Saturday, January 6, 2018

Story: A Perfect Match, Every Time - part 7

A Perfect Match, Every Time
by Varian Milagro

Chapter 7

When Cassidy woke the following morning it was still mostly dark, but it was lighter than when she’d gone to sleep so she figured that the sun was just starting to rise. The sounds of birds chirping was a pretty solid giveaway, too. Half of her was cold and the other half was sweating. She was still wearing the black leather pants, but the top half of her was naked and pressed up against Quinn’s bare chest. She loved the sensation of her soft breasts pressed against his hard muscles. The whole thing made her want to laugh. She was in bed with a man. A naked man! It felt so adult. She couldn’t wait to tell Penny, but then she remembered that she still hadn’t made up with her best friend.

Despite freezing and overheating simultaneously, she stayed where she was, listening to Quinn breathe, the birds chirp and the water tumble over rocks.  A new sound joined the others a few minutes later. It was the zipper on the other tent. It was followed by soft footsteps drawing closer. She knew it was her mom; Ryan’s shadow didn’t have those kind of curves. Her mom hovered outside of her daughter’s tent for several minutes, before eventually jogging off downstream.

Cassidy decided to wake up her new boyfriend the same way that she’d sent him off to sleep, hoping that he’d finish with a roar just as her mom returned from her jog. Her mom lasted way longer than Quinn. Way longer. Still, she had another orgasm when he did. The whole thing made her wish she had someone to talk to who wasn’t a virgin. She had a strong feeling that girls normally didn’t orgasm when a man ejaculated in their mouths, but didn’t really know for sure. She would have googled it, but she’d forgotten to charge her phone before leaving the house and it was totally dead.

Her first mission of the day was to remove Desiree’s pants from her body. It took Quinn getting out of the tent and pulling on the legs of the pants while she tugged them down at the waist. After a few minutes they were finally off. Quinn scrambled back into the tent. He’d managed to find his condom and rip it open when they heard Ryan exit his tent. Quinn was still up for it, but Cassidy quickly lost the mood. The idea of losing her virginity while her mother’s boyfriend stood outside of her tent didn’t hold much appeal. She wanted to piss off her mom, not disgust her boyfriend, or even worse, turn him on.

The only other clothes that Cassidy had brought with her were the dresses that she’d bought when she’d been matched with Richmond. Using a pair of small scissors from a first aid kit that Ryan had given her on their first camping trip together, she made some modification to her spare dress, cutting the skirt in half and then adding a slit to the tops of her thigh. She also hacked off both of the sleeves.

Checking out her face with a compact mirror, she didn’t know if it was because her hair and makeup were such a mess or if her face had changed during the night, but she had a real tough look going on. All of the natural innocence was gone from her face, making her look like the kind of girl who’d date a guy like Quinn, a girl who’d steal another girl’s boyfriend and then kick her ass if she dared to complain about it. She liked the look and so did Quinn.

After dressing, she pinched a chunk of her butt and then ran a hand over her waist. The dress was definitely tighter around her ass. She wasn’t sure about her mid section. Was she fatter there too? “You weren’t serious about me weighing 300 pounds, were you?”

“I was only joking.” Quinn chuckled in what was probably supposed to be a reassuring way, but there was a lack of confidence to it that filled her with anxiety.

It was the smell of coffee that finally dragged them out of the tent. Ryan gave them a weak smile followed by a brisk hello and then two metal cups full of campfire coffee. It was her first taste of regular coffee and probably her last. It was way too strong and bitter for her. She was used to triple pump, half shot mochas from Starbucks.

Quinn dumped three spoonfuls of sugar and enough milk in his so that the coffee went from matching the color of his hair to hers. She followed his example and found that it wasn’t too bad that way, but was still in serious need of some chocolate.

Helen came trotting into camp just as Quinn lit his second cigarette of the morning. Cassidy took it from him and then didn’t give it back, forcing him to light another. If her mother wanted to play a game of chicken, she was totally up for it. There were an infinite ways for her act out and her mom only had so much patience.

She still hated the taste of cigarette smoke in her mouth and she hadn’t built up enough courage to actually inhale, but she could tell that the sight of her holding a lit cigarette was starting to get to her mom. All she needed was a crack and then she’d keep working on it until the woman finally broke to pieces.

After breakfast Quinn had her pose for a couple of pictures. He loved her look, even with the huge butt. He said that she looked ever better with a big booty, but she wasn’t sure if he was just saying it to be nice. Who wanted a fat ass? He wanted her to see some pictures of her from before her recent makeover. When she told him that her phone was dead he said that she could show them to him when they got back to LA. This made her giggle. She loved hearing him talk about them doing things in the future together. It made their relationship feel more concrete to her.

After the photo shoot they started off on their hike up Mt. Baldy. Even though it was all uphill, Cassidy found the hike even easier than the day before. Quinn’s love of hiking and nature were rubbing off on her, which was nice since it meant that she wouldn’t be miserable like the last time she’d hiked with her mom, but at the same time she couldn’t help feel like she’d been ripped off. She gets a huge ass and a little better at walking up hills while her mom becomes a supermodel. Totally not fair

After a couple of hours they took a short break on a small outcropping. The trees had thinned the higher they climbed, giving them a great view of the valley below.  She couldn’t see a building anywhere. It was all light brown hills and short, twisted green trees.

When Quinn lit a cigarette he offered one to Cassidy and she declined, Helen couldn’t resist smiling. Seeking to wipe the smug ass smile off her mom’s face, Cassidy told Quinn that she wanted to share his. While her mom’s face fell a little bit, it wasn’t nearly enough for Cassidy so she asked him to teach her how to inhale. Her mother’s scowl sent a tiny thrill through her chest.

“May I see your arm, Cassidy?” Ryan asked before Quinn had a chance to give her a lesson in smoking.

“Okay.” Cassidy held her arm out.

“This is an actual tattoo.” Ryan ran a finger over the “Fiction” artwork Desiree had drawn on the inside of her left arm. “It looked like someone had written on your arm with a felt pen yesterday.”

Cassidy could tell that Ryan was correct. Besides being a medical professional and knowing what he was talking about, it was pretty obvious once she got a good look that her arm was permanently tattooed. She'd never had a desire to get a tattoo before, but seeing her new ink kind of made her want to get a few more. Maybe one on her other arm that read, “My mom is a total bitch!”

“I take it this is something you wanted in a girlfriend?” Helen said, looking like she was ready to punch someone. “You like seeing my daughter's body marred with tattoos?”

“He also likes girls with ghetto booties.” Cassidy turned as she thrust her ass out toward her mom. Snuggling up close to Quinn, she said, “Isn’t that right, loverboy.”

“You know it.” Quinn reached around her and grabbed both of her butt cheeks.

“So, when’s my first lesson, babe?”

“Coming right up.” Quinn took a drag on his cigarette. “Breathe in when I kiss you.”

Quinn bent forward and then kissed Cassidy. As he did he let the smoke pour out of his lungs and into hers. She tried to take as much as she could, but knowing that she had an audience, didn’t want to take too much and choke again. She didn’t think she could take anymore of her mother’s derisive laughter.

Once they broke the kiss she blew out the smoke that he’d fed her. A tingle shot through Cassidy’s spine when she saw the look on her mom’s face. It was very similar to the look she had on her face when she’d accidentally left the water running in the bathtub last year and it had flooded into the hall. Back then she’d felt horrible and had spent the next week trying to make up for it. Today she felt like dancing.

At each subsequent rest spot she and Quinn shared a single cigarette, alternating who fed the other one smoke amidst their makeout sessions. She wasn’t sure which she liked better. When he was doing the giving, the smoke was diluted, making it easier to take., but when she did the giving it seemed to annoy her mom more.

While she and Quinn made out on the last break, their heads enshrouded in smoke, she heard her mom grumbling to Ryan. She couldn’t quite make out what she was saying, but it was clear that she was beginning to lose it.

It was nearing dinnertime when they arrived back at camp. Helen had Ryan fetch water from the creek while she began pulling food out of the cooler. Cassidy was leaning against Quinn, loving the feel of his body against hers and the comfort of his arm around her shoulder. It occurred to her that she was falling for him in a big way. Even without the whole, piss off my mom thing, he was a great guy and she loved being with him.

“Will you be joining us for dinner tonight, Quinn?” Helen asked as she lit the burner on the Coleman stove.

“Nah, I’m going back to my camp.” He scooped up Cassidy into his arms. “And I’m kidnapping your daughter. I’m sure you won’t mind.”

Helen's face looked like a cartoon character’s just before steam started shooting from their ears.

“Why would she mind? She’ll be too busy fucking her boyfriend to notice me.” Cassidy kissed him, making it as obvious as possible that tongue was involved. “You know, fucking sounds like a great idea. Will you fuck me tonight, babe. Will you make me scream just like my mom does?”

“That’s it. You’re not going anywhere.” Helen said through her teeth. “Put my daughter down and then kindly leave.”

“Do you want me to put you down?” Quinn asked Cassidy.

“Put her down or I’m calling the police!”

Quinn set Cassidy on her feet.

“I’m old enough to make my own decisions, Helen!” She grabbed Quinn’s hand.

“Look, I don’t need anymore trouble with the cops right now.” He pulled his hand free of hers. “I’m still on probation.”

Cassidy face fell and her eyes began to water. “She’s bluffing.”

“I’ll see you later when your mom’s cooled off, okay?”

“Oh my god. I hate you both!” Cassidy ran to her tent.

She stayed in her tent, refusing to come out for dinner, which was tough since the fish her mom was frying smelled great and she was starving after hiking most of the day. Luckily she had a couple of energy bars in her purse. She also had Quinn’s pack of cigarettes, but had no desire to smoke one. It’d just make her miss him all the more.

What she really wanted to do was to tell her mom to fuck off and then join Quinn at his camp. She was 18 and could do what she wanted. What was her mom going to do? Kick her out of the house? She could always go live with her aunt. It wasn’t the best arrangement, but it was better than living on the streets. She might have done just that, except for the fact that Quinn had betrayed her. Just like Tommy Fogle he’d turned tail and ran when her mom started throwing around empty threats.

Eventually she grew bored and went to sleep early. Pissing her mom off hadn’t been nearly as fun as she’d thought it would be.

She was awoken by someone whispering her name. It was was pitch black out. After a few moments she realized that it was Quinn.

“What do you want?” she whispered.

“We’re getting out of here. You want to come with us?”

Cassidy thought about her mom waking up and seeing her empty tent. At first she thought that it was a great way to get back at her for being such a bitch, but after a couple of seconds she realized that it would be cruel. Her mom would be afraid that she’d been kidnapped or eaten by a cougar. Making her mom mad was one thing, torturing her with fear and grief was another.

“Give me a second.” Cassidy looked around for something to write on. She finally settled on a roll of toilet paper. Using her eyeliner pencil she wrote out a note, telling her mom that she was leaving with Quinn and to call once she was had cell coverage. The paper tore easily, making it harder than it needed be. She laid the note on her pillow. She grabbed her purse and a her backpack of clothes, leaving the tent and sleeping bag behind for Ryan and her mom to worry about.

They’d walked less than a hundred yards downstream when they came upon the others. They were all wearing headlamps and backpacks. A large bundled up tent lay at Derek’s feet and a plastic beverage cooler at Jax’s. Without speaking they all rose when they saw Quinn and Cassidy and resumed their journey to the parking lot.

“Are you all leaving because of me?” Cassidy asked after they’d walked for ten minutes and she was sure that she wasn’t being followed by her mom.

“Yes and no. Derek has to work tomorrow. He and Marnie were going to leave tonight anyway. Since I wanted to spring you from the clutches of your mom, we all decided to leave after your mom and her boyfriend went to sleep.”

“I’m sorry I lost it before and screamed at you. I should have trusted you.”

“Trust is earned and I’m still earning it.”

Jax owned a beat up van. They piled the backpacks on the top and secured them with bungee cords. Quinn drove. Cassidy sat in the way back with Marnie and Desiree. She fell asleep quickly, her head against the back window, Metallica’s “Enter the Sandman” blaring over the van’s speakers.

When she awoke, her head was still against the window and there was a painful crick in her neck. It was still dark out and the van wasn’t moving. It was parked behind a tireless muscle car sitting on wooden blocks in the driveway of a small, grey, one story house

“Don’t move,” Desiree said. “I’m almost done.”

Cassidy couldn’t see her right arm without moving, but she could tell that it was in Desiree’s lap and she was currently drawing on it with a felt tip pen. “Where is everyone?”

“They’re inside. This is my place. The one I share with my brothers. It used to belong to our parents, but when they moved to Florida they let us keep it. It’s paid for, so all we have to do is keep up on the taxes.”

“Can I turn around? My neck is killing me.”

Desiree lifted her pen from Cassidy’s arm. “We can finish up inside, if you want. It’s got to be warmer in there. The temperature in the van has been dropping ever since Quinn shut off the engine.”

Cassidy rolled her neck a couple of times before shifting her body so that she was facing Desiree on the long bench seat they shared. “Why didn’t you go in? You didn’t have to stay out here with me. Not that I’m complaining.”

“You looked really peaceful sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.” Desiree angled her head so that the headlamp she wore pointed directly at Cassidy’s right arm. “I hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t resist. Your arm was laying right there and I was getting bored.”

A full color, adult version of Alice in Wonderland covered most of her right forearm. The top of Alice’s dress looked like latex that had been painted on her body, exposing a naughty amount of cleavage. Her skirt was short enough to expose her g-string and her Mary Janes were actually platform stilettos.

“That is so hot,” Cassidy said in a breathy whisper. “Will it turn into a tattoo like the other one?”

Desiree looked up, temporarily blinding Cassidy. “Yeah. Anything drawn on your body will become a tattoo if it isn’t wiped off within a few hours.”

“Is that something Quinn wanted? Is he an artist too?”

Desiree pulled the headlamp off and the set it on the bench next to her. “I have bit of a confession to make. I’m the one who set up Quinn’s profile with Olga. He didn’t want to do it, but he’s always had such terrible luck with women. I put in the tattoo thing for myself. It’s so much easier than using a tattoo gun.”

“And my massive bubble butt?”

“Sorry, that was payback to Quinn for always calling me fat ass when we were growing up.” Desiree paused for a moment. “I felt bad after doing it so I had Olga make you really good at giving head. Then I realized that was nice for him, but you were one that was going to have to deal with the big ass, so I made it so that you’d orgasm whenever he comes in your mouth. I put a couple of other things in there to make sex more pleasurable for you, too.”

“I’m not complaining. Quinn seems to like my new ass and I love my tattoos. You can draw on me anytime.” Cassidy gazed into Desiree’s eyes. “So, why do I have an intense desire to kiss you? Did you make that part of his profile, too?”

“I didn’t, I swear. I mean, I’m totally into girls, but I didn’t hijack my brother’s matchmaking profile. I wouldn’t do that to him.”

“I also have a confession to make. I’ve never been with a girl before, but I’ve thought about it a lot.”

A smile broke out on Desiree’s face. “Oh good.” She planted a kiss on Cassidy’s lips that made her bellybutton pucker. “Want to go inside? We have beer in there and you can watch TV or listen to music while I finish up your arm.”

“You sure you don’t want to stay out here and kiss some more?” Cassidy’s face was almost as hot as her pussy.

Desiree laughed. “Yes, but it’s way too fucking cold out here.” She squeezed Cassidy’s hand. “Come on. If my brother is asleep, like I think he is, we can make out on the couch.”

The house smelled of cigarettes and dog. It was also filled with a delicious heat that sent a pleasant shiver through her body. The place had to be at least 20 degrees warmer than it had been in the van. They walked into a small living room that was on the verge of becoming a disaster area, as it currently stood there seemed to be a purpose to the insane amount of clutter. The coffee table sitting between a battered couch and a giant, wall mounted TV was buried under art supplies: pens, pencils, paints, sketchbooks. A larger table, sitting along the far wall, looked like a mechanics workbench, various greasy auto parts and chrome plated tools strewn across it.

A large scruffy dog that went by the name of Buster greeted them at the door. He nearly knocked Desiree over with his enthusiasm. Once she’d let him lick her face a couple of times he proceeded to check out Cassidy. After sniffing her hand for a few seconds he decided that she was his new best friend, wagging his tail happily as she scratched behind him behind the ears.

“I think your boyfriend is awake,” Desiree said as she pointed down a short hall. “His room is the one at the end. My room is the first door on the right if you want to talk later.”

Cassidy gave Desiree a quick kiss before heading down the hall with Buster following close by. At first she wondered how Desiree had known that her brother was awake, but then she noticed the sliver of light at the bottom of the bedroom door. As she drew closer she could hear Korn’s “Freak on a Leash” playing from inside the room. She wasn’t sure how she knew that, she’d never listened to Korn before. Yet, the song was so familiar she could probably sing along to it if she wanted.

“She lives!” Quinn said as soon as she opened the door. He was laying back on the top of his comforter, completely naked.

“Have you been waiting for me?” She let her dress fall to the ground, her bra and panties joining it a second later.

The sight of Quinn’s cock swelling filled Cassidy’s pussy with an aching desire. There was nothing stopping them from fucking this time. They were both already naked and her mother was miles away, not yet even knowing that she was gone.

“I want you so bad,” Cassidy said as she crawled up onto the bed.

Quinn grabbed her and pulled her up along his body, his swelling penis sliding between her breasts and then down over her abdomen. While they kissed he rolled her onto her back and then spread her legs with his. He groped her tits while she ran both hands up and down the length of his erection.

“You don’t need that,” Cassidy said when Quinn pulled a condom out of his nightstand. His erection was rubbing up against her new belly button piercing in an erotically painful manner.

“Are you on the pill?”

“I want to feel you inside me, not a piece of rubber.”

“Like I told your mom’s boyfriend. I don’t want any mini-me’s running around.” Quinn ripped the condom open with his teeth.

Cassidy pushed his hand away when he tried to push the condom over his cock. “It’s my first time. Let me feel a little bit of you first. Please. Just the tip? You can put the condom on later, before you come.”

Quinn eyes narrowed as he studied her face. Setting the condom on the nightstand, he said, “Okay, but just for a few seconds.”

She got more than just the tip and it made her gasp at the sudden fullness. He was stretching her in ways that she’d tried to imagine in the past, but had never quite grasped how truly wonderful it would feel, having a huge, fat cock crammed into her pussy.

That there wasn’t any pain was a welcome surprise to Cassidy. She’d heard that the first time could be an unpleasant experience for the girl. It was probably more of the matchmaking magic, because instead of pain it was incredible pleasure that soon had her thrashing beneath him. For the most part she was lost in the incredible sensations pouring through her body, but she still had one goal in mind: have Quinn spill his seed inside her.

To this end she used whatever she could to keep his attention on her and away from the prophylactic sitting on the nightstand. She used her teeth, nipping at his ear or at his nipples; used her tongue, wrestling with his tongue or licking the small of his neck; used her fingers, burying them in his hair or clawing at his back; used her feet, locking them behind his ass, keeping his hips close to hers.

It worked after a fashion. He stayed inside her much longer than a few seconds, but not long enough for Cassidy to earn her prize.

“Just a little longer,” She said when he stopped to put on the condom.

“No way. I’m about to bust a nut.”

“Please,” she said with a pout.

 “No glove, no love.”


Quinn slipped the condom on and then went back to work, exploding into it a few minutes later. Cassidy’s disappointment was compounded by her own lack of orgasm. Apparently the simultaneous orgasm thing only worked with blow jobs. He lit a cigarette and then was asleep less than a minute after he’d finished smoking it. She slipped out of bed five minutes later, hoping that maybe Desiree was still awake.


  1. Very nice :-)

    Lots to see in this part; never the less it feels like we’re just teetering on the edge of a precipice and things could suddenly go off at any second…

    1. They're getting closer and closer...

    2. I got the same impression.
      Nice to know the volcano is about to blow.

  2. It looks like someone tried to post a comment, but it was either deleted or failed to post here. It was a good question so I will answer it anyway. The question was, "Is the goal still to have this story wrapped up in 3 more chapters? Feels like there’s a lot of untapped potential still in the bottle."

    The answer is that there will likely be a chapter 11. Chapter 7 grew quite a bit over the last week. I still haven't fully written the final chapter and I have a feeling that it will grow some, too. So it may end up being a 12 chapter story.
