smoke billowed from Elizabeth’s mouth while she screamed during her resulting orgasm.

They shed Mary of her clothes and switched positions. Elizabeth was in heaven as she savored Mary’s juices and inhaled the many smoky exhales Mary sent her way. Elizabeth moved one hand to her pussy as her tongue lapped at Mary’s clit. Elizabeth soon brought both of them to orgasm and they shrieked in one voice. Elizabeth slid her body up the bed and they cuddled together for sometime while they shared more smoky kisses.

“I have some presents for you,” Mary said eventually. She left the bed, pulled on a robe before retrieving several clothing store bags from the walk-in closet. “I didn’t know your size, but I think I came close.”

Elizabeth pulled on her clothes, joined Mary and began looking through the contents of the bags; there were revealing dresses, tiny skirts, skimpy blouses, a rainbow of tights and very tall heels. One bag had all manner of makeup items and another a couple cartons of Virginia Slims.

“I don’t know what say,” Elizabeth said, holding up a red corset.

“You don’t need to say anything,” Mary said. “Let me know if anything doesn’t fit; we can go shopping later this week and exchange it. I also want to take you to the salon for a full makeover.” She pulled a wad of cash out of her purse. “Here’s 500 dollars, let me know when you need more.”

“I don’t want to be ungrateful, but I’m still conflicted about wearing clothes like this and like I said, I still don’t want to be a smoker.”

“You will soon enough,” Mary replied.

The bedroom door opened “I hoped you would still be here,” Nathan said to Elizabeth. “Is she ready?” he asked his wife with a lecherous grin.

“Almost,” Mary replied as she lit a cigarette.

“Ready for what?” Elizabeth asked, suddenly very fearful.

Mary blew a lungful of smoke in her face. “Go see Melanie and then rejoin us in the bedroom.”

Elizabeth left the room in a daze and walked down the hall to the smoke girl’s room. Melanie was even fainter than before. A few more visits and there probably wouldn’t be anything left of the girl. Elizabeth grabbed the girl and locked lips with her. She sucked in as much of the girl as she could. As soon as she exhaled she inhaled the girl’s smoke again. Elizabeth pulled away and swayed. Melanie was almost transparent now.

She stood in the hall for a moment after leaving the room and ran her hands up and down her body. She felt so alive. She could feel Melanie in her now, coursing through her body. It was clear to Elizabeth that Melanie had been affecting her actions ever since she had first ingested the girl, but the girl’s influence had been subliminal. Now Melanie was very active in Elizabeth’s mind and the girl had firm ideas in how she should act; ideas that were suddenly very appealing to Elizabeth.

As soon as she entered the master bedroom she removed her clothes. The Wilson’s were already naked. She climbed up on the bed and locked lips with Mary for several moments before turning her attention to Nathan. While she French kissed him she rubbed Mary’s pussy with one hand and stroked his cock with the other.

“I’m very ready now,” Elizabeth said once she broke her kiss with Nathan. “One rule first. Don’t you dare try to stick that thing in me.” She told Nathan. “I want Paul to be my first, okay?”

“That’s fine,” Nathan replied.

“Great, now here’s your reward for being a good boy,” Elizabeth said. She continued to stroke his manhood as she kissed her way along his muscular torso. Once her face reached his crotch she inhaled deeply on his musky scent. She gazed longingly at his towering erection for only a couple moments before she ran her tongue over the tip of his cock. Desire flooded her body once she tasted him. Her mouth engulfed half his length and she worked her head up and down, fervently sucking his rigid tool. After a minute she felt small, feminine hands spread her legs just before Mary began to lap at her aching pussy. Nathan came into her mouth just moments before Mary had Elizabeth screaming with her own orgasm. Nathan and Mary both lit up shortly thereafter.

“No thanks,” Elizabeth said as Mary offered her a cigarette. “I prefer to share yours.”

Mary and Nathan took turns giving Elizabeth smoky kisses. They were at each other again once the cigarette break was over. True to his word, Nathan did not try to enter Elizabeth. She continued to reward both of her new lovers as best as she could for the rest of the evening.

Later that evening, after driving her home, Nathan carried Elizabeth’s bags to the front door. They kissed passionately before she opened the front door and pulled her treasures in with her. She went straight to bed and dreamed about what she would do with Paul the next time she got him alone.

In the morning, dressed in a pair of black tights, a low cut blouse, and three-inch pumps, she made her way to the kitchen for some breakfast. She found high heels much easier to walk in than she had on Saturday. She just needed to walk with confidence and she had lots of that now.

“Are you really going to school dressed like that?” Victoria asked as soon as she saw Elizabeth.

“Absolutely,” Elizabeth replied as she pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it. When she removed the cigarette from her mouth the filter was stained red from her lipstick.

“There is no smoking in this house!” yelled Victoria.

Elizabeth exhaled into Victoria’s face and then said, “Shut up, I’m sick of your blather.”

Victoria stared at Elizabeth. It looked like she wanted to say something, but seemed unable.

“You really can’t talk, can you?” Elizabeth asked. Mary had told her that she would be able to control people; she decided to test it. “You can talk again.”

“How did you do that?”

“Shut up again and listen closely.” She drew deep on the cigarette and blew more smoke into Victoria’s face. “You no longer have a problem with me smoking in the house. In fact, you will find the smell kind of pleasant. You will no longer boss Becky. You will ask for her opinion and you will treat her like an equal.” Elizabeth paused for a moment. “You won’t remember seeing me this morning, but you will still follow everything I said.”

Elizabeth found Tracy in smoking area near the school’s library. Tracy’s shock at Elizabeth’s attire was quickly outdone when she saw Elizabeth light up her own cigarette.

“My word Elizabeth, you look amazing,” Tracy said. “I see you have changed your mind about smoking.”

“That’s not the only thing that’s changed.” Elizabeth replied. “Can you study with me tonight?”

“Sure, I’d love to,” Tracy said.

“What the hell?” Paul said as he spotted Elizabeth smoking a few minutes later. “I thought you said you didn’t smoke.” He turned to leave.

“Paul wait,” Elizabeth called. When she caught up with him she took a drag on her cigarette as she pulled on his shoulder. She exhaled into his face as soon as he turned. “Come with me.” They walked back toward the smoking section. “You’re no longer mad at me and my smoking no longer bothers you.”

“Okay,” Paul replied. Once they rejoined Tracy Paul put his arm around Elizabeth while the girls finished their cigarettes.

Later that day at home while waiting for Tracy Elizabeth thought about the last 24 hours. She knew that she had gone through a significant change and she liked it. When Mary had told her what was going to happen to her she was frightened at first, but she no longer feared anything. She thought that she should probably be mad at the Wilson’s for doing this to her, but she found she could not be mad at Mary. All she wanted to do was please her. She could take or leave Nathan, but she would take a bullet for Mary. She thought about Melanie. As much as she wanted to see the girl she thought it best to avoid going to the smoke girl if she could. There wasn’t much left of Melanie and she did not know what would happen to her once she’d fully consumed the girl. While she was enjoying her current state she was fearful of the next stage.

When Tracy arrived an hour later they retreated to her bedroom to study and smoke. After an hour or so of study Elizabeth decided to make her move. Tracy had just lit a cigarette and instead of lighting her own as she had done all day she waited until Tracy had a couple drags and then asked for a puff. Tracy handed her the cigarette without question.

“Tracy, I want to try a smoking trick I learned recently,” Elizabeth said. “Do you trust me?”

“Yeah, I trust you,” Tracy replied.

“I’m going to blow smoke into your mouth, and I want you to inhale at the same time.”

“Okay,” Tracy said hesitantly.

Elizabeth took a deep drag off the cigarette, leaned in close to Tracy until their lips were an inch apart and then exhaled in a tight stream. Tracy sucked in the smoke, breathed deep and then exhaled a faint exhale.

“How was that?” Elizabeth asked.

“Weird, but kind of cool,” Tracy replied with a smile on her face. “Can we do it again?”

Elizabeth repeated the process, but this time she brushed her lips against Tracy’s as she fed her the smoke.

“That was even better,” Tracy breathed, her eyes glued to Elizabeth’s lips. “We should probably try it once more.”

This time when Elizabeth finished exhaling her tongue followed the last of the smoke and the two girls began making out in earnest. They continued kissing for several minutes before Tracy finally broke the kiss.

“I should go,” Tracy said.

“Don’t go,” Elizabeth replied. “We don’t have to kiss, we can just talk.”

“That’s the problem,” Tracy said. “If I stay all I’ll want to do is kiss you and I never thought of kissing a girl until just a few minutes ago. I have to figure this out.”

“Okay,” Elizabeth replied. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

The next day Paul arrived even earlier than Elizabeth and was waiting for her at the school’s smoking area. When she pulled a cigarette from her purse he whipped out a lighter and lit it for her.

“Why thank you,” she said after she exhaled.

“My pleasure, my lady,” he replied.

“Paul, you should come over tonight at eight,” Elizabeth said. “I have a special treat for you.”

Tracy joined them a few minutes later and Paul once again held Elizabeth tightly as the girls smoked and talked.

Elizabeth was dressed in a bath robe when she greeted Paul at the front door that night. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her bedroom which glowed from the light of at least a dozen candles.

“You should get undressed,” she said as she let the robe drop, revealing her only article of clothing: a red corset.

Paul quickly stripped his clothing. Elizabeth instructed him to lie on the bed while she lit a cigarette. She lay next to him and stroked his rising cock with one hand while using the other to play with her own nipple. She smoked the cigarette while it dangled from her mouth. Once he was at full mast she released his cock and handed him the cigarette.

“Take a drag,” she said with a wicked smile on her face.

“What?” He asked, obviously bewildered.

“It’s really simple. I’ll continue, but only if you smoke.”

“But I don’t want to be a smoker,” Paul replied as he took the cigarette from her.

Elizabeth lowered her head until her mouth was an inch from his cock. She stuck out her tongue and licked the tip. “I’ll make you a deal,” she said huskily while looking at him. “I’ll suck on this if you suck on that.”

Paul brought the cigarette to his lips and pulled a small amount of smoke into his mouth. He blew out a ball of un-inhaled smoke.

“Good boy,” she said. She grabbed the base of his cock with her hand and slid her lips over the head. She sucked on the tip for a few seconds before pulling away. “Your turn,” she stated. “You know, if you suck longer so will I.”

Paul sucked quite a bit longer on the cigarette this time, but before he could exhale Elizabeth dug her fingernails into his thigh. His gasp sucked the smoke into his lungs; he broke into a coughing fit. Once he stopped coughing the smoke out of his lungs Elizabeth began sucking on his cock. She worked at it for a full minute before once again stopping.

“Okay, that was a little mean of me, but I want you to inhale every time.”

“This is really gross Elizabeth,” Paul said.

“It turns me on watching you smoke, so do it for me please,” she replied.

Paul inhaled again after dragging on the cigarette. He was able to suppress a cough as he blew smoke into Elizabeth’s face. She pulled his cock into her mouth and bobbed up and down on it while Paul finished his first cigarette. He soon came into Elizabeth’s mouth and she discovered that she preferred the taste of Paul’s cum over Nathan’s.

They cuddled together while Elizabeth smoked and Paul recovered. He was ready to go shortly after she finished her second cigarette. She climbed on top of him and straddled his upper thighs. She started stroking him to erection again.

“Time to light up lover boy,” she said. “This time I want to watch you smoke while you fuck me.”

“What about your purity pledge?”

“It doesn’t count if you fuck me in the ass,” Elizabeth replied.

Paul grabbed a cigarette and lit it as Elizabeth began to slide his cock into her ass. She worked his cock into her slowly, trying not to grimace at the pain. Once he was fully in her she rested for a moment. The pain subsided after a minute and she began to enjoy the fullness in her ass.

“Time for another puff, lover boy,” she said.

Paul inhaled a lungful of smoke as she began to slowly slide up and down on his cock. He blew the smoke into her face once again. This spurred Elizabeth on and she started bouncing on his pole. Being the first time ever inside a woman he came before the cigarette was finished. Afterwards Elizabeth snuggled up against him and while they held each other tightly. She didn’t make him smoke any more cigarettes that night. They eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Both Victoria and Becky were in the kitchen the next morning when she and Paul awoke. Neither said a word to her as they joined them for breakfast before heading off to school. When they met Tracy in the smoking area, Elizabeth lit two cigarettes and handed one to Paul. Tracy raised an eyebrow, but made no comment. Paul took a few tentative drags off the cigarette, but mostly held it while the girls enjoyed theirs.

Elizabeth’s mother called her shortly after she arrived home from school and demanded her presence at home. She borrowed Victoria’s car and drove to her parent’s house. Her mother lit into her as soon as she entered the house. Her father was in attendance as well, which meant that he had left work early for the occasion.

“Elizabeth, did you sleep with Paul last night?” her mother demanded.

“Who is telling you this shit?” Elizabeth asked.

“Watch your language, young lady,” her father said.

“Do you deny it?” her mother asked.

“No, not at all,” Elizabeth replied. “I not only slept with him, he also fucked me up the ass.”

“Get out of this house!” Elizabeth’s mother screamed. “We won’t be paying for your schooling any longer.”

“Is this what you want too, Dad?” Elizabeth asked her father, hoping for once that he might go against his wife.

“You had better leave, Elizabeth,” he replied.

Elizabeth turned and walked out of the house. As she walked to Victoria’s car Heather opened the front door.

“Goodbye whore,” Heather called to her sister.

Elizabeth glared at her sister for moment before entering the car and heading to her place. As soon as she arrived home she lit a cigarette and yelled for Victoria and Becky. The two girls showed up in the living room a couple moments later. Elizabeth blew smoke into their faces as soon as they arrived.

“Okay, I want you to tell me if you have told my parents that I smoke or that Paul spent the night here last night.”

Neither girl spoke.

“Surely one of you told on me, which one of you was it?”

“I told Heather,” Becky said meekly.

Elizabeth glared at the girl for a moment. She turned to Victoria and said, “You can’t be innocent. Tell me how you’ve been screwing me over.”

“I’ve been charging you too much for rent and utilities,” Victoria replied.

“Overcharging me by how much?”

“Your share of rent is $100 less than I made you pay and utilities are actually included in the rent,” Victoria replied.

“I should have known,” Elizabeth said. “Okay, you two can go back to whatever the fuck it was that you were doing.”

Elizabeth went back to her room and pondered her options. Her current trimester was paid in full, but that only gave her another six weeks before she needed to come up with a few thousand dollars or drop out of college. She could probably use her smoke to make her parents pay for her schooling, but she would prefer to make them pay in another way. She decided that she would pay another visit to the Wilson’s and see just how far they were willing to subsidize her. She was just about to call Mary when there was a knock at the front door.

“I’m in,” Tracy said when Elizabeth opened the door.


“In to you,” Tracy replied. “I’m all yours. I still don’t think I’m into girls, but I’m totally in to you.”

“Come in, baby,” Elizabeth said with a smile.

Elizabeth led Tracy to her bedroom and quickly forgot about her monetary problems. The girls slowly undressed each other while gazing into each other’s eyes. They lay on the bed and caressed each other while they kissed lovingly. Eventually their mouths found each other’s sex and they both reached orgasm in the sixty-nine position. They held each other tightly as they smoked in post-sexual bliss. Like with Paul the previous night Elizabeth soon fell asleep in Tracy’s arms.

After school the next day Elizabeth drove Victoria’s car over to Mary’s house. They greeted each other with a sensuous kiss before Elizabeth told Mary of her financial woes.

“You no longer need to worry about money,” Mary explained. “Melanie was created from my essence which means that part of me is becoming part of you. You are becoming my child and I would love to put my daughter through college.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Elizabeth said as she grabbed Mary and stuck her tongue in her mouth. After a few minutes she pulled away and said, “I’m ready to finish this.”

Elizabeth walked upstairs to Melanie’s room. Once the girl appeared she rushed over and inhaled deeply on her essence. With her head still spinning she drew the girl into her lungs again. While she had trouble focusing she could tell that there was very little left of the smoke girl. She sucked at the girl for the last time. As the last of Melanie disappeared into her lungs Elizabeth fell to the floor.

Mary found Elizabeth lying on the floor unconscious a few minutes later. She shook the girl gently until she eventually opened her eyes.

“Are you okay, Elizabeth?” Mary asked.

The girl looked around the room for a few moments before rising to a sitting position. She assessed her situation. Melanie’s voice was no longer merely active in her head; their minds had merged. “Elizabeth is no more,” she said eventually. “We are not Elizabeth, nor are we Melanie.” The girl stood. “We are Bethany”

Mary was at a loss for words.

Bethany pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it. She drew deeply and pulled Mary into a smoky kiss. They made out for a couple minutes before Bethany pulled away.

“I would love to stay, but I have some people I need to deal with. I’ll come over tomorrow night and I‘m bringing friends.”


“I need to borrow some clothes before I go,” Bethany said.

“Anything of mine is yours,” Mary replied.

Bethany headed to Mary’s bedroom and changed into one of Mary’s tight dresses. She left the Wilson’s house walking on four-inch heels and wearing a dress that displayed her chest to great advantage and barely covered her crotch. She drove directly to her parent’s house. With a cigarette dangling from her mouth she burst into their home.

“Oh, Mommy dearest,” Bethany called.

“What…,” her mom began.

“Silence!” Bethany ordered before she blew smoke into her mother’s face. “Listen to me and learn your new fate. From now on, besides caring for your children Jimmy and Donna, your primary concern will be pleasing your husband. You will yearn to bring him to orgasm; it will dominate your thoughts. You will consider yourself an abject failure if you cannot bring your man to climax nightly. The thing is, you will soon find that he will have a new smoking fetish. He will only be able to cum if you are smoking seductively for him.” Bethany tossed Beverly a pack of cigarettes. “Better get acquainted with these, Daddy will be home soon.”

Bethany waited outside her parent’s house for her father and sister to arrive home. Once her father arrived she blew smoke in his face before describing his new smoking fetish to him. She let him go inside and continued to wait for her sister Heather. Eventually she gave up and drove home to deal with Victoria and Becky.

She headed to Victoria’s room first. Instead of simply blowing smoke into the face of her nemesis she grabbed her and forced the smoke down Victoria’s throat.

“You’ve been a very naughty girl, Victoria,” Bethany began. She smiled as a plan formed in her mind. “Yes, you have been naughty haven’t you? You are a naughty little girl aren’t you?”

“Yes, I have been naughty,” Victoria replied.

“I want you to find a school girl uniform, a real naughty one that shows a lot of skin,” Bethany stated. “You will wear it exclusively until I tell you otherwise. You will act submissively from now on. Everyone knows better than you, especially any men you may encounter. You now have a strong desire to find a daddy who will take care of you.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“You will begin to crave cigarettes,” Bethany explained. "This craving will continue to grow until you eventually try a cigarette. With every puff you take off a cigarette you will find you want the next puff all the more. Your habit will grow until you smoke a pack a day.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Your name is Vicky now. Meet me at this address tomorrow at 6pm.” Elizabeth handed her a slip of paper.

Bethany left Vicky and barged into Becky’s room. She filled her lungs with smoke before reprogramming the girl.

“You really screwed things up, Becky,” Bethany began. “If you had just kept your mouth shut…Oh well. You have been a very bad girl, Becky. You know how bad girls are, don’t you?

“Yes,” Becky replied.

“How do they dress?” Bethany asked.

“They wear leather and the show lots of skin.”

“Very good, and how do they talk?”

“They swear a lot,” Becky replied.

“Correct,” Bethany said. “Do they smoke?”

“Of course.”

“Do they fuck?”

“Any one they want to,” Becky answered.

“Are they into piercings and tattoos?” Bethany asked.

“Fuck yeah.”

“Becky doesn’t make me think of a bad girl; you’re Rebecca now. I want you to skip school tomorrow and get yourself a bad girl makeover. Meet me at the following address tomorrow night at 6pm.” She gave Rebecca a slip of paper with the Wilson’s address.

In the morning when she met Paul at their new meeting place she handed him a pack of Marlboro’s.

“I want you to smoke these from now on,” she told him. “While you only need to smoke when I smoke, I want you to smoke like a man. No more wimpy inhales; pull on the cigarette like you’ve got a pair.”

Paul removed a cigarette from his new pack and lit both his and Bethany’s cigarette. He inhaled deeply followed by a slow, thick exhale.

“Good job, Baby," Bethany said before she reached up and kissed him.

Bethany pulled Tracy into a hug as soon as she arrived and kissed her passionately.

“I am no longer the girl you once knew,” Bethany told Paul and Tracy. “Elizabeth has been joined by Melanie and together we are Bethany. I love you both and want all three of us to be lovers.”

Paul and Tracy responded by kissing each other. When they broke apart a few moments later she asked them both to join her at the Wilson’s that night.

Mary led the trio into the living room when they arrived at her house that night. Nathan was playing bartender and mixed drinks for his guests. Both Paul and Nathan wore nice slacks and dress shirts; the women all wore short, club dresses. Paul and Tracy made themselves comfortable on one of the couches while Nathan sat on a large easy chair. Bethany pulled Mary into the hall.

“Okay, my former house mates will be arriving soon and you can do whatever you want with them. They will do whatever you want them to do. I just don’t want to see them again,” Bethany said.

“I have the perfect solution,” Mary said. “We own a strip club and we can always use new dancers. I will set them up in an apartment down the street from it.”

“I don’t want you putting any moves on Tracy or Paul. We belong to each other and I’m not sharing them. I’ll still party with you and Nathan from time to time.”

“No problem, Baby,” Mary replied.

“If anyone else pisses me off like the two who are coming tonight I will send them your way.”


Bethany didn’t recognize Rebecca when she arrived fifteen minutes later. She expected the girl to arrive wearing leather and more makeup, and while Rebecca did not disappoint, the girl had gone so much further. The first thing that stood out was her height. Rebecca stood five-nine normally. The sky-high stilettos on her feet put her over six feet. Second, she had obviously been to a salon. Her hair was much shorter and had been dyed black; it was slicked back on the sides and spiked on the top. Both ears had been pierced multiple times and were filled with a colorful variety of studs. Thick, black eyeliner surrounded her eyes and the lids were covered in a dusky shadow. An unlit cigarette dangled from her blood red lips. She wore an unzipped leather jacket which revealed a black bikini top underneath; pierced nipples bulged under the thin fabric. A fresh tattoo of thorny vines ran down the sides of her waist and joined together below her belly button only to disappear into the top of her low-rise, skin-tight, black, leather pants.

“Do you need a light?” Mary asked once they joined the others in the living room.

“I need a fucking drink,” Rebecca replied as she accepted a light from Mary. “Why don’t you be a doll and get me some whisky.” She walked over to Bethany while exhaling the smoke from her lungs. “You were right babe, I am a bad girl. I can finally unleash and let the world see the true me.”

“Glad I could help,” Bethany responded.

“One whisky,” Mary said as she handed a glass to Rebecca. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“I’m horny as hell and I got a taste for pussy tonight,” Rebecca said as she grabbed Mary by the ass. “You want to fuck, sweet cheeks?”

“You really know how to sweet talk a girl, don’t you?” Mary replied. “Yes, I would love to fuck you, let’s go upstairs.”

After she watched Rebecca lead Mary down the hall she looked over to the couch where Tracy and Nathan were busy making out. She wanted to join them something fierce, but she needed to get Nathan situated first.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Bethany answered it. It was bashful Vicky. Pink ribbons created pigtails of her long, wavy auburn hair.. Her white blouse, which was tied into a halter top, displayed a generous amount of cleavage and exposed her entire waist. On her feet she wore block heel Mary Janes. Her legs were covered with white, thigh-high stockings and on her hips a tiny tartan pleated skirt. She was hesitant and nibbling on her index finger. She looked lost.

Bethany took Vicky by the hand and led the shy girl into the living room. As Bethany introduced her to the group she hid behind Bethany.

“Are you looking for something Vicky?”

Vicky looked at the ground and spoke so softly that no one could understand what she said.

“It’s okay Vicky, you can say it,” Bethany said gently.

“A daddy,” Vicky said in a small voice still not looking up.

“Mr. Wilson is a daddy,” Bethany said as she led Vicky by the hand to Nathan. She positioned Vicky in front of him and said, “Is there something you want to ask him?”

“Will you be my daddy?” Vicky asked demurely.

“I would love to,” Nathan replied. “Come and sit on my lap like a good girl.”

“Okay, but I’m not a good girl,” Vicky said as she sat on his lap. “I’m naughty.”

“Perfect,” Nathan said with a wicked grin.

Bethany walked over to Paul and Tracy and sat between them. The trio watched Nathan and Vicky.

“Why do you smoke?” Vicky asked as Nathan lit a cigarette.

“I like smoking,” he replied. “Do you smoke?”

“No,” Vicky said. “It smells yummy though.” She breathed in deep through her nose. “It looks naughty.”

“Yes, it is naughty, perhaps you should try it.” He handed the lit cigarette to Vicky who started bouncing up and down on his lap in anticipation.

Vicky brought the cigarette to her lips and sucked a little smoke into her mouth. She coughed when she tried to breathe it into her lungs. “I didn’t do it right. Are you going to spank me now?”

“No, I’m not going to spank you,” Nathan said. “Just try it again, you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.”

Vicky pouted. “If I do it right, then will you spank me?”

“Yes, if you smoke the cigarette for me I will spank you for as long as you like.”

“Goody,” Vicky said and began bouncing on his lap again. She took another puff and was able to hold the smoke without coughing. She released a thin stream of smoke from her mouth. “I did it!”

“That was very good, but I know you can do better.”

Vicky sucked harder on the cigarette. She inhaled and held the smoke for several seconds before exhaling and even thicker stream. “I’m getting dizzy.”

“That will pass in a little bit,” Nathan said. “Once it does I want you to blow all the air out of your lungs and then suck on the cigarette for a really long time. Hold the smoke in your mouth for a moment and then breathe in as deep as you can. Hold your breath for the count of four and then exhale.”

Vicky let the air out her lungs and then sucked on the cigarette for several seconds, the tip glowing bright orange. When she pulled the cigarette away she held her mouth open so Nathan could see the smoke before she breathed it into her lungs. She held her breath until her eyes watered and then pursed her lips and sent a thick cloud of smoke into Nathan’s face.

“How was that, Daddy?” She asked coltishly.

“You’re doing great,” he said and then lit another cigarette. “Do you like smoking now?”

“It tastes even more yummy than it smells,” she replied. She took another deep puff and exhaled into his face.

“I’m glad you like smoking, it makes you look very naughty.”

“I like sucking on your cigarette,” she said as she began to massage his cock through his slacks. “Do you have anything else I could suck for you?” Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on the cigarette.

“I certainly do,” he said. “Come with me you naughty girl, it’s time for the spanking I promised you.”

“Goody!” Vicky said as she jumped off his lap. She held his hand and skipped as he led her to the stairs.

Finally alone the college trio began removing each other’s clothes. Soon their screams of ecstasy mingled with those coming from the two couples upstairs.

On the drive home that night they made plans for Paul and Tracy to move into Bethany’s place. They decided to haul Victoria and Becky’s belongings to goodwill sometime during the week. While they would each have their own room they suspected that they would all be sleeping in the same bed most nights. They also decided that they should probably upgrade to a King bed at some point.

Once home they made their way to Bethany’s room and prepared themselves for bed. Tracy and Paul fell asleep quickly, but Bethany sat up for a bit and smoked. She still had not gotten even with Heather yet and she was not sure how she would punish her sister. She remembered something that Mary had said. She’d said that Bethany would be able to make others like her. While she wasn’t sure what that actually meant, she decided that she would try it out on her sister. As Bethany drifted off to sleep visions of Heather as a Goth princess converting others into smoking sluts danced through her head.

The End

Author's note: I was inspired to write The Birth of Bethany after reading Hermione and the Demon of Smoke, a story about Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasly becoming seduced by a smoke demon. I'd wished that the story was longer, slower in the conversion and not a fan fiction, so I decided to write my own version. It took me three weeks to write it. I posted the story to the Smoking Fetish Kingdom forum on 2/9/2014.


  1. Great story. I really liked the elements of smoking fetishes and erotic Mind Control. My favorite two fetishes.

    1. I'm glad you liked my story. Thank you for letting me know.

  2. Do you remember where the Hermione and the Demon of Smoke story is posted? Quite interested in reading that

    1. The blog that it was on was taken down. I don't think that I have a copy. If I do, I'll let you know. I did an search, but the blog had archiving blocked apparently.
