I want to wish you all a happy holiday season, whatever holiday you may celebrate.
Personally, I celebrate Christmas. I have always loved the Christmas season, the lights, the music, getting together with friends and family, and of course the presents. I like buying them and opening them. I even like wrapping them to a degree. I suck at it, but I usually turn on a Christmas movie and watch it while wrapping presents. This year it was "The Family Stone". I'd never seen it before and doubt that I'll see it again. Next year I'll stick with one of the regulars, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation", "It's a Wonderful Life", "Elf", or "A Nightmare Before Christmas".
In case I don't post again before next Friday, I wish you all a Happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Stories in the works - 12/21/2015
It's been too long since I've done an update. Sorry about that. November and the first three weeks of December have not been good writing months for me. I think that after Christmas I'll have more time to write. I though that I'd have more time after Thanksgiving, but I was wrong. Anyway, here is what I'm working on.
Active Projects
Heather's story
I am nearly finished with the first major revision. Unfortunately it will need a second revision. I came up with a lot of great ideas while writing the first revision, little touches that will make the story more enjoyable. The second revsion shouldn't take too terribly long (once I start it). After that it will be editing. I will probably start posting parts as I finish editing them.
I fear that the size of the story will intimidate people. I tried to keep it around 30,000 words, but it keept growing. It is now over 55,000 words. There are a LOT of transformations in it that I know people will enjoy, but I fear that it has become my "Heaven's Gate". (A long, bloated movie in the early 80s). I have no idea when it will be done. My avialable writing time has been none existant for nearly a monnth now. I'm hoping for more time after Christmas.
Behind Enemy Lines
This is a story for the winner of my contest back in September, blackbladder. It is about the hostile takeover of an anti-tobacco organization from the inside. I have most of this story finished. It is handwritten in a journal and I have half of that transferred to the computer.
Active Projects
Heather's story
I am nearly finished with the first major revision. Unfortunately it will need a second revision. I came up with a lot of great ideas while writing the first revision, little touches that will make the story more enjoyable. The second revsion shouldn't take too terribly long (once I start it). After that it will be editing. I will probably start posting parts as I finish editing them.
I fear that the size of the story will intimidate people. I tried to keep it around 30,000 words, but it keept growing. It is now over 55,000 words. There are a LOT of transformations in it that I know people will enjoy, but I fear that it has become my "Heaven's Gate". (A long, bloated movie in the early 80s). I have no idea when it will be done. My avialable writing time has been none existant for nearly a monnth now. I'm hoping for more time after Christmas.
Behind Enemy Lines
This is a story for the winner of my contest back in September, blackbladder. It is about the hostile takeover of an anti-tobacco organization from the inside. I have most of this story finished. It is handwritten in a journal and I have half of that transferred to the computer.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Story: Jersey Shored
Jersey Shored
By Varian Milagro
Based on the story idea by David Plymouth
“How much longer should we wait for Lynn, dear?” Ting-lan asked.
Ting-lan stood outside a two story, brown shingled house with her husband, Kang and their two children, Shen and Luan. Like her husband, she had a slight Mandarin accent. Both were second generation Chinese Americans and picked up the accents from listening to their parent’s speak broken English at home. Thankfully, both children spoke fluent, accent free English and Chinese. At five-three, she was the shortest of the family and the only one who carried extra weight. Her daughter stood a couple inches taller and had the body of a ballet dancer. Ting-lan wasn’t fat, but had a fuller figure not uncommon with women in their mid-forties.
The sun was out and the smell of saltwater in the air. The roar of the ocean and hundreds of people at play came from beyond the house. To the left and right of the house were similar rectangular homes, either permanent vacation homes or more likely, rentals.
“If we had cell phones we could call her, Father,” Shen said. Like his father, he stood five-eleven and had a slender build, although age had filled out Kang’s frame whereas Shen looked like a strong wind would blow him away.
“I do not want to hear anymore about cell phones.” Kang glared at the green, white and red garage door. “I want you to paint over that this week.”
“What color, Father?”
“Confer with your mother. I only care that we no longer have the Italian flag on our new vacation home.”
“Yes, sir.”
By Varian Milagro
Based on the story idea by David Plymouth
“How much longer should we wait for Lynn, dear?” Ting-lan asked.
Ting-lan stood outside a two story, brown shingled house with her husband, Kang and their two children, Shen and Luan. Like her husband, she had a slight Mandarin accent. Both were second generation Chinese Americans and picked up the accents from listening to their parent’s speak broken English at home. Thankfully, both children spoke fluent, accent free English and Chinese. At five-three, she was the shortest of the family and the only one who carried extra weight. Her daughter stood a couple inches taller and had the body of a ballet dancer. Ting-lan wasn’t fat, but had a fuller figure not uncommon with women in their mid-forties.
The sun was out and the smell of saltwater in the air. The roar of the ocean and hundreds of people at play came from beyond the house. To the left and right of the house were similar rectangular homes, either permanent vacation homes or more likely, rentals.
“If we had cell phones we could call her, Father,” Shen said. Like his father, he stood five-eleven and had a slender build, although age had filled out Kang’s frame whereas Shen looked like a strong wind would blow him away.
“I do not want to hear anymore about cell phones.” Kang glared at the green, white and red garage door. “I want you to paint over that this week.”
“What color, Father?”
“Confer with your mother. I only care that we no longer have the Italian flag on our new vacation home.”
“Yes, sir.”
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Heather update
I know that there are fans of the "Bethany" stories that are eager to read about Bethany's sister, Heather. I'd hoped to have the story done by Halloween, but it will not be done in time. I really don't know when it will be done. I am close to finishing my revision of the story, but there are a few other steps to complete and due to the stories size they will take some time--Heather's story is currently three times the size of The Birth of Bethany.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Story Recommendation: A Perfect Fit
I am recommending A Perfect Fit by optimizer888. It is an extremely well written story of revenge with a slow, convincing man to woman mental change. The story stayed with me for days after reading it and I'm sure that I'll be rereading it very soon.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Comic recommendation: Fangs
There is a new 3D comic artist on the scene that I'm excited about. His name is Cantraps and he recently released a 273 page, multi-paneled comic featuring women becoming vampires and all the corruption that goes along with it. It is very well done and he is already working on a sequel.
Cantrap's Blog has a direct link to the comic. It is hosted on g.e.hentai
Cantrap's Blog has a direct link to the comic. It is hosted on g.e.hentai
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Contest #1 result
Congratulations to Blackbladder on winning a short story commission in my inaugural contest. With nearly half on the entries in the contest it was little surprise that he won. Once Blackbladder and I work out the story parameters I will get to work on it. The story will most likely be posted on this blog sometime in the future.
There will be other contests coming soon. I think that I am going to post most of my stories to my blog first before posting them on other story sites. I'll come up with a contest of some sort around the story.
There will be other contests coming soon. I think that I am going to post most of my stories to my blog first before posting them on other story sites. I'll come up with a contest of some sort around the story.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Story: Role with It (Part 4 of 4)
Role with It (Part 4 of 4)
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
After lunch we loaded the food and equipment into the car. Andrew showed up before we’d gotten too far along. He helped us finish loading. I was very thankful. I’d stored some of the equipment on the top shelves and I would have needed a ladder to get them. When I’d stored them it had been an easy reach, but now that I’d lost half a foot in height they were infuriatingly out of reach. He also carried both standing rib roasts for us, a task I’d done easily last month, but would’ve been nearly impossible today.
I kissed and hugged Lily goodbye. Both Evan and Tyler were catching the bus with Peter. Holly was headed home to watch all five kids.
I climbed into my Durango. As I waited for Abbey to start her car I looked in the rear-view mirror. I looked like a mess, my hair was sticking out all over the place and I looked tired. I shouldn’t have skipped putting on my makeup in the morning. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why I’d done that. I hated leaving the house without my face on. I fingered my gold wedding band hanging around my neck. Tomorrow after I returned the rental equipment I’d have to get it re-sized.
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
After lunch we loaded the food and equipment into the car. Andrew showed up before we’d gotten too far along. He helped us finish loading. I was very thankful. I’d stored some of the equipment on the top shelves and I would have needed a ladder to get them. When I’d stored them it had been an easy reach, but now that I’d lost half a foot in height they were infuriatingly out of reach. He also carried both standing rib roasts for us, a task I’d done easily last month, but would’ve been nearly impossible today.
I kissed and hugged Lily goodbye. Both Evan and Tyler were catching the bus with Peter. Holly was headed home to watch all five kids.
I climbed into my Durango. As I waited for Abbey to start her car I looked in the rear-view mirror. I looked like a mess, my hair was sticking out all over the place and I looked tired. I shouldn’t have skipped putting on my makeup in the morning. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why I’d done that. I hated leaving the house without my face on. I fingered my gold wedding band hanging around my neck. Tomorrow after I returned the rental equipment I’d have to get it re-sized.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Comic Recommendations: Sturkwurk
I recommend pretty much every thing Sturkwurk does. Simply because, even if the story stinks (they don't), or the subject matter doesn't strike my fancy (it happens), the art is flipping amazing. I used to hate 3-D comics until Sturwurk's comics (and cblack's) turned me around.
There are several places that I know of to see Sturkwurk's free art:
Sturkwurk on Deviantart: He has a lot, but not all, of his free art here.
Sturkwurk on Tumblr: More free art and home to WTF2. I loved WTF and was looking forward to the sequel, unfortunately it was abandoned after 350 pages or so. Sturkwurk is posting one page of WTF2 a
There are several places that I know of to see Sturkwurk's free art:
Sturkwurk on Deviantart: He has a lot, but not all, of his free art here.
Sturkwurk on Tumblr: More free art and home to WTF2. I loved WTF and was looking forward to the sequel, unfortunately it was abandoned after 350 pages or so. Sturkwurk is posting one page of WTF2 a
Monday, September 7, 2015
Story: Role with it (part 3 of 4)
Role with it (part 3 of 4)
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Tyler seemed better in the morning, although I couldn’t remember what had been bothering him. I asked Wendy, but she couldn’t remember either. We asked Tyler over breakfast. He answered with a shrug. I blew it off to the confusion of childhood.
After Tyler headed out the door for school I took a shower while Lily bounced in the door jamb. I skipped washing my hair. I didn’t have time to let it dry and blow drying was so rough on it. I sat on the bedroom floor in front of Lily and braided my hair. I talked to her about what I was doing and she bounced, babbled and laughed.
As I dressed I decided that it was time to do some more shopping with Abbey. First none of my bras fit; the bands had all shrunk. I couldn’t wrap them around my chest. I also struggled to find a shirt that fit well. They were all tight across my chest. On Sunday I was suddenly too big for my nightgown and today my shirts were too tight. I felt like a fat cow. It was time to join Abbey at her Weight Watchers meetings.
I didn’t know what to do about my breasts. I didn’t want to go braless, but I didn’t have time to go bra shopping either. None of my shirts had built-in bras; in fact, none of them looked like they’d been designed with boobs in mind. No wonder they were tight across the chest. That didn’t explain why they’d fit yesterday. I opted for a soft cotton, long sleeve shirt. My boobs bobbed and swayed with every step, but it couldn’t be helped. Once Tyler arrived home from school I’d take the kids to Target and buy a couple bras. I bundled up Lily and headed to the restaurant.
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Tyler seemed better in the morning, although I couldn’t remember what had been bothering him. I asked Wendy, but she couldn’t remember either. We asked Tyler over breakfast. He answered with a shrug. I blew it off to the confusion of childhood.
After Tyler headed out the door for school I took a shower while Lily bounced in the door jamb. I skipped washing my hair. I didn’t have time to let it dry and blow drying was so rough on it. I sat on the bedroom floor in front of Lily and braided my hair. I talked to her about what I was doing and she bounced, babbled and laughed.
As I dressed I decided that it was time to do some more shopping with Abbey. First none of my bras fit; the bands had all shrunk. I couldn’t wrap them around my chest. I also struggled to find a shirt that fit well. They were all tight across my chest. On Sunday I was suddenly too big for my nightgown and today my shirts were too tight. I felt like a fat cow. It was time to join Abbey at her Weight Watchers meetings.
I didn’t know what to do about my breasts. I didn’t want to go braless, but I didn’t have time to go bra shopping either. None of my shirts had built-in bras; in fact, none of them looked like they’d been designed with boobs in mind. No wonder they were tight across the chest. That didn’t explain why they’d fit yesterday. I opted for a soft cotton, long sleeve shirt. My boobs bobbed and swayed with every step, but it couldn’t be helped. Once Tyler arrived home from school I’d take the kids to Target and buy a couple bras. I bundled up Lily and headed to the restaurant.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Story: Role with it (part 2 of 4)
Role with it (part 2 of 4)
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
I awoke to Wendy’s alarm on Monday morning. My first stop was to the bathroom to take a leak. As Wendy took a shower I threw on my robe and headed to Lily’s room. After changing her diaper I carried her to Tyler’s room to get him up. After that I headed to the kitchen to start some coffee and warm Lily’s bottle. I held Lily in one arm while I prepped breakfast, which isn’t easy. They don’t teach you how to mix pancake batter one handed at the Culinary Institute of America, but they should. Wendy appeared with Tyler in tow by time Lily’s bottle had warmed. She held Lily while she drank her formula and I got back to work on breakfast.
“What do you have going on today?” Wendy asked as we ate.
“While Tyler is in school I’ll be shopping for supplies for that catering gig,” I said.
“I get to do show and tell at school. I’m going to show the truck I got on my birthday,” Tyler said.
Lily babbled happily as she smeared her face with a slice of pear.
After kissing Wendy as she went out the door I helped Tyler dress for school. Lily and I waved goodbye to her brother as he walked down the street to his bus stop. I then hurried back to the car, buckled Lily into her car seat and drove to Abbey’s. She didn’t have to work until eleven, so she was going to watch Lily and then I was going to watch Evan after school.
I had three stores to hit before I had to pick Lily up again. My first stop was at The Restaurateur’s BFF, a restaurant supply store. I was catering an event for over a hundred people at Willow Grove lodge in three days. While I was only providing the food and another company was doing the actual serving, it was a big task for a lone chef and I needed to supplement my own meager supplies. I still had most everything I needed to make the food, but I was lacking on the supplies to serve it. Among other things, I’d need half a dozen chafing dishes, a couple insulated food carriers, several large salad bowls, a couple beverage dispensers, and a couple coffee urns.
By Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
I awoke to Wendy’s alarm on Monday morning. My first stop was to the bathroom to take a leak. As Wendy took a shower I threw on my robe and headed to Lily’s room. After changing her diaper I carried her to Tyler’s room to get him up. After that I headed to the kitchen to start some coffee and warm Lily’s bottle. I held Lily in one arm while I prepped breakfast, which isn’t easy. They don’t teach you how to mix pancake batter one handed at the Culinary Institute of America, but they should. Wendy appeared with Tyler in tow by time Lily’s bottle had warmed. She held Lily while she drank her formula and I got back to work on breakfast.
“What do you have going on today?” Wendy asked as we ate.
“While Tyler is in school I’ll be shopping for supplies for that catering gig,” I said.
“I get to do show and tell at school. I’m going to show the truck I got on my birthday,” Tyler said.
Lily babbled happily as she smeared her face with a slice of pear.
After kissing Wendy as she went out the door I helped Tyler dress for school. Lily and I waved goodbye to her brother as he walked down the street to his bus stop. I then hurried back to the car, buckled Lily into her car seat and drove to Abbey’s. She didn’t have to work until eleven, so she was going to watch Lily and then I was going to watch Evan after school.
I had three stores to hit before I had to pick Lily up again. My first stop was at The Restaurateur’s BFF, a restaurant supply store. I was catering an event for over a hundred people at Willow Grove lodge in three days. While I was only providing the food and another company was doing the actual serving, it was a big task for a lone chef and I needed to supplement my own meager supplies. I still had most everything I needed to make the food, but I was lacking on the supplies to serve it. Among other things, I’d need half a dozen chafing dishes, a couple insulated food carriers, several large salad bowls, a couple beverage dispensers, and a couple coffee urns.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Win a custom short story!
First prize: A custom short story!
I'm launching my first ever contest. The first (and only) prize is a customized short story written by me. You will need to work for it though. I'm looking for help with my latest story "Role with It" and I think that you are the one who can help me.
There are three ways to enter the contest.
#1. Suggest a better title. It needs to be a reasonable title that makes sense based on the material.
#2. Suggest a synopsis. A sentence or two that entices a reader to read the story, but doesn't give away the whole story.
First prize: A custom short story!
I'm launching my first ever contest. The first (and only) prize is a customized short story written by me. You will need to work for it though. I'm looking for help with my latest story "Role with It" and I think that you are the one who can help me.
There are three ways to enter the contest.
#1. Suggest a better title. It needs to be a reasonable title that makes sense based on the material.
#2. Suggest a synopsis. A sentence or two that entices a reader to read the story, but doesn't give away the whole story.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Story: Role with it (part 1 of 4)
Role with It (part 1 of 4)
by Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
The cloying smell of cigar smoke assaulted me as I approached the door to the garage. I was going to kick my brother-in-law’s ass. He knew that Wendy didn’t allow smoking in the house, not even the garage. I opened the door. Wendy was showing off one of her power tools to Charlie and Roger. Sure enough, Charlie had a lit cigar. Then I noticed that Roger had one as well. So did Wendy.
I stared at her for nearly a minute. I watched as she lifted the half foot cigar to her mouth and wrapped her ruby lips around it. What an incongruous sight. My petite wife, dressed in a skirt and heels, her heart shaped face framed by her long blonde hair, her diamond wedding ring sparkling on her finger, her short nails painted the same shade of red as her lips, and a big fat cigar in her mouth. It looked so weird.
“What are you doing?” I asked Wendy.
“Sorry, I’ll turn on the fan,” Wendy said, smoke spurting from her mouth.
“Why are you smoking a cigar and in the house, for god’s sake?”
“We’ll smoke outside, okay?” Wendy put the cigar in her mouth, took her belt sander from Roger and set it on her work bench. “You could join us, you know. Charlie has another cigar.”
“I sure hope you’re kidding,” I said.
Wendy flashed me a slight frown as Roger and Charlie burst out laughing. I hit the button on the garage door opener and the door rumbled open.
Wendy stared at me for another moment and then said, “Come on you two. We can finish these on the back deck. I’ll show you the bench I made last week.”
I watched the three of them walk outside and then hit the garage door button again.
“He’s got you on a pretty short leash,” Charlie said as the door descended.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Wendy said. The rest was cut off when the door finished closing.
I walked back into the house, not understanding what I’d just witnessed. Wendy was an ardent non-smoker as was I. Why she’d suddenly take up smoking—cigars of all things—was beyond me. And on top of that she’d offered one to me. Why would she do that?
by Varian Milagro
Copyright © 2015 by Varian Milagro
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
The cloying smell of cigar smoke assaulted me as I approached the door to the garage. I was going to kick my brother-in-law’s ass. He knew that Wendy didn’t allow smoking in the house, not even the garage. I opened the door. Wendy was showing off one of her power tools to Charlie and Roger. Sure enough, Charlie had a lit cigar. Then I noticed that Roger had one as well. So did Wendy.
I stared at her for nearly a minute. I watched as she lifted the half foot cigar to her mouth and wrapped her ruby lips around it. What an incongruous sight. My petite wife, dressed in a skirt and heels, her heart shaped face framed by her long blonde hair, her diamond wedding ring sparkling on her finger, her short nails painted the same shade of red as her lips, and a big fat cigar in her mouth. It looked so weird.
“What are you doing?” I asked Wendy.
“Sorry, I’ll turn on the fan,” Wendy said, smoke spurting from her mouth.
“Why are you smoking a cigar and in the house, for god’s sake?”
“We’ll smoke outside, okay?” Wendy put the cigar in her mouth, took her belt sander from Roger and set it on her work bench. “You could join us, you know. Charlie has another cigar.”
“I sure hope you’re kidding,” I said.
Wendy flashed me a slight frown as Roger and Charlie burst out laughing. I hit the button on the garage door opener and the door rumbled open.
Wendy stared at me for another moment and then said, “Come on you two. We can finish these on the back deck. I’ll show you the bench I made last week.”
I watched the three of them walk outside and then hit the garage door button again.
“He’s got you on a pretty short leash,” Charlie said as the door descended.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Wendy said. The rest was cut off when the door finished closing.
I walked back into the house, not understanding what I’d just witnessed. Wendy was an ardent non-smoker as was I. Why she’d suddenly take up smoking—cigars of all things—was beyond me. And on top of that she’d offered one to me. Why would she do that?
Monday, August 31, 2015
New Cblack comic: The Story of Chip
Cblack has returned with a free comic over at TGComics called, The Story of Chip. This is a spin-off of College Life, a pay comic at TGComics. Femur says that you do not need to read College Life to enjoy The Story of Chip. Still, I would recommend buying College Life because it is a fine comic and well worth the $12.95. As I write this, only part one has been released. The following two parts will be released over the next two weeks.
Update: Part 2 was released on 9/6/2015. The story is heating up and I am eagerly awaiting Part 3!
Update: Part 2 was released on 9/6/2015. The story is heating up and I am eagerly awaiting Part 3!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
House 3
I don't know about you, but I have this tendency to build things up in my mind. The longer I wait for them, the greater my expectations. Quite often I am disappointed because the product, despite being good, can't live up to my over inflated expectations, like "The World's End". Occasionally it surpasses my expectations, like "Mad Max: Fury Road". "House 3" was everything I'd hoped it would be and more.
For one thing, it was a whopping 709 pages, larger than the two previous comics combined. While the first two comics focused on small groups of people transforming mostly at the titular house. This comic has at least ten people changing all around town. If you like the good girl to bad girl theme, this comic is definitely for you. There are a couple transformations that are a little cruel, but the story is all about a demon reaping vengeance for crimes of the past, so it is to be expected.
For one thing, it was a whopping 709 pages, larger than the two previous comics combined. While the first two comics focused on small groups of people transforming mostly at the titular house. This comic has at least ten people changing all around town. If you like the good girl to bad girl theme, this comic is definitely for you. There are a couple transformations that are a little cruel, but the story is all about a demon reaping vengeance for crimes of the past, so it is to be expected.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I'm hitting refresh on five different web sites every couple minutes as I write this. So many comic sequels ready to drop, all of them I'm dying to read. In order of likely release they are:
House 3 by Keshara (update: released 8/25/2015)
Use coupon code: FWD15 to get 15% off your order. FYI, I've been told that coupons come out of Lulu.com's end, not the artists.
I recommended House and House 2 in a post a couple months ago. They are both for sale on Keshara's lulu.com store and well worth the $3 price tag. I think that anyone who likes the Bethany stories will like these comics. If you are unsure, you can read Bare Witness for free and if you like it, you will certainly like the House series. On 8/12/2015 Keshara said that House 3 would be released in a week or two.
The Blossoming part 7 by VIP Captions (update: released 8/22/2015)
VIP Captions has a lot of 3-D comics on his site and they are hit and miss for me. The transformations can get too out of control and outrageous for me. Not always, but sometimes. I do like the current series. It is a seven part series and the first six parts are already out.
House 3 by Keshara (update: released 8/25/2015)
Use coupon code: FWD15 to get 15% off your order. FYI, I've been told that coupons come out of Lulu.com's end, not the artists.
I recommended House and House 2 in a post a couple months ago. They are both for sale on Keshara's lulu.com store and well worth the $3 price tag. I think that anyone who likes the Bethany stories will like these comics. If you are unsure, you can read Bare Witness for free and if you like it, you will certainly like the House series. On 8/12/2015 Keshara said that House 3 would be released in a week or two.
The Blossoming part 7 by VIP Captions (update: released 8/22/2015)
VIP Captions has a lot of 3-D comics on his site and they are hit and miss for me. The transformations can get too out of control and outrageous for me. Not always, but sometimes. I do like the current series. It is a seven part series and the first six parts are already out.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
10 rules for writing first drafts
I found the following image by Demian Farnworth on the iFunny app.
1. Barricade the door. It must be just you, the ink, and the paper.
I find it best to write in a journal. I've tried writing directly into the computer, but I write much slower that way. I find it ironic that I write faster when I, in effect, write every word twice.
1. Barricade the door. It must be just you, the ink, and the paper.
I find it best to write in a journal. I've tried writing directly into the computer, but I write much slower that way. I find it ironic that I write faster when I, in effect, write every word twice.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Story Recommendation: Legal Issues
Today's recommendation is Legal Issues by Lycandope. It is a sweet, romantic, 7-part story about a woman who slowly becomes an AnthroCow. The story is well written and the main character's reactions are believable.
I haven't read all of Lycandope's stories yet, but I have liked all the stories I have read.
Other stories of his I can recommend are; The Labyrinth, a 2-part TG retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur; Supernatural Short Bus, lots of dark changes; and The Lady Wore Red, a 4-part story about a shy woman who becomes a succubus.
I haven't read all of Lycandope's stories yet, but I have liked all the stories I have read.
Other stories of his I can recommend are; The Labyrinth, a 2-part TG retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur; Supernatural Short Bus, lots of dark changes; and The Lady Wore Red, a 4-part story about a shy woman who becomes a succubus.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Comic Recommendation: Stormfies Tumblr page
Stormfries has a Tumblr site packed with his or her TG favorites; comics, sequences, photo captions, videos, single images, stories. A lot of it is x-rated, so be careful where you view it. The entries are tagged, but there isn't much else in the way of navigation tools. As of this post there are 262 pages, each with multiple posts. It's a real grab bag. I clicked on random pages and found comics and artists that I'd never heard of before. I've been searching the internet for TG material since the web started.
Here are a links for a couple of the tags on the site
TG-Caption - 114 pages
TG - 92 pages
Mind Change - 31 pages
TG-Hypnosis - 14 Pages
TG-Forced-Fem - 8 pages
TG-Sequenz - 4 pages
Evil-TG-Caption - 4 pages
TG-Video - 3 pages
TG-transformation - 1 page
Here are a links for a couple of the tags on the site
TG-Caption - 114 pages
TG - 92 pages
Mind Change - 31 pages
TG-Hypnosis - 14 Pages
TG-Forced-Fem - 8 pages
TG-Sequenz - 4 pages
Evil-TG-Caption - 4 pages
TG-Video - 3 pages
TG-transformation - 1 page
Friday, July 10, 2015
Monday, July 6, 2015
Story: Summer Secrets
Summer Secrets
By Varian Milagro
Chapter 1
It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I’d be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in high school when school started up again in the fall. I should’ve have been as excited as everyone around me, but I wasn’t. I was not looking forward to summer vacation.
I’d gotten into a lot of trouble recently and now I had to spend the summer glued to “a responsible family member”. Since it was just mom and me, and my mom worked, it meant that I would have to stay with her at her job. While everyone else was going to the beach or hanging with their friends I’d be stuck at a beauty salon with nothing to do five days a week for the next three months. I’d never been a big fan of school, but right now I was wishing that I could skip summer vacation this year and just go straight to high school.
I looked up at the clock; it was two minutes to noon. The last day of school was only a half day and in the past I had wondered why they made us come in at all. Today I was glad for the half day; it meant four fewer hours at the salon. I was pulled from my thoughts when the final bell of the school year rang and a cheer erupted throughout the school. Everyone in the class raced out the door, but not me. I stood, grabbed my Pee-Chee off my desk, and dragged myself out of the classroom. As I exited the building and walked to where my mom was picking me up, I couldn’t help thinking that this was going to be a very bad summer.
By Varian Milagro
Chapter 1
It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I’d be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in high school when school started up again in the fall. I should’ve have been as excited as everyone around me, but I wasn’t. I was not looking forward to summer vacation.
I’d gotten into a lot of trouble recently and now I had to spend the summer glued to “a responsible family member”. Since it was just mom and me, and my mom worked, it meant that I would have to stay with her at her job. While everyone else was going to the beach or hanging with their friends I’d be stuck at a beauty salon with nothing to do five days a week for the next three months. I’d never been a big fan of school, but right now I was wishing that I could skip summer vacation this year and just go straight to high school.
I looked up at the clock; it was two minutes to noon. The last day of school was only a half day and in the past I had wondered why they made us come in at all. Today I was glad for the half day; it meant four fewer hours at the salon. I was pulled from my thoughts when the final bell of the school year rang and a cheer erupted throughout the school. Everyone in the class raced out the door, but not me. I stood, grabbed my Pee-Chee off my desk, and dragged myself out of the classroom. As I exited the building and walked to where my mom was picking me up, I couldn’t help thinking that this was going to be a very bad summer.
Comic Recommendation: PerfectU
PerfectU is a blog style 3D comic by Dynamoob, who has a lot of great 3-d art on his DeviantArt page.. A plain Jane type starts taking pills to increase her attractiveness. It's 60 daily pills. There is a post for every day the girl is taking the pills. It is BE, Bimbo slow transformation. Great art. Reminds me of Avaro56, who I will be recommending next.
Other good comics by Dynamoob are: Travel Buddies (Bimbo, BE), Cheap Motel (TG), A Jewel on 34th St, (TG)
Other good comics by Dynamoob are: Travel Buddies (Bimbo, BE), Cheap Motel (TG), A Jewel on 34th St, (TG)
Friday, June 26, 2015
Comic Recommendation: The Office Memo
The Office Memo is a ten chapter 3D comic by Sturkwurk and commissioned by Detrix.
The Office Memo is about an office full of women who have to do anything that is written in a special font on office memos. The dress code at the office gets quite scandalous and coworkers quite intimate.
Sturkwurk is a fantastic 3D artist. If you are unaware of his art, check out his DeviantArt page and Tumblr.
You probably have to have a Hypnopics Collective account in order to follow the link. It is free. On the forum post I linked to is a link to a PDF of the entire comic. Sorry that I don't have a direct link to the comic. Since the commissioner sent people to the forum to find the link I thought I should honor his wishes. It took me quite a bit of searching to find the exact forum post with the link to the comic.
The Office Memo is about an office full of women who have to do anything that is written in a special font on office memos. The dress code at the office gets quite scandalous and coworkers quite intimate.
Sturkwurk is a fantastic 3D artist. If you are unaware of his art, check out his DeviantArt page and Tumblr.
You probably have to have a Hypnopics Collective account in order to follow the link. It is free. On the forum post I linked to is a link to a PDF of the entire comic. Sorry that I don't have a direct link to the comic. Since the commissioner sent people to the forum to find the link I thought I should honor his wishes. It took me quite a bit of searching to find the exact forum post with the link to the comic.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Story Recommendation: Crimson
I haven't read all of Crimson by Quixerotc1 yet, but from what I've read so far is full of both male and female transformations into human animal hybrids. There are 22 parts so far and the latest was posted just a couple months ago.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Story Recommendation: Corrupting Amber
Corrupting Amber by GuyintheTV is an eight part story on Literotica about a guy how turns his girlfriend into a Bad Girl. He gets her to change her look and take up smoking among other things.
Story: Welcome to the Club
Welcome to the Club
By Varian Milagro
I sat up on my Cervelo R3 as I coasted into the cul-de-sac where I lived with my significant other, Avril. I sucked electrolyte infused water from my Polar high-performance water bottle while I checked my stats on my Garmin Forerunner. Heart rate was 160 beats per minute and my average speed a brisk 21 miles per hour which wasn’t bad considering that included traffic lights on my 22 mile commute from work. I turned into my driveway and nearly cursed. My neighbor, Angus “Tank” Hillman was working on his motorcycle again.
Avril was going to flip. As usual Angus had his garage door open and his 1980s rock music blaring. He claimed that he needed the door open to ventilate the garage and needed the music to concentrate. Avril preferred new age music; rock music grated on her nerves. I didn’t mind the music, but I wished that Angus would at least wear clothes that fit. The site of his ass crack was enough to put me off my dinner.
I dismounted from my bike and crept to the front door, avoiding the garage, fearing that its sound would alert Angus to my presence.
“Howdy, neighbor,” said Angus in his deep gruff voice. “How goes the war?”
“Hello, Angus.” I leaned my bicycle against my house and walked over to the property line. “How are you on this fine spring day?”
“Another day above ground so I can’t complain.”
“Are you working on a new bike?” I asked, looking into his garage. The previous motorcycle had been blue and this one was black. “That doesn’t look like the one you were working on last week.”
“You got a good eye, chief. Yeah, I finished up the Fat Boy and now I’m working on a 1994 Sportster 883.”
While Angus rambled about the history of Harley Davidson, how great their bikes were and the heydays of the great biker gangs, I wondered what I’d done in a previous life to deserve a neighbor like him. It must have been pretty horrendous.
By Varian Milagro
I sat up on my Cervelo R3 as I coasted into the cul-de-sac where I lived with my significant other, Avril. I sucked electrolyte infused water from my Polar high-performance water bottle while I checked my stats on my Garmin Forerunner. Heart rate was 160 beats per minute and my average speed a brisk 21 miles per hour which wasn’t bad considering that included traffic lights on my 22 mile commute from work. I turned into my driveway and nearly cursed. My neighbor, Angus “Tank” Hillman was working on his motorcycle again.
Avril was going to flip. As usual Angus had his garage door open and his 1980s rock music blaring. He claimed that he needed the door open to ventilate the garage and needed the music to concentrate. Avril preferred new age music; rock music grated on her nerves. I didn’t mind the music, but I wished that Angus would at least wear clothes that fit. The site of his ass crack was enough to put me off my dinner.
I dismounted from my bike and crept to the front door, avoiding the garage, fearing that its sound would alert Angus to my presence.
“Howdy, neighbor,” said Angus in his deep gruff voice. “How goes the war?”
“Hello, Angus.” I leaned my bicycle against my house and walked over to the property line. “How are you on this fine spring day?”
“Another day above ground so I can’t complain.”
“Are you working on a new bike?” I asked, looking into his garage. The previous motorcycle had been blue and this one was black. “That doesn’t look like the one you were working on last week.”
“You got a good eye, chief. Yeah, I finished up the Fat Boy and now I’m working on a 1994 Sportster 883.”
While Angus rambled about the history of Harley Davidson, how great their bikes were and the heydays of the great biker gangs, I wondered what I’d done in a previous life to deserve a neighbor like him. It must have been pretty horrendous.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Stories in the works - 6/17/2015
June has been a much more productive month than May. I've put 35,000 words into three stories so far. I hit a snag on two of the stories last week, but I've worked out what went wrong and they are moving forward again.
Here are the stories I have in the works as of today. The titles are my place holders, not the real titles.
Actively writing
"new dad"
First draft of this story is nearly finished. Yay!
I hit a wall with this story about halfway through it. I no longer liked where it was headed. It took me a few days, but I finally realized what was bugging me about it. I made some changes and am excited about it again.
I got stuck on this one too, but I am back on track. One thing I like about writing a couple stories at once is if I get stuck on one or two of them I can keep writing on the third. Wife gets involved with the wrong meetup group and starts getting very in tune with nature. Hubby will most likely share some adventures in the woods with his wife.
I haven't written much on this one yet. Once I'm finished with rough draft of "new dad" I'll pick up the pace on this one.
The writer STILL wishes that he were putting more effort into this story.
I'm finally revising this story. Yay! I hope to have it done before month's end.
Nealy finished with this one. I am happy with the story and its ending. Just need to double check for stupid errors.
Revision Queue
Second draft completed on 5/9/2015
I've made myself some notes on this story and there are a few areas I think need some tweaking. I will revise and post this one once "Heather" is finished.
"Ghost 2"
First draft completed 5/31/2015
On Hold
This story is a magical TG story and is around 60k words. It will be an illustrated story that I will post on tgcomics.com website once completed. If has gone through a couple drafts and needs at least one more. I guestimate this one being completed (and hopefully posted) near the start of summer, which would be one year from its first draft.
This is a magical TG story and is on hold at the moment. I have changed my mind about the direction of this story so many times. I think it may head into a "haunting, possession" type story at the moment.
The title of this story is "Summer Secrets" and it was entered into the "Summer Getaway" story contest at The Big Closet on 5/21/2015. The results of the contest will be posted tomorrow, 6/1/2015. The story is 70,000 words long and has gotten some nice reviews so far. The contest results have been postponed for the time being. The wait is killing me.
Cross dressing romance that takes place in the 70s
Strong ideas for future stories
Man becomes stranded on an island with others and becomes pregnant. Possibly a Great Shift story
Man takes over the life of his teen daughter who died years earlier in car accident
four women take part in a new game show called "Life Swap", similar to "Wife Swap", but a tad more immersive.
Here are the stories I have in the works as of today. The titles are my place holders, not the real titles.
Actively writing
"new dad"
First draft of this story is nearly finished. Yay!
Son curses step-dad and soon he, his step-dad, his girlfriend and his mother are all changing physically and mentally.
I hit a wall with this story about halfway through it. I no longer liked where it was headed. It took me a few days, but I finally realized what was bugging me about it. I made some changes and am excited about it again.
five friends piss off the wrong person while on a rafting trip. MtF, AR, and tf
I got stuck on this one too, but I am back on track. One thing I like about writing a couple stories at once is if I get stuck on one or two of them I can keep writing on the third. Wife gets involved with the wrong meetup group and starts getting very in tune with nature. Hubby will most likely share some adventures in the woods with his wife.
I haven't written much on this one yet. Once I'm finished with rough draft of "new dad" I'll pick up the pace on this one.
Family of three Mom, Dad and adopted 16-year-old son share a
birthday and get a birthday candle at Spells R Us. Many, many wishes in
this story. Lots of reality warping. AR, MtF
The writer STILL wishes that he were putting more effort into this story.
Story that is being written by my alter ego
I'm finally revising this story. Yay! I hope to have it done before month's end.
Third story in the Bethany series. It is a magical
good girl to bad girl story with both mental and physical
transformations, and most likely, serial corruption.
Nealy finished with this one. I am happy with the story and its ending. Just need to double check for stupid errors.
Magical, MtM & FtF, biker,
serial corruption, smoking story. This is the start of a "universe" which will feature
physical transformations. A vegan pacifist is given a box of cigars by
his biker neighbor. Guess where it goes.
Revision Queue
Second draft completed on 5/9/2015
I've made myself some notes on this story and there are a few areas I think need some tweaking. I will revise and post this one once "Heather" is finished.
Magical TG with MtF and FtM. Husband
and wife start taking on each others characteristics.
"Ghost 2"
First draft completed 5/31/2015
This is a poor name, even for a
place holder. It reflects the genesis for the idea, but not the story
itself. In a nutshell it is a story that starts off as The Birth of
Bethany, except that Elizabeth's boyfriend, Paul, encounters the strange
being. It goes off in its own direction from there. (Ghost was my
working title for The Birth of Bethany)
On Hold
This story is a magical TG story and is around 60k words. It will be an illustrated story that I will post on tgcomics.com website once completed. If has gone through a couple drafts and needs at least one more. I guestimate this one being completed (and hopefully posted) near the start of summer, which would be one year from its first draft.
This is a magical TG story and is on hold at the moment. I have changed my mind about the direction of this story so many times. I think it may head into a "haunting, possession" type story at the moment.
The title of this story is "Summer Secrets" and it was entered into the "Summer Getaway" story contest at The Big Closet on 5/21/2015. The results of the contest will be posted tomorrow, 6/1/2015. The story is 70,000 words long and has gotten some nice reviews so far. The contest results have been postponed for the time being. The wait is killing me.
Cross dressing romance that takes place in the 70s
Strong ideas for future stories
Man becomes stranded on an island with others and becomes pregnant. Possibly a Great Shift story
Man takes over the life of his teen daughter who died years earlier in car accident
four women take part in a new game show called "Life Swap", similar to "Wife Swap", but a tad more immersive.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Writing Resource links
Below are links I find helpful. Hopefully you will find them useful as well.
Words to describe colors
This site has a description of the color and then its name. Sometimes it easier just to Google the color name, but this page has come in handy from time to time.
Describing Words
This webpage has a lists of descriptive words grouped by different subjects like boys, girls, Christmas, etc...)
32 Ways to Improve Your Writing
Great list of things to do to improve your writing. #26 I find is very important and I don't do it nearly enough.
Slick Write
A website that proofreads your work, automagically.
Words to describe colors
This site has a description of the color and then its name. Sometimes it easier just to Google the color name, but this page has come in handy from time to time.
Describing Words
This webpage has a lists of descriptive words grouped by different subjects like boys, girls, Christmas, etc...)
32 Ways to Improve Your Writing
Great list of things to do to improve your writing. #26 I find is very important and I don't do it nearly enough.
Slick Write
A website that proofreads your work, automagically.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Comic Recommendation: Bare Witness by Keshara
"Bare Witness" is a free 3D comic by Keshara Narme. It features a gradual mental transformation of a bible thumping mother and daughter into a pair of women that will do anything to get the attention of male sinners. Very Hot. The comic is based on the Kris P. Kreme and Mrs. Peel story "What Jehovah Didn't Witness"
If you like "Bare Witness" I'd suggest spending three dollars on "House" which is for sale for $3.00 at lulu.com. It has a similar theme. but with a mother, two daughters and a father. The mental transformations are quicker and includes physical transformations. I bought "House 2" shortly after reading "House".
Update: "House 2" is just as wicked as "House". I'm buying "Cherry Pie Chronicles: Neighborhood" next. I'll keep you posted.
If you like "Bare Witness" I'd suggest spending three dollars on "House" which is for sale for $3.00 at lulu.com. It has a similar theme. but with a mother, two daughters and a father. The mental transformations are quicker and includes physical transformations. I bought "House 2" shortly after reading "House".
Update: "House 2" is just as wicked as "House". I'm buying "Cherry Pie Chronicles: Neighborhood" next. I'll keep you posted.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Stories in the Works - 5/31/2015
May wasn't as productive as I'd hoped it would be. I had a lot of fun with family and friends and even visited Mickey in southern CA, but my writing took a hit. I averaged nearly 1,000 words a day for the whole month, but I averaged 2500 words a day for the first ten days and then a pitiful 5000 words over the final three weeks (and half of that was done today, 5/31). I'm hoping that June will be more productive.
Here are the stories I have in the works as of today. The titles are my place holders, not the real titles.
Actively writing
I don't know how I came up with this as the working title. It doesn't really fit. Family of three Mom, Dad and adopted 16-year-old son share a birthday and get a birthday candle at Spells R Us. Many, many wishes in this story. Lots of reality warping. I almost wrote this story instead of "Just Pretending". I'm glad I didn't. I love "Just Pretending" and it probably wouldn't have been written if I'd been struggling through this one instead. AR, MtF
Another crappy working title. Wife gets involved with the wrong meetup group and starts getting very in tune with nature. Hubby will most likely share some adventures in the woods with his wife.
Here are the stories I have in the works as of today. The titles are my place holders, not the real titles.
Actively writing
I don't know how I came up with this as the working title. It doesn't really fit. Family of three Mom, Dad and adopted 16-year-old son share a birthday and get a birthday candle at Spells R Us. Many, many wishes in this story. Lots of reality warping. I almost wrote this story instead of "Just Pretending". I'm glad I didn't. I love "Just Pretending" and it probably wouldn't have been written if I'd been struggling through this one instead. AR, MtF
Another crappy working title. Wife gets involved with the wrong meetup group and starts getting very in tune with nature. Hubby will most likely share some adventures in the woods with his wife.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Summer Secrets finally posted!
I finally finished my novel, Summer Secrets. I entered it into the Summer 2015: Summer Vacation Getaway! story contest at BigCloset. I'll post it on this blog once the contest is finished.
I want to thank Gandar for his post on the FictionMania forum back on 2/8/2014. It is what inspired me to write the story. His post was in response to another and, unfortunately, I did not write down that person's name. Here is what Gandar wrote:
"You have good taste. I keep waiting for someone to write a 60's or 70's style story where a woman who owns a salon has a hippie-type son in that age group (13-18) who won't cut his long hair for a summer job and ends up keeping his long hair, but forced to work as a shampoo girl working for his mom in a skirted uniform and finds he loves it."
After reading the post I remembered that I'd worked in a salon as a teenager in the 1970s. I didn't wash hair or crossdress, but I did sweep up and clean the break room for a couple of weeks.
I started writing the story on 2/11/2014 and wrote the bulk of the it over the next five weeks. It was 56,000 words long at that point. I knew that it was seriously flawed, but I had no idea how to fix it. I was very frustrated. I shelved the story and wrote another story.
In late July I decided to take another crack at the story. I found that taking the long break is exactly what the story needed. I was able to fix a lot of the problems that had been bothering me on the first draft. The story grew to 67,000 words and I now liked it. I decided to shelve it again. I could tell that it still needed work and hoped that another break would be help again.
As the months passed my desire to tackle another draft plummeted. I knew that a third revision would likely take weeks and I did not want to dedicate that much time to it. I had too many other stories I wanted to write.
In April I noticed that the BigCloset was holding a contest that fit my story perfectly. I finally started revising on May 7th. Amid a myriad of distractions I was able to finish the story to my satisfaction and I posted it on 5/21/2015, a little over 15 months after I started it.
I want to thank Gandar for his post on the FictionMania forum back on 2/8/2014. It is what inspired me to write the story. His post was in response to another and, unfortunately, I did not write down that person's name. Here is what Gandar wrote:
"You have good taste. I keep waiting for someone to write a 60's or 70's style story where a woman who owns a salon has a hippie-type son in that age group (13-18) who won't cut his long hair for a summer job and ends up keeping his long hair, but forced to work as a shampoo girl working for his mom in a skirted uniform and finds he loves it."
After reading the post I remembered that I'd worked in a salon as a teenager in the 1970s. I didn't wash hair or crossdress, but I did sweep up and clean the break room for a couple of weeks.
I started writing the story on 2/11/2014 and wrote the bulk of the it over the next five weeks. It was 56,000 words long at that point. I knew that it was seriously flawed, but I had no idea how to fix it. I was very frustrated. I shelved the story and wrote another story.
In late July I decided to take another crack at the story. I found that taking the long break is exactly what the story needed. I was able to fix a lot of the problems that had been bothering me on the first draft. The story grew to 67,000 words and I now liked it. I decided to shelve it again. I could tell that it still needed work and hoped that another break would be help again.
As the months passed my desire to tackle another draft plummeted. I knew that a third revision would likely take weeks and I did not want to dedicate that much time to it. I had too many other stories I wanted to write.
In April I noticed that the BigCloset was holding a contest that fit my story perfectly. I finally started revising on May 7th. Amid a myriad of distractions I was able to finish the story to my satisfaction and I posted it on 5/21/2015, a little over 15 months after I started it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Story Recommendation: Descent
Today I am recommending Decent by Tabico.
If you like corruption stories, where the good become bad, then this story is probably for you. Tabico is a great writer and it is quite evident in this story. In a scant 3806 words Tabico sets up a universe, introduces his characters and describes an amazingly hot mental and physical transformation.
Tabico has more than 50 stories for free on the EMC Story Archive. A few other stories that stand out in my mind are, Arachnae, or The Icky-Squicky Spider, Bitch, Fey, The Loosing of the Dark and Whose Dreams
If you like corruption stories, where the good become bad, then this story is probably for you. Tabico is a great writer and it is quite evident in this story. In a scant 3806 words Tabico sets up a universe, introduces his characters and describes an amazingly hot mental and physical transformation.
Tabico has more than 50 stories for free on the EMC Story Archive. A few other stories that stand out in my mind are, Arachnae, or The Icky-Squicky Spider, Bitch, Fey, The Loosing of the Dark and Whose Dreams
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Story: Wishes
By Varian Milagro
“For my next wish I want to know how to make my wife happy. Whenever I ask her she always says ‘if you truly knew me, you wouldn’t have to ask.’ Well, that’s what I want. I wish I truly knew her.”
“As you command, master,” the immense, smoky male figure intoned.
A colorful wave shot from his fingers and slammed into my chest. It coursed through my body, shrinking me in stature while enlarging my chest, hips and buttocks. The hair on my head flowed over my shoulders as the rest my hair retreated. I looked at my reflection in the lamp’s polished surface. I looked exactly like my wife.
“This isn’t what I wanted,” I protested just as the magic hit my brain and I then knew what my wife wanted.
She wanted to be adored, to be cherished. She wanted to be wooed like in the days before her wedding. Was it too much to ask for the occasional, unsolicited “I love you”? Would it kill him if he complimented my looks once in a while? God, what I’d do just to have him give me half the attention he gave his precious sports teams. What did he see in them anyway?
“I know what I want for my next wish,” I said.
By Varian Milagro
“For my next wish I want to know how to make my wife happy. Whenever I ask her she always says ‘if you truly knew me, you wouldn’t have to ask.’ Well, that’s what I want. I wish I truly knew her.”
“As you command, master,” the immense, smoky male figure intoned.
A colorful wave shot from his fingers and slammed into my chest. It coursed through my body, shrinking me in stature while enlarging my chest, hips and buttocks. The hair on my head flowed over my shoulders as the rest my hair retreated. I looked at my reflection in the lamp’s polished surface. I looked exactly like my wife.
“This isn’t what I wanted,” I protested just as the magic hit my brain and I then knew what my wife wanted.
She wanted to be adored, to be cherished. She wanted to be wooed like in the days before her wedding. Was it too much to ask for the occasional, unsolicited “I love you”? Would it kill him if he complimented my looks once in a while? God, what I’d do just to have him give me half the attention he gave his precious sports teams. What did he see in them anyway?
“I know what I want for my next wish,” I said.
Stories in the works - 5/3/2015
Actively writing
I finished the first draft and am halfway through the second.
Magical TG with MtF and FtM. Husband and wife start taking on each others characteristics.
First draft should be done before 5/5/2015.
Magical, MtM & FtF, biker, smoking story. This is the start of a "universe" which will feature physical transformations. A vegan pacifist is given a box of cigars by his biker neighbor. Guess where it goes.
"Ghost 2"
First draft should be completed by 5/7/2015
This is a poor name, even for a place holder. It reflects the genesis for the idea, but not the story itself. In a nutshell it is a story that starts off as The Birth of Bethany, except that Elizabeth's boyfriend, Paul, encounters the strange being. It goes off in its own direction from there. (Ghost was my working title for The Birth of Bethany)
The writer wishes that he were putting more effort into this story.
Story that is being written by my alter ego
On Hold
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Welcome to my links page!
H3N Comics
3D comics featuring the good guys going bad. Shinra-Kun is an excellent artist and if you like the corruption theme his art is a must see. He has four different comics out currently. Fallen Star is an epic tale of a battle between heaven and hell. There are 8 parts currently. The art looks a little rough in the first couple parts, but Shinra's skill improved quickly. You can find links to all the comics on the right side of the main page.
Emma Finn's Dark Tales of Transformation
Emma is a fine author that specializes in F2F and F2M stories, both of which are in short supply. She also writes M2F and M2M stories.
VIP Captions
I am not a big fan of captioned images. Not sure why, just never got into them. As a result I almost skipped past this blog because of the title. While it does have lots of captions it also has a lot of 3D comics. You should check it out if you like TG comics.
Transformania Time
Online multi-player game chock full of transformation. You start as a inexperienced spell caster and as you explore the town of Sunnyglade you find spells, gain experience, and transform others into animals, bimbos, inanimate objects and more.
There is also a single player game, called that features slow, bit by bit, male to female transformation. You play mini games to determine if you or the computer opponent has part of them feminized.
Transformation Repository (TF & TG art)
This is a great site with all sorts of transformation images, sequences and comics by a wide variety of artists. It is run by Thrandrall and it was a commission of his that got me started commissioning comics myself.
Doc's Lab (TF stories)
Great site with lots of stories that feature human to animal transformations. The site was offline for many months, but is back from the dead with a new interface. I can't recommend every story, but there are some keepers on the site.
My DeviantArt Page
Everything on my Deviant art site is also on this blog, but I have to have a link to it in my links page. Don't I?
(more to come)
Commission Me
I am accepting commissions!
Do you have a story idea, but do not have the time or inclination to write it yourself? If you have the cash I'll write it for you.
Price starts at a nickel a word for short stories. The per word price drops as word count goes up.
Let me know your idea and we can work out a price.
You are welcome to be as detailed or as vague in your story description as you like. I love to do transformation stories (physical and/or mental), but I'll write what you want.
Shoot me an email and we can discuss your idea, price and terms.
Do you have a story idea, but do not have the time or inclination to write it yourself? If you have the cash I'll write it for you.
Price starts at a nickel a word for short stories. The per word price drops as word count goes up.
Let me know your idea and we can work out a price.
You are welcome to be as detailed or as vague in your story description as you like. I love to do transformation stories (physical and/or mental), but I'll write what you want.
Shoot me an email and we can discuss your idea, price and terms.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Comics I've created with Daz3d
School Balance
The Portal
The Leaf
The Fable of the Fisherman and His Wife
The Plan
Comics I have commissioned
Sunday in the Park with Peri
SRU In Appreciation
A Walk in the Park
Teleporter Mishap
Monday, April 27, 2015
Comic: Sunday in the Park with Peri - Part 1 of 10
Sunday in the Park with Peri
This was my second collaboration with Chiara. I love her watercolors! This was originally posted on tgcomics.com. It was originally conceived as a 12 page, multi-panel comic. I tried to post it that way here, but the font was too small. It is available in the multi-panel format on my deviant art page, varianm.deviantart.com.
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I will keep this page updated with Story and Comic recommendations.
Motel 6 by Solone (TF, Mental Transformation, Physical Transformation, Beautiful art)
Solone has beautiful, 3D TF art. Check it out!.
Fangs (Vampires, Serial Corruption, Mental Transformation, Physical Transformation)
3-D comic with lots of women becoming sexy vampires.
Sturkwurk's comics (Lots of TG & Mental Transformations)
Links to a lot of Sturkwurk's free art, including WTF2
House 3 (Mental Transformation, Corruption, Start Smoking, AP, women to cougars, lots more)
3-D comic with lots of women being transformed in mind and body from church going zealots to sex obsessed harlots. House and House 2 are also highly recommended.
Anticipation post
This is a list of five, yet to be released, 3-D comics that I am excited about. Update: Two out of the five have been released.
Stormfries Tumblr page (TG Mostly)
Large variety of reposted TG in a multitude of mediums.
PerfectU (Bimbo, BE)
3-D slow bimbo transformation comic. Great art by Dynamoob.
The Office Memo (Mind Control, to bisexual, great 3D art)
An office full of beautiful women get new orders through office memos and start acting and dressing very provocative.
Bare Witness (Mental Transformation, pious woman to slut, pious young woman to hick, Start Smoking)
What happens when an ancient god like being's hospitality is taken for granted by another god like being? For a mother and daughter team of worshipers of the god like being guilty of that small misdemeanor are going to find out.
Rosaline's Present (TG, MtF, AR, Magical Transformation, Mental Transformation)
A guy is given a bra as a present from his girlfriend's sister. He quickly joins the family.
Welcome to the Club Again (Smoking, Good Boy to Biker, Good Girl to Biker)
A new version of my story, Welcome to the Club, but from Avril's perspective. Written by Tamara Vincent.
A Perfect Fit (TG, Mental Transformation, Magic Transformation, Revenge)
Engrossing, well written story about revenge and its consequences.
Legal Issues(TF, AnthroCow, lactation, romantic)
A woman visits a farm and finds herself changing.
Crimson (f2f, males and females to various animal hybrids)
A stranger gives Amanda a potion that makes her beautiful. It also changes her fluids so that they change others into lusty animal hybrids.
Corrupting Amber (Corruption, Good Girl to Bad Girl, Start Smoking)
Guy sets out to turn his girlfriend into a bad girl
Decent by Tabico (Corruption, mental transformation, slight physical transformation)
After a great battle, an angel like being scans the battlefield, looking for surviving dark creatures.
SRU: Second Hand Smoke by Debi (TG, MtF, Magical Transformation, Start Smoking)
A man has sex with a woman who is smoking magical cigarettes. He takes a puff of her cigarette and soon is soon joining in her habit and gender.
Paint it Black by Jukebox (FtF, mental transformation, to goth, to lesbian)
Rich, snobby, socialite co-ed is face painted by a goth lesbian and soon to be lover.
A Regretful Wish by RL_Dogwood (tf, girl to puppy, mental transformation)
A teen girl makes an off hand wish for her dog's carefree life. Slow mental change followed by a physical change.
Motel 6 by Solone (TF, Mental Transformation, Physical Transformation, Beautiful art)
Solone has beautiful, 3D TF art. Check it out!.
Fangs (Vampires, Serial Corruption, Mental Transformation, Physical Transformation)
3-D comic with lots of women becoming sexy vampires.
Sturkwurk's comics (Lots of TG & Mental Transformations)
Links to a lot of Sturkwurk's free art, including WTF2
House 3 (Mental Transformation, Corruption, Start Smoking, AP, women to cougars, lots more)
3-D comic with lots of women being transformed in mind and body from church going zealots to sex obsessed harlots. House and House 2 are also highly recommended.
Anticipation post
This is a list of five, yet to be released, 3-D comics that I am excited about. Update: Two out of the five have been released.
Stormfries Tumblr page (TG Mostly)
Large variety of reposted TG in a multitude of mediums.
PerfectU (Bimbo, BE)
3-D slow bimbo transformation comic. Great art by Dynamoob.
The Office Memo (Mind Control, to bisexual, great 3D art)
An office full of beautiful women get new orders through office memos and start acting and dressing very provocative.
Bare Witness (Mental Transformation, pious woman to slut, pious young woman to hick, Start Smoking)
What happens when an ancient god like being's hospitality is taken for granted by another god like being? For a mother and daughter team of worshipers of the god like being guilty of that small misdemeanor are going to find out.
Rosaline's Present (TG, MtF, AR, Magical Transformation, Mental Transformation)
A guy is given a bra as a present from his girlfriend's sister. He quickly joins the family.
Welcome to the Club Again (Smoking, Good Boy to Biker, Good Girl to Biker)
A new version of my story, Welcome to the Club, but from Avril's perspective. Written by Tamara Vincent.
A Perfect Fit (TG, Mental Transformation, Magic Transformation, Revenge)
Engrossing, well written story about revenge and its consequences.
Legal Issues(TF, AnthroCow, lactation, romantic)
A woman visits a farm and finds herself changing.
Crimson (f2f, males and females to various animal hybrids)
A stranger gives Amanda a potion that makes her beautiful. It also changes her fluids so that they change others into lusty animal hybrids.
Corrupting Amber (Corruption, Good Girl to Bad Girl, Start Smoking)
Guy sets out to turn his girlfriend into a bad girl
Decent by Tabico (Corruption, mental transformation, slight physical transformation)
After a great battle, an angel like being scans the battlefield, looking for surviving dark creatures.
SRU: Second Hand Smoke by Debi (TG, MtF, Magical Transformation, Start Smoking)
A man has sex with a woman who is smoking magical cigarettes. He takes a puff of her cigarette and soon is soon joining in her habit and gender.
Paint it Black by Jukebox (FtF, mental transformation, to goth, to lesbian)
Rich, snobby, socialite co-ed is face painted by a goth lesbian and soon to be lover.
A Regretful Wish by RL_Dogwood (tf, girl to puppy, mental transformation)
A teen girl makes an off hand wish for her dog's carefree life. Slow mental change followed by a physical change.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Comic recomendation - Rosaline's Present by Glockens
Today I am recommending a comic by Rosaline's Present by Glockens
I love Glockens' art work in general, but I particularly love this comic, particularly how the transformee still has much of his old memories, but is mentally the new person. I love that mix and Glockens has done a wonderful job here.
Other Glockens comics that I like a lot:
Lucky Cookies
Going into the Business
Daycare for Girls
Haunted Forest
Wand Miss-use
Matrix Even More Reloaded
I love Glockens' art work in general, but I particularly love this comic, particularly how the transformee still has much of his old memories, but is mentally the new person. I love that mix and Glockens has done a wonderful job here.
Other Glockens comics that I like a lot:
Lucky Cookies
Going into the Business
Daycare for Girls
Haunted Forest
Wand Miss-use
Matrix Even More Reloaded
Comic: SRU: In Appreciation - Part 1 of 6
SRU: In Appreciation - The Comic
SRU: In Appreciation - The Comic is based on a short story by Ellie
Dauber. I contacted the author and was graciously allowed to adapt the story. This is my first collaboration with the artist Chiara. In case you are wondering what purpose a writer has in a wordless comic, Chiara has never read Ellie's story. Here is a link to the original story: SRU: In Appreciation
Part 1
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