Heather’s story part 2
By Varian Milagro
Heather sat in her car, staring at the house her sister, Elizabeth, shared with 2 other girls, all three of them freshmen at the University of Wyoming. She debated with herself whether to go inside as her mother had demanded or just go home. She did not like either option. The Ten Commandments said quite clearly, “honor your father and mother”. And yet she didn’t much like the idea of visiting her sister either.
There was something seriously strange going on with that girl and she blamed her for their mother’s weird behavior of late. Elizabeth had been a fairly decent older sister up until three weeks ago, when she started going bad. Becky, her friend and one of Elizabeth’s roommates, had caught Elizabeth smoking and then sleeping with a boy named Paul. Heather had told her parents, of course. It was the right thing to do. They’d flipped out and cut off Elizabeth’s financial support as punishment. Shortly after that their mother started smoking and generally acting weird. She had no idea why her mom thought it so important that she visit Elizabeth today.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Heather's story
Heather's Story
By Varian Milagro
Chapter 1
Heather banged on the door, desperate to get inside. She whipped her head around, her long auburn hair flinging about her face. The sensation of being watched pecked at her brain and slithered down along her spine. It was accompanied with a dread that at any moment she’d be snatched up and subjected to unimaginable horrors. She needed to get indoors immediately and it had to be this house. Her own home wouldn’t do, nor would the church. Something told her that she’d only be safe here.
It made some kind of sense. This was the home of Abigail Smith, her best friend since forever. She’d been here thousands of times over the years and it had always been a place of peace and comfort. The whole neighborhood was quiet and peaceful normally. She turned and quickly scanned the area. It still looked the same. Large upscale houses with professionally landscaped yards. A place of tranquility. Yet today a sinister presence seemed to linger just out of sight.
Just twenty minutes ago she’d been determined to drive straight to Grace church to see Pastor William. She remembered that she’d been standing outside Boxcar, a roadside diner halfway between Laramie and Cheyenne and she’d had something incredibly important to tell him. It’d had something to do with her sister and her new friends.
As she’d run across the parking lot toward her car her memories faded. By the time she’d started the car she couldn’t remember why she’d want to see the pastor. She couldn’t even remember why she’d come to the diner in the first place. Had she even gone inside? She’d sat in the car for a several minutes with the engine idling as she’d tried to remember what had prompted the trip to the diner. Not only couldn’t she remember why she’d driven all the way out to the Boxcar, she couldn’t remember anything from the last 48 hours. It was a complete blank.
By Varian Milagro
Chapter 1
Heather banged on the door, desperate to get inside. She whipped her head around, her long auburn hair flinging about her face. The sensation of being watched pecked at her brain and slithered down along her spine. It was accompanied with a dread that at any moment she’d be snatched up and subjected to unimaginable horrors. She needed to get indoors immediately and it had to be this house. Her own home wouldn’t do, nor would the church. Something told her that she’d only be safe here.
It made some kind of sense. This was the home of Abigail Smith, her best friend since forever. She’d been here thousands of times over the years and it had always been a place of peace and comfort. The whole neighborhood was quiet and peaceful normally. She turned and quickly scanned the area. It still looked the same. Large upscale houses with professionally landscaped yards. A place of tranquility. Yet today a sinister presence seemed to linger just out of sight.
Just twenty minutes ago she’d been determined to drive straight to Grace church to see Pastor William. She remembered that she’d been standing outside Boxcar, a roadside diner halfway between Laramie and Cheyenne and she’d had something incredibly important to tell him. It’d had something to do with her sister and her new friends.
As she’d run across the parking lot toward her car her memories faded. By the time she’d started the car she couldn’t remember why she’d want to see the pastor. She couldn’t even remember why she’d come to the diner in the first place. Had she even gone inside? She’d sat in the car for a several minutes with the engine idling as she’d tried to remember what had prompted the trip to the diner. Not only couldn’t she remember why she’d driven all the way out to the Boxcar, she couldn’t remember anything from the last 48 hours. It was a complete blank.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Story on its way!
I've decided to start posting the third story in the Bethany series starting tomorrow, if things go smoothly. While the whole story has been written (and rewritten) for some time, I've been wanting to do one last revision before I post it. The thing is, the story is very large and I find the idea rather daunting. I'm hoping that posting it in parts will make it easier on me.
I normally do not like posting stories until they are completely finished for a couple of reasons. One is that I'm afraid that something will come up and I won't finish the story, like The Road Trip. The other is that the beginning of the story is quite often completely rewritten once I finish the story.
The story has gone through a rewrite already, so I am fairly comfortable that the beginning is how I want it. If I wait until the story is completely finished I'm afraid that I'll never get it done, or that I'll just keep rewriting it forever.
After I post the first part I'll start revising the next and then post it, and then so on. There are something like 17 parts in total.
I'm still working on a title.
I normally do not like posting stories until they are completely finished for a couple of reasons. One is that I'm afraid that something will come up and I won't finish the story, like The Road Trip. The other is that the beginning of the story is quite often completely rewritten once I finish the story.
The story has gone through a rewrite already, so I am fairly comfortable that the beginning is how I want it. If I wait until the story is completely finished I'm afraid that I'll never get it done, or that I'll just keep rewriting it forever.
After I post the first part I'll start revising the next and then post it, and then so on. There are something like 17 parts in total.
I'm still working on a title.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Stories in the works - 12/8/2016
Hello, I thought I'd let you know where I'm at with my writing. I recently finished Nanowrimo and was able to get in 50,026 words written in the month of November.
I've written 50k words in a month before, but not when I was holding down a full time job with a long commute. It was a good experience for me. Towards the end it was a bit rough, I fell behind over the Thanksgiving weekend and had to scramble on the last three days. Yet, forcing myself to write fast felt like a purge of sorts. Like a cleanse. It was good to let the words flow out of me.
I started writing another story on Sunday. I hope that it will be shorter than the last one. I still need to work on revising some stories. It doesn't do you much good if I keep writing new stories, but they never make it out of my journal.
I've written 50k words in a month before, but not when I was holding down a full time job with a long commute. It was a good experience for me. Towards the end it was a bit rough, I fell behind over the Thanksgiving weekend and had to scramble on the last three days. Yet, forcing myself to write fast felt like a purge of sorts. Like a cleanse. It was good to let the words flow out of me.
I started writing another story on Sunday. I hope that it will be shorter than the last one. I still need to work on revising some stories. It doesn't do you much good if I keep writing new stories, but they never make it out of my journal.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Comic Recommendation: House 4
It's time for another recommendation. I am in love with a 3D comic series created by Keshara Narme called House. The 4th installment was released late last month and it is awesome. It has tons of great corruption with some slow mental and physical transformations that span the whole comic and others that happen quickly over a dozen or so pages. It only costs $3.49 and is definitely worth the purchase in my opinion,
It's time for another recommendation. I am in love with a 3D comic series created by Keshara Narme called House. The 4th installment was released late last month and it is awesome. It has tons of great corruption with some slow mental and physical transformations that span the whole comic and others that happen quickly over a dozen or so pages. It only costs $3.49 and is definitely worth the purchase in my opinion,
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Writing update
I am very happy to let you know that I have been writing up a storm of late. On the first of this month I decided to join nanowrimo. If you aren't aware, nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is a challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I am very glad that I joined up this year. I do well with deadlines/challenges and I am happy to say that I am slightly ahead of pace at the moment.
It fees really good to be writing heavily again.
I am very happy to let you know that I have been writing up a storm of late. On the first of this month I decided to join nanowrimo. If you aren't aware, nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is a challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I am very glad that I joined up this year. I do well with deadlines/challenges and I am happy to say that I am slightly ahead of pace at the moment.
It fees really good to be writing heavily again.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Story: The Backseat
Author's note: This story takes place immediately after The Road Trip part 7. It is NOT necessary to read The Road Trip before reading this story. You only need to know that there is an RV stuck in traffic on a freeway near the southwest border of Nebraska and one of its occupants is using a magic wand on others in the area.
The Backseat: A Tale from The Road Trip
By Varian Milagro
“Can you roll the window up, angel?” Dolores asked from the front, passenger seat.
Erica rolled her eyes at her mom. Being in the seat directly behind her, it went unnoticed. “The air conditioning is giving me a headache.”
She leaned her head out of the vehicle and breathed in the outside air. Despite the exhaust fumes of the cars around them it was better than the artificial air spewing in Bob’s Escalade. She’d lied about getting a headache; truth was that she hated being trapped in a car on a warm sunny day. That they were stuck in traffic only made it worse. The warmth of the sun on her arms and face were the only things that kept her from losing it.
“You’re letting the hot air in,” Dolores said as she rummaged through her purse. “I have some aspirin for your head.”
The Backseat: A Tale from The Road Trip
By Varian Milagro
“Can you roll the window up, angel?” Dolores asked from the front, passenger seat.
Erica rolled her eyes at her mom. Being in the seat directly behind her, it went unnoticed. “The air conditioning is giving me a headache.”
She leaned her head out of the vehicle and breathed in the outside air. Despite the exhaust fumes of the cars around them it was better than the artificial air spewing in Bob’s Escalade. She’d lied about getting a headache; truth was that she hated being trapped in a car on a warm sunny day. That they were stuck in traffic only made it worse. The warmth of the sun on her arms and face were the only things that kept her from losing it.
“You’re letting the hot air in,” Dolores said as she rummaged through her purse. “I have some aspirin for your head.”
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Coming soon...
I have good news for those who enjoy my stories. I've been writing again and I'll be posting a new story in the next couple of days. For those who don't like my stories I have a question; why are you reading my blog?
I have good news for those who enjoy my stories. I've been writing again and I'll be posting a new story in the next couple of days. For those who don't like my stories I have a question; why are you reading my blog?
Thursday, August 18, 2016
K.U. - Eric Filler
They say that the true sign of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I'm not sure why I started labeling my Kindle Unlimited posts "Day 1", etc... Like I'd have the time or energy to post every day for a month. I'm lucky to get in 5 posts a month.
I decided to start posting about particular authors instead. I felt kind of bad trashing on some of the stories in my last post, so I'm going to focus on the positive and tell you what I have liked and not what I didn't.
I'm starting off with Eric Filler. I've been reading his stories for a couple years now. I stumbled upon him when I first started using Amazon Prime. One benefit of Prime is that you get to borrow one Kindle Unlimited book for free each month. Eric Filler bundles his TG stories into large omnibus' containing 12 or more stories and these aren't short stories, they are typically 12,000-14,000 words. I borrowed all of his bundles over the last couple of years. I his stories to be creative and well written. I liked some a lot more than others, but that's true of any author with a large body of work.
I decided to start posting about particular authors instead. I felt kind of bad trashing on some of the stories in my last post, so I'm going to focus on the positive and tell you what I have liked and not what I didn't.
I'm starting off with Eric Filler. I've been reading his stories for a couple years now. I stumbled upon him when I first started using Amazon Prime. One benefit of Prime is that you get to borrow one Kindle Unlimited book for free each month. Eric Filler bundles his TG stories into large omnibus' containing 12 or more stories and these aren't short stories, they are typically 12,000-14,000 words. I borrowed all of his bundles over the last couple of years. I his stories to be creative and well written. I liked some a lot more than others, but that's true of any author with a large body of work.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Writing Update
I was hoping that I would have something to post this month, other than an explanation on why I have nothing to post. Unfortunately, my life has become rather complicated since late May. Nothing tragic, mind you. It's just that I have people in my life who depend on me and sometimes their needs can wreak havoc on my writing time. Their needs have been particularly intense for the last couple of months. Everyone is alright and things are settling down, so hopefully I'll have regular writing time once again in the near future.
There is a strong chance that I'll have a few hours tomorrow to write. I'm crossing my fingers.
There is a strong chance that I'll have a few hours tomorrow to write. I'm crossing my fingers.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
The Road Trip - Part 7
I finally finished part 7 of The Road Trip. Originally part 7 was going to be much longer, but I decided to only post about 25% of the what I had panned. As it is, part 7 is longer than any of the other parts. I have a lot planned for the next 75%. I hope to have it up before to long.
I do not have any images for this part of the story. I have to leave on a trip early tomorrow and if I don't get this posted tonight it wont get posted until next Saturday.
If you're new to this story, you can read all the preceding parts here: The Road Trip links
The Road Trip - Part 007
by Varian Milagro
“There’s a Q in Quality Inn,” Andrea shouted, her face lit up in excitement. She looked around for someone to share in her victory—she’d been stuck on the letter Q for the last half hour. Her mom was too busy groping Maria to notice and Buddy just glared at her. She hadn’t seen Enid or Tracey in nearly an hour. She hoped that her sister was safe. Barry was still hiding out in the bedroom. She’d be happy of she never saw him or his magic ever again.
After a brief glance at the Twinkie sitting on the console she turned her attention back to the road, and looked for the next her letter, knowing that she’d find it without any difficulty. Rs were all over the place. Z was going to be the troublemaker.
She’d been playing the alphabet game to take her mind off her nausea and near uncontrollable urge to eat the Twinkie. Just the thought of sinking her teeth into its spongy goodness made her mouth water and stomach rumble. She didn’t care that it would make her even fatter. The last two Twinkies had already put a good forty pounds of fat on her body. Who knew how much this one would add.
I do not have any images for this part of the story. I have to leave on a trip early tomorrow and if I don't get this posted tonight it wont get posted until next Saturday.
If you're new to this story, you can read all the preceding parts here: The Road Trip links
The Road Trip - Part 007
by Varian Milagro
“There’s a Q in Quality Inn,” Andrea shouted, her face lit up in excitement. She looked around for someone to share in her victory—she’d been stuck on the letter Q for the last half hour. Her mom was too busy groping Maria to notice and Buddy just glared at her. She hadn’t seen Enid or Tracey in nearly an hour. She hoped that her sister was safe. Barry was still hiding out in the bedroom. She’d be happy of she never saw him or his magic ever again.
After a brief glance at the Twinkie sitting on the console she turned her attention back to the road, and looked for the next her letter, knowing that she’d find it without any difficulty. Rs were all over the place. Z was going to be the troublemaker.
She’d been playing the alphabet game to take her mind off her nausea and near uncontrollable urge to eat the Twinkie. Just the thought of sinking her teeth into its spongy goodness made her mouth water and stomach rumble. She didn’t care that it would make her even fatter. The last two Twinkies had already put a good forty pounds of fat on her body. Who knew how much this one would add.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Video Recommendation: Dark Dungeons
Hello everyone,
Today I have a recommendation for a corruption video of sorts, but first I thought that I'd give an update on my writing.
I am working on the next part of The Road Trip. I doubt that it will be done by this weekend, but I am going to try. This part will have lots of mental and physical transformations, but mostly happening to people we haven't met yet. I have already written a few of the scenes and I think that you are going to like them.
Today I have a recommendation for a corruption video of sorts, but first I thought that I'd give an update on my writing.
I am working on the next part of The Road Trip. I doubt that it will be done by this weekend, but I am going to try. This part will have lots of mental and physical transformations, but mostly happening to people we haven't met yet. I have already written a few of the scenes and I think that you are going to like them.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Shout out
I would expect that a lot of you are aware of the writer T.F. Wright. He has posted several quality stories on The Changing Mirror. You may not be aware of his website, http://www.mytransformationstories.com/. On it he has a blog, a podcast and links to all of his ebooks and many free stories, including one of mine, "If I Were a Girl: SMS Edition"
Here is the cover art the T.F. Wright created for my story.
Here is the cover art the T.F. Wright created for my story.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Accepting requests
I am accepting requests/suggestions for vignettes in the next chapter of The Road Trip.
A magic wand has been introduced and you know that it is going to wreak havoc. Enid (or Andrea) will need to test it out to see what it can and can't do. Many unsuspecting innocent bystanders will need to be transformed physically and/or mentally.
I've sketched out a few ideas already, some based on past comments by readers.
If there is a particular transformation you'd like to see, post a comment or shoot me an email, varain.milagro@gmail.com
I'd love to hear your ideas.
A magic wand has been introduced and you know that it is going to wreak havoc. Enid (or Andrea) will need to test it out to see what it can and can't do. Many unsuspecting innocent bystanders will need to be transformed physically and/or mentally.
I've sketched out a few ideas already, some based on past comments by readers.
If there is a particular transformation you'd like to see, post a comment or shoot me an email, varain.milagro@gmail.com
I'd love to hear your ideas.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
The Road Trip - Part 6
Thank you to everyone who voted in the latest polls. I really appreciate it. Here are the results from the main poll.
8% - Sleep the day away
14% - Blow Maria
16% - Disturb Barry
18% - Make Tracey eat a dog treat
42% - Persuade Enid to smoke.
I decided to incorporate more than one option into this chapter. The winning option has the main focus of the story, but I decided to include a couple of the runner ups as well.
If you're new to this story, you can read all the preceding parts here: The Road Trip
The Road Trip - Part 006
Susan’s head throbbed thanks to Andrea’s second hand smoke and all of her own rubbernecking. She’d been trying to catch as many glimpses of Enid’s new luscious body without running off the road again.
“Do you mind driving?” Susan asked Maria.
“I’d rather not.” Maria blew on her fingernails. “I want to paint my toenails next.”
Susan’s first impulse was to tell Maria to paint his damn toenails later; an attentive driver was much more important than the color of his nails. Yet, she liked seeing him with long, painted fingernails. It kind of turned her on. She wanted to see him with painted toenails, too.
8% - Sleep the day away
14% - Blow Maria
16% - Disturb Barry
18% - Make Tracey eat a dog treat
42% - Persuade Enid to smoke.
I decided to incorporate more than one option into this chapter. The winning option has the main focus of the story, but I decided to include a couple of the runner ups as well.
If you're new to this story, you can read all the preceding parts here: The Road Trip
The Road Trip - Part 006
Susan’s head throbbed thanks to Andrea’s second hand smoke and all of her own rubbernecking. She’d been trying to catch as many glimpses of Enid’s new luscious body without running off the road again.
“Do you mind driving?” Susan asked Maria.
“I’d rather not.” Maria blew on her fingernails. “I want to paint my toenails next.”
Susan’s first impulse was to tell Maria to paint his damn toenails later; an attentive driver was much more important than the color of his nails. Yet, she liked seeing him with long, painted fingernails. It kind of turned her on. She wanted to see him with painted toenails, too.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Road Trip delay
Sorry that part six of The Road Trip hasn't been posted yet. Real life took precedent over the weekend. Good news is that I've got over half of the next part into the computer and I will have time to write tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that I'll have something to post by the weekend.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Interactive story - part 5
Here are the results from last week’s poll:
0% - Outlaw wedding
5% - The wedding crew
7% - Hello Kitty wedding
17% - White trash wedding
24% - Hip Hop wedding
48% - Stripper wedding
I didn’t make it to the wedding yet. That will come in the next part, hopefully. I’m not sure if I’ll have a part ready by next week. I’ll either need to write shorter parts or post them at longer intervals.
The Road Trip - part 005
Tracey knelt on the grass trying to decipher the scents emanating off the stump before her. The smell of rotting wood was the most obvious, she could have picked that up with her old nose. The various dog scents were fairly easy to distinguish, too. It was the other animal scents that were throwing her. Her mother stood about fifteen feet behind her. She’d let go of the leash and talking to Maria. Seeing his new purple dress, Tracey guessed that Barry had used more magic on him.
0% - Outlaw wedding
5% - The wedding crew
7% - Hello Kitty wedding
17% - White trash wedding
24% - Hip Hop wedding
48% - Stripper wedding
I didn’t make it to the wedding yet. That will come in the next part, hopefully. I’m not sure if I’ll have a part ready by next week. I’ll either need to write shorter parts or post them at longer intervals.
The Road Trip - part 005
Tracey knelt on the grass trying to decipher the scents emanating off the stump before her. The smell of rotting wood was the most obvious, she could have picked that up with her old nose. The various dog scents were fairly easy to distinguish, too. It was the other animal scents that were throwing her. Her mother stood about fifteen feet behind her. She’d let go of the leash and talking to Maria. Seeing his new purple dress, Tracey guessed that Barry had used more magic on him.
Friday, May 6, 2016
My blog hit 100,000 page views yesterday. That makes me happy. 40% of those views were in the last month. Amazing what happens when I actually post some content.
Thank you to everyone who has visited and all those who have left comments or emailed me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Story: If You Were a Girl: SMS Edition
This story was inspired by “If You Were A Girl… (A TG Questionnaire)” by 1sm3ghzn. You can find it over at The Changing Mirror, http://thechangingmirror.com/phpbb/index.php There are several other stories on that site based on the questions in the original story. Here is my take on it.
If You Were a Girl: SMS Edition
By Varian Milagro
It was raining again and I hate the rain. That’s not entirely accurate, I didn’t hate the rain itself; I didn’t mind getting wet. It was everyone else’s reaction to the rain that pissed me off. When I was little my mother wouldn’t let me outside to play when it rained. As I got older and got into baseball, it was cancelled anytime it rained. Now, today, I was going to go hiking with my girlfriend, Jessica, but she doesn’t like hiking in the rain.
I was an outdoor person through and through; indoor activities held little interest for me, save one. Once Jessica arrived I’d do my best to talk her into it. If that didn’t work I’d tell her that I’d watch a Rom-Com with her and then once she was comfortable I’d give her a massage followed by nibbling her earlobe. That rarely failed. Unfortunately having Jessica over also meant cleaning, something I hated almost as much as the rain.
If You Were a Girl: SMS Edition
By Varian Milagro
It was raining again and I hate the rain. That’s not entirely accurate, I didn’t hate the rain itself; I didn’t mind getting wet. It was everyone else’s reaction to the rain that pissed me off. When I was little my mother wouldn’t let me outside to play when it rained. As I got older and got into baseball, it was cancelled anytime it rained. Now, today, I was going to go hiking with my girlfriend, Jessica, but she doesn’t like hiking in the rain.
I was an outdoor person through and through; indoor activities held little interest for me, save one. Once Jessica arrived I’d do my best to talk her into it. If that didn’t work I’d tell her that I’d watch a Rom-Com with her and then once she was comfortable I’d give her a massage followed by nibbling her earlobe. That rarely failed. Unfortunately having Jessica over also meant cleaning, something I hated almost as much as the rain.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Interactive story - part 4
I was pleased to see that more people voted this last week. Thank you to those of you who did. I find it encouraging when you take an active part.
Here are the results from last week:
2% - Something else
8% - A petting zoo
13% - A political rally
24% - The circus
50% - A friend's wedding
Barry and crew are headed to a wedding! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of mischief Barry can get into there. If you voted for the circus or the political rally don't worry. There is a strong chance that Barry will make a stop at these locations eventually.
The Road Trip - part 004
“I’d like to go to Chloe’s wedding,” Andrea said. “She’s getting married on Saturday.”
“I love weddings! They’re so full of potential. ” Barry said. “Where is it?”
“It’s on Whidbey Island in Washington State. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid, but my mom wanted to take the long way to Yale.”
Here are the results from last week:
2% - Something else
8% - A petting zoo
13% - A political rally
24% - The circus
50% - A friend's wedding
Barry and crew are headed to a wedding! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of mischief Barry can get into there. If you voted for the circus or the political rally don't worry. There is a strong chance that Barry will make a stop at these locations eventually.
The Road Trip - part 004
“I’d like to go to Chloe’s wedding,” Andrea said. “She’s getting married on Saturday.”
“I love weddings! They’re so full of potential. ” Barry said. “Where is it?”
“It’s on Whidbey Island in Washington State. I was supposed to be a bridesmaid, but my mom wanted to take the long way to Yale.”
age regression,
cross dressing,
good girl to bad girl,
Magic Transformation,
Mental TF,
My Stories,
Road Trip,
slow physical transformation,
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
The Road Trip links
The Road Trip
The latest part of the story
The whole story so far
Below are links to the individual parts of the story
The latest part of the story
The whole story so far
Below are links to the individual parts of the story
The Road Trip - The story todate
This is my interactive story The Road Trip in its entirety. I will keep this post updated as new parts are added, along with the voting options for the latest part. If you are a new reader this will save you the hassle of having to track down all the individual pieces, a whopping two so far, but hopefully many more to come. :)
The Road Trip
By Varian Milagro
(with help from all those who voted and/or commented)
Susan Marshall finished cramming the folded tent into it’s nylon carrying bag and then wiped her brow. It wasn’t even that hot out and she was sweating already. Too much time sitting at a desk pushing paper and not enough time in the great outdoors. She glanced around the campsite. They’d managed to grab a great spot. Right next to the river with lots of shade and a great view of the snow capped mountains in the distance.
She was a little stiff this morning. The foam sleeping pad she’d bought at REI last week had nothing on her king sized, pillow top mattress back home. Still, she was willing to trade a few aches for the fresh air and time with her daughters. It was a shame that their father hadn’t been able to make the trip.
The Road Trip
By Varian Milagro
(with help from all those who voted and/or commented)
Susan Marshall finished cramming the folded tent into it’s nylon carrying bag and then wiped her brow. It wasn’t even that hot out and she was sweating already. Too much time sitting at a desk pushing paper and not enough time in the great outdoors. She glanced around the campsite. They’d managed to grab a great spot. Right next to the river with lots of shade and a great view of the snow capped mountains in the distance.
She was a little stiff this morning. The foam sleeping pad she’d bought at REI last week had nothing on her king sized, pillow top mattress back home. Still, she was willing to trade a few aches for the fresh air and time with her daughters. It was a shame that their father hadn’t been able to make the trip.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Interactive story - part 2
The votes are in! Here are the results:
2% - Her fingernails thicken, looking more like claws.
3% - Hello Kitty is painted on each nail.
10% - Andrea’s fingernails turn bright pink as gold bracelets appear on her wrists.
32% - Her fingernails turn blood red as tattoos materialize on her fingers, just below the knuckles, spelling out, “Fuck Off!”
48% - Her fingernails paint themselves black.
Don't worry if your favorite option didn't win. I'll be hitting all of these types of TFs and more as the story progresses.
The Road Trip - part 002
Andrea shuddered as a surge of pleasure rolled down through her abdomen, her legs quivering as her fingernails turned black before her eyes. She struggled to control her breathing and resist the urge to touch herself. And this was only the beginning. It was going to get much worse if she didn’t get her mother and sister back to the RV immediately.
2% - Her fingernails thicken, looking more like claws.
3% - Hello Kitty is painted on each nail.
10% - Andrea’s fingernails turn bright pink as gold bracelets appear on her wrists.
32% - Her fingernails turn blood red as tattoos materialize on her fingers, just below the knuckles, spelling out, “Fuck Off!”
48% - Her fingernails paint themselves black.
Don't worry if your favorite option didn't win. I'll be hitting all of these types of TFs and more as the story progresses.
The Road Trip - part 002
Andrea shuddered as a surge of pleasure rolled down through her abdomen, her legs quivering as her fingernails turned black before her eyes. She struggled to control her breathing and resist the urge to touch herself. And this was only the beginning. It was going to get much worse if she didn’t get her mother and sister back to the RV immediately.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Interactive story
I've decided to start my own interactive story. I will post a short section of the story and then give you several options to choose from. Anyway, here is the first bit.
The Road Trip - Intro
Susan Marshall finished cramming the folded tent into it’s nylon carrying bag and then wiped her brow. It wasn’t even that hot out and she was sweating already. Too much time sitting at a desk pushing paper and not enough time in the great outdoors. She glanced around the campsite. They’d managed to grab a great spot. Right next to the river with lots of shade and a great view of the snow capped mountains in the distance.
She was a little stiff this morning. The foam sleeping pad she’d bought at REI last week had nothing on her king sized, pillow top mattress back home. Still, she was willing to trade a few aches for the fresh air and time with her daughters. It was a shame that their father hadn’t been able to make the trip.
The Road Trip - Intro
Susan Marshall finished cramming the folded tent into it’s nylon carrying bag and then wiped her brow. It wasn’t even that hot out and she was sweating already. Too much time sitting at a desk pushing paper and not enough time in the great outdoors. She glanced around the campsite. They’d managed to grab a great spot. Right next to the river with lots of shade and a great view of the snow capped mountains in the distance.
She was a little stiff this morning. The foam sleeping pad she’d bought at REI last week had nothing on her king sized, pillow top mattress back home. Still, she was willing to trade a few aches for the fresh air and time with her daughters. It was a shame that their father hadn’t been able to make the trip.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Story: Behind Enemy Lines
I'm excited to be posting a new story. I held a contest on my blog last year and the prize was a story commission. I'd intended for the story to be finished in a couple of weeks and run around 3,000 words. Well, it is six months later and just shy of 13,000 words. Oh well.
The story features mind control and women being converted from non-smokers into smokers.
I want to give a big shout out to blackbladder for the story idea and to Steve Wells for looking the story over and giving me amazing feedback.
Behind Enemy Lines
By Varian Milagro
Based on the story idea by Blackbladder
“Andie, what do you think your previous supervisor would say is your greatest weakness?” Melinda Harris asked out of courtesy. She didn’t even bother listening to the reply. She picked at the remains of her Caesar salad and focused on avoiding Andie’s secondhand smoke.
Melinda and Andie were seated at a small outdoor table at Hogan’s Heroes, an independent lunch spot a couple miles from NTA, the company where Melinda worked. Both ladies were in their early forties and slim for their age. That is where the similarities ended. Andie stood an inch over five-foot and had straight, black hair so long that she sometimes sat on it if she wasn’t careful. Melinda pushed six-foot in heels and had naturally wavy, red hair that stopped just shy of her generous bosom. Another difference was their disposition. Melinda had warm, inviting eyes and she smiled constantly. Andie looked like her face might crack if she tried to smile and her eyes betrayed a cold, calculating intelligence.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Stories in the works - 3/7/2016
First off, I can’t believe that it’s been two and a half months since I given an update. Sorry.
I’ll try to do these things more regularly going forward.
First the good news. I’ve written two new stories, one of them in the Tobacconist universe. The bad news. I’m still no closer to finishing Heather’s story.
Okay, now more good news. I’m writing regularly again. I spent about three months writing little, but now I am writing in my journal daily. I owe thanks to a lot of different people for giving me motivation, not the least of which are David Plymouth, Tamara Vincent, Steven Wells, Blackbladder and all of you who have commented or visit my blog regularly.
I’ll try to do these things more regularly going forward.
First the good news. I’ve written two new stories, one of them in the Tobacconist universe. The bad news. I’m still no closer to finishing Heather’s story.
Okay, now more good news. I’m writing regularly again. I spent about three months writing little, but now I am writing in my journal daily. I owe thanks to a lot of different people for giving me motivation, not the least of which are David Plymouth, Tamara Vincent, Steven Wells, Blackbladder and all of you who have commented or visit my blog regularly.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Comic Recommendation: Motel 6 by Solone
Today I want to recommend the art by Solone. He does amazing 3D TF art that is so beautiful it blows my mind. I picked Motel 6 to recommend because it is finished (I think) and it's gorgeous. It is a 26 panel comic of a woman becoming a feral, anthro cat creature. Here is an early image from the comic.
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Motel 6 |
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Story Recommendation: Welcome to the Club Again!
Tamara Vincent has written a parallel version of Welcome to the Club from Avril/Blaze's perspective. It is called Welcome to the Club Again and you should definitely check it out. So far the first two parts are up on Tamara Vincent's blog. I've read the first part and will be reading part two once I get a chance.
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