Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The results are in

I want to thank everyone who voted in the poll, left a comment or sent me an email to let me know which story that like to see worked on next. I really appreciate the input.

Jersey Shored 2 won out, so I'll be working on that one first. Since it was such a close second, I'll follow up with the next chapter of Heather's story. After that I'll most likely work on the next commission in line. At that point I think that I'll put up another poll and let you decide what comes next.

Besides working on Jersey Shored 2, I am also finishing up the latest revision for the TG story that will eventually be posted to the TG Comics website. Femur has been giving me some amazing feedback. I've had to put a lot of work into the story, but I think that the finished product will be worth the effort.

I'll be posting more of the story, "Spray for Trouble" that Firingwall has been writing for me in the coming days.

Thanks for listening



  1. My top vote was for the next chapter of Heather's Story but I am looking forward to any and all new postings from you.

  2. I'm just glad to see you active again :)

  3. So, can we expect any more Spray for Trouble anytime soon? It has been three months since we got the last story update.
