Saturday, January 7, 2017

Heather's story part 4

Heather's story part 4
By Varian Milagro

Heather was back at her sister’s house, sitting in her room, reading her bible, trying to find forgiveness in her heart for the things that Bethany had made her do at the strip club the night before. Forcing her to watch women debase themselves before horny men was bad enough, but making her kiss Rebecca had been truly evil.

She looked over at the alarm clock and let out a sigh. Sunday church service was nearly over. It was the first time she’d missed it in over ten years. She was going to miss Sunday dinner too, which she loved almost as much as going to church. Not that there would ever be another Sunday dinner, now that her parents were being corrupted by their eldest daughter. There had to be a way to stop her sister before she destroyed their whole family.

As if on cue, Bethany burst into the room. She had a pack of cigarettes in her hand and a lit one dangling from her mouth.

“You agreed not to smoke in here,” Heather snapped.

“Tough shit.” She sat on the bed next to Heather. “I’ve decided to let you off the hook. I had something truly devilish planned for you, but the part of me that was your sister is having second thoughts. If you’ll voluntarily do two things for me I’ll let you go home right away.”

Heather narrowed her eyes. “What do you want me to do?”

Bethany held out the pack in her hand. “Smoke a cigarette.”

“And you’ll leave Jimmy and Donna alone?”

Bethany barked out a laugh. “Fat chance. This deal is about you, not them. If you do what I ask, you’ll have your freedom again and you can try your best to protect them. Maybe you’ll be able to stop me from turning Donna into a total slut or Jimmy into a male stripper.”

Heather pulled a cigarette from the pack. It looked rather innocent at the moment. There was something almost pure in its whiteness, in how smooth, straight and cylindrical it was. If she smoked this cigarette she’d be free to rescue Jimmy and Donna. She could talk to Pastor William; he’d know how to stop Bethany.

“You said two things, what’s the other one?”

“You have to sleep with one of my roommates, Paul or Tracey, doesn’t matter which.”

Heather flung the cigarette at her sister as she leapt off the bed. “What’s wrong with you? I’m not having intercourse with anyone and why would you want me too?”

“It’s payback for selling me out to mom,” Bethany snapped. “Why couldn’t you just mind your own business? What did it matter to you if I tried a cigarette or slept with my boyfriend? Why did you have to run to Mommy like a spoiled little tattletale?” She took a drag on her cigarette. “As I said, part of me wants to go easy on you, but there’s another part that wants to make you fucking pay.”

“I’m not going to do either of those things. You’re sick and you need help. Let’s go see Pastor William. He can help you; he used to do exorcisms.”

Bethany stood slowly as a smile grew on her face. “I’m kind of relieved that you turned me down. Paul will be disappointed--he was really hoping to pop your cherry--, but I’ve been looking forward to using my new power on you.” Bethany placed her hand on Heather’s chest. Her face contorted, like she was straining mentally.

Heather tried to pull away, but she was stuck to her sister’s hand. After a few seconds a wave of pressure flowed from Bethany into Heather.

“You are now addicted to nicotine and you have all of the withdrawals of a pack-a-day smoker that hasn’t had a cigarette all day.”

An intense headache formed behind Heather’s eyes along with a strange hunger. While the smoke from Bethany’s cigarette smelled just as bitter as ever, it was also quite enticing; her body knew that it would satisfy its cravings.

“Here’s what it will feel like when you smoke a cigarette.” Bethany took a drag and blew smoke into Heather’s face.

Heather coughed on the smoke, but the headache was gone and so too were the cravings.

“Unlike a normal smoker with a pack-a-day habit all you’ll need to do is smoke a single cigarette to make the withdrawals vanish. Here’s a taste what you’ll feel if you skip smoking for two days.”

Another wave flowed into Heather’s chest. The headache was back, but now it felt like her brain was being squeezed in a vise grip. Her face ached, her skin crawled, and her lungs burned with a need for nicotine. She hadn’t felt this bad since she’d had the flu.

“Do you want to feel what’s it like when you skip smoking for a full week?”

“No!” Heather fell to her knees. “Make it go away, please.”

Bethany smiled. “With pleasure.” She blew more smoke into her sister’s face.

Heather welcomed the second hand smoke, knowing that relief was soon to follow. She was almost giddy when the withdrawals finally vanished.

“Normally it will take more than someone blowing a little smoke in your face to satisfy your cravings, you’ll need to actually suck smoke into your lungs, but that was to give you a taste of nicotine withdrawals and the sweet relief that a cigarette brings.”

“I’ll make you pay for this somehow.” Heather said. Her chest was hit with pressure again. The withdrawals were back, but were mild in comparison to what she’d just experienced.

“Every day for the next month you’ll go through nicotine withdrawals until you smoke a cigarette. Once you smoke a single cigarette the cravings will vanish. The withdrawals will grow progressively worse every day that you skip smoking. You’re always saying that people who smoke are weak willed and could quit easily if they only had the willpower. Let’s see how long you can make it, Miss Hypocrite.” Bethany handed Heather a cigarette and a lighter. “Put that cigarette in your mouth and keep the lighter on hand. Until you smoke, it must stay in your mouth unless you are eating, drinking or sleeping. All you need to do is light the cigarette and the pain will go away.”

Heather stuck the cigarette in her mouth. The temptation to light it was tremendous, but she held firm.

“Get ready to go. We’re leaving once I make a couple of calls.” Bethany stood and the crossed to the room. Pausing at the doorway she said, “Thanks for reminding me about Pastor Williams. I’d forgotten that he used to do exorcisms. I’ll have to do something about him. Can’t have him messing up my plans.”

Thirty minutes later Heather was in her car headed back to the strip club in Cheyenne, along with her sister, Paul and Tracey. All three of them smoked the along the way, something Heather found revolting normally, but now, with the curse her sister had placed on her, it was maddening. Smelling the smoke from their cigarettes made her want to light the one in her mouth desperately. She refused to cave in. It would only play into her sister’s hands. It was a tortuous car ride.

The Newgrounds parking lot was empty this time, save for three cars. The open sign was turned off as was the large neon sign on the roof. Paul parked the car next to a Mercedes sedan.

Heather followed the other three into the strip club. Her heart pounded, terrified of what her sister had planned for her, but trying to find faith that she’d be saved from evil. The club was quiet. The lights were on, but no one was in the main room. Bethany made a beeline toward the doorway next to the main stage, marked with the sign “Employees only”.

After a short walk down a hall they entered a large room. Tables and chairs were lined up against the wall. A large white board covered one wall. Another was equipped with a long counter, a full size refrigerator, microwave and three vending machines.

In the center of the room a man drew strange symbols on the the ground with a piece of chalk while another set candles around the drawings in a large circle. In the very center was a pentagram encircled in an unfamiliar language.

Off to the side of the room a group of people mingled. Heather recognized several of them. Mary and Nathan Wilson, the couple that Bethany used to babysit for were talking with two middle aged women that were dressed like they whores. One was Jackie, Rebecca’s mother. She guessed that the other must be Susan, Vicky’s mother. Bethany walked over to the group and gave Mary Wilson a passionate kiss.

Heather’s disgust was interrupted by a high pitch squeal. She turned to see a short girl dressed in a parody of a catholic school girl’s uniform mince her way across the room, her twin pigtails and large bosom both swaying with each step she made in her high heeled Mary Janes.

“Oh my god! Heather! It’s so amazing to see you! Like, how have you been, girlie?”

“Victoria?” Heather asked around the cigarette in her mouth. She stared at the buxom blonde, with her inch long nails, body hugging clothes and childish grin and tried to reconcile her against the memory of the austere, self-assured girl she’d known.

“It’s Vicky now.” Vicky pulled Heather into a hug. “Owie.” She said as she pulled away from Heather, cupping her breasts. “I just got new boobies and they hurt sometimes.”

“What did my sister do to you?” Heather asked while trying to ignore the long, white cigarette in her mouth and the way it bobbed up and down every time she spoke.

Vicky bounced up and down. “She made me happy. I wasn’t so much before, but I am now!” Her smile changed to a look of pain. “Owie, owie, owie,” she said as she messaged her giant bosom. “I’m not supposed to bounce, the doctor said it’s a no-no, but I love bouncing. I love bouncing up on the stage where people clap and give me things. I also get to live with my best-bestie, Rebecca. She’s real nice to me, even when I’m naughty.”

Heather stared at Vicky, her mouth agape. Nathan broke away from the other group and came their way. As he approached them, he reached into his suit pocket, pulled out a golden lighter and flicked it to life.

“Good to see you again, Heather. May I light that for you?” he asked as held out the flame.

“I don’t smoke!” Heather snapped.

“You should smoke,” Vicky said. “It’s really yummy.” Vicky started bouncing again.

“Now Vicky, you’re not supposed to bounce, remember?” Nathan said. “Not until you’re fully healed from your breast augmentation.”

Vicky stopped bouncing, a doleful look on her face. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ve been naughty again, haven’t I?” Her smile returned. “Are you going to give me a spanking?”

“Not right now,” Nathan said and Vicky lost her smile. “But, if you’re a good girl I will tonight.”

“Yippee!” Vicky began bouncing again.

Nathan rolled his eyes and then shook his head. “Come on, Vicky.” He led Vicky back to the group.

“That’s a nice look for you,” Rebecca said in a sultry voice. “But you’ll look a lot better once the cigarette is lit.”

Heather turned around to see Rebecca dressed head to foot in skin tight, black leather. The shoes she wore had tall, thin heels that ended in points and looked like they could double as weapons. Her fingernails nails looked sharp, reminding Heather of claws. A lit cigarette dangled from her scarlet lips.

“I don’t smoke,” Heather said in a small voice, still remembering the kiss they’d shared the night before and knowing that she couldn’t defend herself against Rebecca should she decide to do it again.

“We’re going to change that tonight, from what I hear. I hear that a lot about you is going to change.”

Heather started crying. “I’m going to get my sister back for this, Becky. She can’t go around remaking people for her perverse kicks.”

Rebecca ran a hand along Heather’s cheek. “I go by Rebecca now and don’t cry for me. I’ve been set free. Cry for that scared little girl I used to be. Plus, we are going to have so much fun together. I’ve lusted after you for so long and soon you’ll lust after me, too.”

Heather fought back tears. “What are they going to do to me?”

“From what I heard, you’re going to get powers like your sister. I have a feeling that there is one badass bitch buried inside you just waiting to get out and do some real damage. I can’t wait to meet her; we are going to fuck this town up.”

“Help me escape. If you care about me, help me get away from these people.”

Rebecca laughed. “I’m helping you, Heather. I’ve seen both sides now and we were on the losing end. You have no idea how good it feels to be bad. You may have heaven, but we have sex, drugs and rock and roll.”

“Can’t you remember who you used to be? Think back to the sermons you’ve heard. Fight the evil.”

“I remember hiding in fear. Afraid to tell anyone my true feelings, afraid that my own parents would disown me. They would have, too. Not anymore though. Thanks to your sister I’m free to be the real me and soon, so will you.”

“I’m sorry I’m late,” an elderly woman said as she entered the room. Two middle aged men accompanied her, all three dressed like they’d drove straight from a commune in the 1960s. “We were halfway here when I realized that I’d forgotten the Goblet of Garnash.” She turned to her companions. “Marsh, help Edgar and Ash finish setting up the circle and for Goddess sake make sure all of the lines connect this time. Thorn, start handing out the robes and make sure everyone knows the proper chants. We can do a practice run beforehand if need be.” She smiled broadly when she spotted Bethany and then hastened over to greet her.

“It’s just about showtime. I’ll see you on the other side.” Rebecca removed the cigarette from Heather’s mouth, gave her a kiss and then trotted over to the main group.

Heather looked around for anything that she could use as a weapon. Maybe if she knocked her sister unconscious she be able to make a break for it. On the far side of the room, behind a stack of chairs was an exit sign. She made a new plan: get outside, flag down a car and get them to call the police.

Just as she started edging her way toward the far wall, Bethany and Starshine walked over to her.

“So, this is the volunteer,” Starshine said.

“I didn’t volunteer for anything.”

“Shut your pie hole or I’ll have you making out with Rebecca again,” Bethany said.

“You don’t have to volunteer, sweetie,” Starshine said. “If a blood relative offers you up, it is sufficient for the ceremony.”

“When can we start?” Bethany said. “The sooner this is over, the better.”

“The boys will have the circle finished in another few minutes and then we can get going. There is something I’d like to discuss with you first.” She glanced at Heather and then added, “Alone.”

“We can talk in front of Heather.”

Starshine looked skeptical, but continued. “First, do you have the bodily secretions I asked for?”

“Yes, but it’s not mine.” Bethany handed Starshine a small jar that held a few ounces of a thick, milky liquid. “Can I still be a part of the ceremony?”

“Hmm.” Starshine studied the contents of the jar. “Will the donor be part of the thirteen?”


“If you’re still going to do the blood offering it should be fine. Of course that means that your sister won’t bond with you like you did with Mary, but I’m guessing that’s the whole point. I’d more than a little uncomfortable having my sister lust after me, too.”

“Good. Mary said that you found the perfect candidate.”

“Yes, a very powerful one.” Starshine dug around in a tan woven handbag. She pulled out a large amber gemstone and held it up to the light. It appeared to contain an eyeball, a knot of hair and a black widow spider. “She made this before she died and it will allow us to channel her powers. I have her photo in here somewhere, too. Ah, here it is.” She handed the photo to Bethany. “Her name was Constance Morningstar.”

“Oh, this is perfect,” Bethany said with a chuckle. She turned to her sister and said, “Do you want to see who’s going to merge with?”

“Imbued might be a better term,” Starshine said. “As I told you on the phone, you merged with a living spirit, this will be quite different since Constance is long dead. It is possible that your sister will take on some characteristics of her benefactor.”

“You mean that she’ll start to look like her?”


“That is so awesome! You just made my day.” Bethany handed the photo to Heather. “Pretty soon that’s what you’ll see when you look in the mirror.”

Heather stared at the photo of a beautiful woman dressed up in a Victorian corset dress. She had long, purple hair, elaborate piercings, the most obvious being a delicate chain running from her ear to her nose. Tattooed on her fingers were words “Love” and “Hate”. A spider web tattoo covered her upper chest.

“No!” Heather screamed and then woke up.

Heather's story - chapter 5


  1. Fantastic new chapter - I love how the new characters interact with the old ones. Bethany has been busy since the previous story, it seems, from the web of corruption being spun.

  2. Great, absolutely great!
    I can't wait for the transformation to start.
    I've got the impression that I'll love the new Heather even more than I love Bethany :)
