Sunday, August 30, 2015

House 3

I don't know about you, but I have this tendency to build things up in my mind. The longer I wait for them, the greater my expectations. Quite often I am disappointed because the product, despite being good, can't live up to my over inflated expectations, like "The World's End". Occasionally it surpasses my expectations, like "Mad Max: Fury Road". "House 3" was everything I'd hoped it would be and more.

For one thing, it was a whopping 709 pages, larger than the two previous comics combined. While the first two comics focused on small groups of people transforming mostly at the titular house. This comic has at least ten people changing all around town. If you like the good girl to bad girl theme, this comic is definitely for you. There are a couple transformations that are a little cruel, but the story is all about a demon reaping vengeance for crimes of the past, so it is to be expected.

The art is great as usual. The story introduces a lot of new characters, most of whom are transformed into sex obsessed women soon after we meet them. There a couple guys who are left unscathed, but with the promise that they'll get theirs in the next installment. While House and House 2 were complete stories that left the door open for sequels, House 3 is a more of the first half of a much larger tale. Part one ended at a great place, so I didn't feel like I was left hanging. I was left wanting more and with the promise that I was going to get it.

In a post on Deviantart, Keshara mentioned that while 1/3 of the final installment is done, it is on hold until The Butterfly Salon 6 is finished, which means it could be a year until House 4. That gives me 365 days of expectation building. I hope Keshara can exceed them once again. It's going to be tough, since I already think House 4 is going to be awesome.

Keshara has a bunch of other comics on sale on I've read "Cherry Pie Chronicles: Neighborhood", "Cherry Pie Chronicles: Trophy Wife", and "Tales of the Butterfly Salon 2" They were all well worth the $3.00 they cost.

Keshara has free comics on, like "Bare Witness" and also on, like "Ladyship" and "Tales of the Butterfly Salon"


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