Thursday, December 8, 2016

Stories in the works - 12/8/2016

Hello, I thought I'd let you know where I'm at with my writing. I recently finished Nanowrimo and was able to get in 50,026 words written in the month of November.

I've written 50k words in a month before, but not when I was holding down a full time job with a long commute. It was a good experience for me. Towards the end it was a bit rough, I fell behind over the Thanksgiving weekend and had to scramble on the last three days. Yet, forcing myself to write fast felt like a purge of sorts. Like a cleanse. It was good to let the words flow out of me.

I started writing another story on Sunday. I hope that it will be shorter than the last one. I still need to work on revising some stories. It doesn't do you much good if I keep writing new stories, but they never make it out of my journal.
My tentative plan is to continue writing the newest story in my journal as time permits, but focus on revising and then posting a story already written

Revision Queue

This is the third story in The Bethany series. It focuses on the downfall of Bethany's sister, Heather. I want to post this story so badly. It is coming up on the three year anniversary of "The Birth of Bethany". It would be so wonderful if I could have it finished before then.

"Trailer Park"
This started off as a short story set in The Road Trip world, but became much more involved. It is the story that I wrote during nanowrimo. I'd intended to finish several short stories during nanoerimo, but ended up using all 50,026 words on this story alone. It involves a mother/daughter having car troubles and getting stuck in a trailer park. The story is centered on the daughter and her struggle to leave the trailer park before she and her mother become permanent residents. I hope that this will be the first story of a series.
I finished writing a detailed outline for the story today (12/8/2016).

"The Road Trip shorts"
I have several short stories written that are set in The Road Trip world. They are all about victims of Enid's magic wand. They are my take on reader suggestions.

Tamara Vincent inspired me to write another story in The Tobacconist universe. When I thought up the Tobacconist I had four different stories in mind. This one involves a group of high school girls who are having a sleep over. One of the girls finds a stash of cigarettes, a few of which were made by The Tobacconist.

"new dad"
First draft completed 6/18/2015
Son curses step-dad and soon he, his step-dad, his girlfriend and his mother are all changing physically and mentally.

"Ghost 2"
First draft completed 5/31/2015
This is a poor name, even for a place holder. It reflects the genesis for the idea, but not the story itself. In a nutshell it is a story that starts off as The Birth of Bethany, except that Elizabeth's boyfriend, Paul, encounters the strange being. It goes off in its own direction from there. (Ghost was my working title for The Birth of Bethany)

This story is a magical TG story and is around 60k words. It will be an illustrated story that I will post on website once completed. If has gone through a couple drafts and needs at least one more. I guestimate this one being completed (and hopefully posted) near the start of summer, which would be three years from its first draft.

Posted to this blog on 9/1/2015
Steve Wells gave me some great notes on this story. Once I have the time I'll use them to do a rewrite of this story and then post it somewhere like Fictionmania (or maybe Amazon).
Magical TG with MtF and FtM. Husband and wife start taking on each others characteristics.

Future First Drafts
Here are a couple of stories that I plan to work on. I have many others that are partially finished that I may restart, but I'm only going to list a few that are in the "most likely" category.

"The bet"
This story hit me hard on Sunday (12/4/2016). Toward the end nanowrimo I thought that I was sick of writing in my journals, but then four days later the idea for this story grabbed me. It involves a young woman who makes a bet with her brother, one she can't lose. Unfortunately for her she does lose. This sets her on a path that will have big consequences for her and her friend's lives. A major influence for this story is the character arc for the female lead in the movie "Deathgasm". This will be a non-magical, corruption story.

Steven Wells pitched me a story about a smart, geeky girl who is Kardashianized about 9 months ago. I've watched a few episodes of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" in anticipation of getting started on this story. I would have written it in nanowrimo if "trailer park" hadn't used up all 50k words.

"The Road Trip"
It is my intention to continue writing The Road Trip once I get a few of my other stories posted. I think that I'll write of a synopsis for each of the previous chapters and post them along with Chapter 8. Personally, it will help me reacquaint myself with the characters and it will help the readers get caught up on the story, too.


  1. Its good to know you are still writing, and all these ideas above are intriguing.

  2. sweeeeet :D send me an email if you want help proofing anything

    1. Thank you for the offer. Your suggestions have been very helpful.
