Saturday, November 19, 2016

Writing update


I am very happy to let you know that I have been writing up a storm of late. On the first of this month I decided to join nanowrimo. If you aren't aware, nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It is a challenge to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I am very glad that I joined up this year. I do well with deadlines/challenges and I am happy to say that I am slightly ahead of pace at the moment.

It fees really good to be writing heavily again.

One nice thing about nanowrimo is that I have to write fairly fast to keep up and it helps me to focus more on putting words on paper than worrying about which words to put on the paper. There will be plenty of time to fuss over the proper words when I enter the story into the computer (probably after January). I like to let my larger stories settle for a while before doing a rewrite.

The story I'm writing started off as an offshoot of "The Road Trip", much like "The Backseat". At the end of "The Backseat" there is a convertible that gets hit with a magical beam. That was supposed to be a lead in to this story. When I started nanowrimo it was my intention to use the 50,000 words to quickly finish up the second offshoot--working title "Trailer Park"--and then finish up several other partially written stories. I am at 32,000 words and I am still writing "Trailer Park". I am getting closer to the end, but there might not be much of the month left once it's finished. The focuses on a young woman and her mother. It, of course, has lots of mental and physical changes. I've decided that it won't be part of The Road Trip and will be in its own universe. It's possible that it may be the first of several stories in that universe.

My plan is to focus on rewrites in December and January. I have several stories that are pretty close to being posted that I'd still like to get off my hard drive and onto my blog.


  1. Great news!
    I'm eagerly waiting to read you again.

    1. Thank you. I look forward to your next story as well.

  2. Sweet!! What's the novel you're writing about?

    1. You may have heard the saying that you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. This is a story about a mother and daughter who have car troubles and end up in a trailer park that likes to insert itself into people's lives.
