Monday, December 21, 2015

Stories in the works - 12/21/2015

It's been too long since I've done an update. Sorry about that. November and the first three weeks of December have not been good writing months for me. I think that after Christmas I'll have more time to write. I though that I'd have more time after Thanksgiving, but I was wrong. Anyway, here is what I'm working on.

Active Projects

Heather's story
I am nearly finished with the first major revision. Unfortunately it will need a second revision. I came up with a lot of great ideas while writing the first revision, little touches that will make the story more enjoyable. The second revsion shouldn't take too terribly long (once I start it). After that it will be editing. I will probably start posting parts as I finish editing them.

I fear that the size of the story will intimidate people. I tried to keep it around 30,000 words, but it keept growing. It is now over 55,000 words. There are a LOT of transformations in it that I know people will enjoy, but I fear that it has become my "Heaven's Gate". (A long, bloated movie in the early 80s). I have no idea when it will be done. My avialable writing time has been none existant for nearly a monnth now. I'm hoping for more time after Christmas.

Behind Enemy Lines
This is a story for the winner of my contest back in September, blackbladder. It is about the hostile takeover of an anti-tobacco organization from the inside. I have most of this story finished. It is handwritten in a journal and I have half of that transferred to the computer.

Interactive story
The little writing time I had late last month was spent posting to The Changing Mirror's interactive story section, particularly the "That Which We Hate" story line. I normally don't even read interactive stories, but it has been a fun writing exercise. I am thinking of doing something similar on my blog. The idea is to post the start of a story on my bliog and then let readers vote in a poll on which direction the story should take.

Everything else is on the back burner for now

A young man gets a job through a unique Job Placement agency. This agency makes the man fit the job. He starts out as the pool boy, tailored to fit the specifications of a bored trophy wife. I don't want to say much more except that it will be a TG story. I wanted the story to stay under 10k words, but it looks like it will be more like 20k at least.

Role with It
Magical TG with MtF and FtM. Husband and wife start taking on each others characteristics.
I posted this story to the blog, but I want to make a change to the it before I post it to the TG story sites.

This is a commissioned story and has lots of women getting in touch with their inner bad girl. It needs a small rewrite before I post it on my blog. It will probably be posted to The Changing Mirror and MC Stories, too.

"Ghost 2"
Story that starts off as The Birth of Bethany, except that Elizabeth's boyfriend, Paul, encounters the strange being. It goes off in its own direction from there. (Ghost was my working title for The Birth of Bethany) First draft completed 5/31/2015

"new dad"
Son curses step-dad and soon he, his step-dad, his girlfriend and his mother are all changing physically and mentally.

five friends piss off the wrong person while on a rafting trip. MtF, AR, and tf
I will finish this story some day.

"orig story"
Shortly after creating the comic "Sunday in the Park with Peri" I wrote up a synopsis for a story involving a husband who becomes a married woman and mother due to an inadvertent wish. It was going to be illustrated by Chiara. I wrote 17 words and stopped. Chiara did a few sketches and I'll probably post them with the story.

Wife gets involved with the wrong meetup group and starts getting very in tune with nature. Hubby will most likely share some adventures in the woods with his wife.
I will finish this story some day.

This story is a magical TG story and is around 60k words. It will be an illustrated story that I will post on website once completed. If has gone through a couple drafts and needs at least one more. I guestimate this one being completed (and hopefully posted) near the start of summer, which would be two years from its first draft.


  1. Great update by the way!

    I really wouldn't worry about the length of Heather - for me and many others, in the old days, the longer and moreindepth stories were the best, given plenty of room for corruptions, character development, plot twists, etc.

    It was these type of stories which tempted me into writing in the very first instance.

    If we don't hear from you before Xmas, have a great festive period.

    1. I agree on the not minding the length. Think of it as your Crime and Punishment, not your Heavens Gate.

    2. Thank you for your continued encouragement, Blackbladder. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas, too.

  2. looking forward to these! they all seem great! "Hubby" seems a tad too close to "Role With It" but I'm sure you'll make it great. Are there any physical transformations in "Behind Enemy Lines"?

    1. "hubby" is "Role with It". I forgot to update the title in my update post. There are no physical transformations in "Behind Enemy Lines".

    2. Alright, cool. Although I love physical transformations, I like stories without them just as much. And yeah, other people have said it already, but don't worry about length. I actually prefer longer stories. Although I do sometimes just want a short read (>5,000 words) my ideal story is 10,000 words and up (unless it's broken into chapters, in which case length doesn't matter). And stories of more than 20,000 words or so, provided they're by a good writer, are really exciting for me. So I'm looking forward to seeing the next Heather update.

      Another question, because I didn't notice this the first time: what does the tag AR stand for?

  3. Hey Varian, hope all is well. Any chance we will be seeing an update to the IP announcement soon?
